Java Basic Tutorial - Regular Expressions

Regular Expression

Regular expressions are templates for matching strings. Regular expressions are not limited to a particular language, but differ slightly in each language.
The main objects used are:
java.util.regex.Pattern: Compiled representation of regular expressions
java.util.regex.Matcher: Depending on the Patterns object as a matching Pattern, the string is checked for matching

import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
public class Test01 regular expression {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Pattern: Compiled representation of regular expressions
        Pattern p = Pattern.compile("((13\\d))\\d{8}");// Match the cell phone number at the beginning of 13 ( d: number)
        // Matcher: Depending on the Pattern object as the matching Pattern, the string is checked for matching.
        Matcher m = p.matcher("13200000001,1500000001,13900000002");
        while (m.find()) {
            System.out.print("  Starting position:" + m.start());
            System.out.println("    End position:" + m.end());

Operation results:

13200000001 Start Position: 0 End Position: 11
 13900000002 Start Position: 23 End Position: 34

More Grammar

import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
public class Test02 Various expressions {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("------Predefined characters (wildcards)------");
        test matching("12abAB One or two $_*#Match any character.
        test matching("12abAB One or two $_*#", \d," (digit) matching number 0-9 ";
        test matching("12abAB One or two $_*#", \D, matching non-numeric";
        test matching("12abAB One or two $_*#"\w," (word) matches word characters, including 0-9, English letters, underscores ";
        test matching("12abAB One or two $_*#",\W," "matching non-word characters"";
        test matching("12[   ]ab\rAB\n One or two\t$_*#", \s," (space) matching blank characters ";
        test matching("12[   ]ab\rAB\n One or two\t$_*#",\S," "matching non-blank characters";
        System.out.println("------Boundary matcher------");
        test matching("never end", "er\\b", "\\b: Matching a word boundary, the position of the word and space");
        test matching("is a verb", "er\\B", "\\B: Matching non-word boundaries");
        test matching("This is", "^(This)", "^Match the beginning");
        test matching("The End.", "(End\\.)$", "$Match End(.It's a predefined character. It needs to be escaped.)");
        System.out.println("------[Use of middle brackets]------");
        test matching("andy,bob,cat,dog", "[abc]", "character set,Match one of the characters");
        test matching("00,01,1a,2c,3e,5f,6g", "[a-f]", "character in range,Matches any character in the specified range");
        test matching("00,01,1a,2c,3e,5f,6g", "[^a-f]", "Reverse range character,Matches any character outside the specified range");
        test matching("12abAB One or two $_*#"[_ 4E00- 9FA5]", matching Chinese ";
        System.out.println("------AND OR------");
        test matching("0123456789", "[1-9&&[^8]]", "&&: And, at the same time, satisfy");
        test matching("0123456789", "[1-7,9]", "comma");
        test matching("food,zood,wood", "(z|f)ood", "|: or");
        test matching("z_zo_zoo", "zo+", "One or more matches");
        test matching("z_zo_zoo", "zo{1,}", "+ Equivalent to {1,}");
        test matching("z_zo_zoo", "zo*", "Zero or multiple matches");
        test matching("z_zo_zoo", "zo{0,}", "* Equivalent to {0,}");
        test matching("z_zo_zoo", "zo?", "Zero or one match (multiple matches, no matter)");
        test matching("z_zo_zoo", "zo{0,1}", "? Equivalent to {0,1}");
    static void test matching(String s, String sRegex, String msg) {
        // Pattern: Compiled representation of regular expressions
        Pattern p = Pattern.compile(sRegex);
        // Matcher: Depending on the Pattern object as the matching Pattern, the string is checked for matching.
        Matcher m = p.matcher(s);
        System.out.print("[" + sRegex + "]" + msg + ": ");
        while (m.find()) {
            System.out.print( + ",");

Operation results:

