2. Use iterators to traverse the collection
List interface and implementation class
2.List interface implementation class
Set interface and implementation class
Map interface and implementation class
Concept of set
Object, which defines common methods for operating multiple objects. The function of array can be realized.
Difference between and array:
The array length is fixed and the collection length is not fixed
Arrays can store basic types and reference types, and collections can only store reference types.
Collection interface
1.Collection parent interface
Features: it represents a group of objects of any type. It is unordered, subscript free and cannot be repeated
boolean add(Object obj): add an object
boolean addAll(Collection c): adds all objects in a collection to this collection
void Clear(): clear all objects in this collection
boolean contains(Object o): check whether there are o objects in this collection
boolean equals(Object o): compares whether this collection is equal to the specified object
boolean isEmpty(): judge whether this collection is empty
boolean remove(Object o): removes o objects from this collection
int size(): returns the number of elements in the collection
Object [] toArray(): convert this collection to an array
import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; public class Demo01 { //Use of Collection interface //1. Add elements //2. Delete element //3. Traverse elements //4. Judgment public static void main(String[] args) { //Create collection Collection conllection=new ArrayList(); //Add element conllection.add("apple"); conllection.add("orange