------- Predefined characters (wildcards)-------------.
Match any character: 1,2,a,b,A,B, 1, 2, $,, *, #,
[d igit] matching numbers 0-9:1,2,
[D] Matching non-numerals: a,b,A,B, one, two, $,, *, ___,
[w] (word) matches word characters, including 0-9, English letters, underscores: 1,2,a,b,A,B,,
[W] Matches non-word characters: one, two, $, *, #,
[s] (space) matches blank characters:,,
,   ,
[S] Matches non-blank characters: 1,2,[,],a,b,A,B, 1, 2, $,,*, _,
The boundary matcher
 [er b] b: Matches a word boundary, that is, the position of the word and space: er,
[er B] B: Matching non-word boundaries: er,
[This] ^ Match the beginning: This,
[End.)$] Matches the end (. is a predefined character that needs to be escaped): End.
-- - [Use of brackets] - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[a B c]] Character set, matching one of the characters: a,b,b,c,a,
[a-f]] Character range, matching any character in the specified range: a,c,e,f,
[^a-f]] Reverse range character, matching any character beyond the specified range: 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, g,
[1-Er]] Matching Chinese: 1, 2,
------AND OR------
[1-9 & & & [^ 8] &: and, at the same time, satisfy: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9,
[1-7,9]: commas 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9,
[z|f)ood] |: or: food,zood,
 [zo+] One or more matches: zo,zoo,
[zo{1,}] + is equivalent to {1,}: zo,zoo,
Zero or multiple matches: z,zo,zoo,
[zo{0,}]* is equivalent to {0,}: z,zo,zoo,
[zo?] Zero or one match (multiple matches, no matter): z,zo,zo,
[zo{0,1}]? Equivalent to {0,1}: z,zo,zo,

Common Verification: Mobile Phone Number, Identity Card Number, Mail Box

package ahjava.p04util.regular_Exp;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
public class Test03 Common efficacy {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String[] sArray = null;
        String sRegEx = null;
        System.out.println("------Mobile phone number validity------");
        // Mobile number segments: 139, 138, 137, 136, 135, 134, 150, 151, 152, 157, 158, 159, 182, 183, 187, 188, 147
        // Unicom Number Section: 130, 131, 132, 136, 185, 186, 145
        // Electric Segment: 133, 153, 180, 189
        sArray = new String[] { "13200000001", "15400000002", "13300000003" };
        sRegEx = "^(13[0-9]|14[579]|15[0-3,5-9]|16[6]|17[0135678]|18[0-9]|19[89])\\d{8}$";
        validate(sArray, sRegEx);
        System.out.println("------Identity card validity------");
        sArray = new String[] { "42002719991231000X", "42002719991231A", "420027199912313",
                "42002719991231004" };
        sRegEx = "(^\\d{15}$)|(^\\d{17}(\\d|X|x)$)";
        validate(sArray, sRegEx);
        System.out.println("------Mailbox validity------");
        sArray = new String[] { "", "", "cat@hotmail.99" };
        sRegEx = "^\\w+@\\w+.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}(.[a-zA-Z]{2,3})?$";
        validate(sArray, sRegEx);
    static void validate(String[] sArray, String sRegEx) {
        Pattern _pattern = Pattern.compile(sRegEx);
        Matcher matcher = null;
        for (String s : sArray) {
            if (matcher == null) {
                matcher = _pattern.matcher(s);
            } else {
            String result = s + (matcher.matches() ? "\t effective" : "\t invalid");

Operation results:

Mobile phone number effect
 13200000001 Effective
 15400000002 is invalid
 13300000003 effective
 The validity of identity card
 42002719991231000X Effective
 42002719991231A is invalid
 420027199912313 is effective
 42002719991231004 is invalid
 Mailbox validity is valid is valid
 cat@hotmail.99 is invalid

Keywords: PHP Java Mobile

Added by cashflowtips on Fri, 12 Jul 2019 22:36:31 +0300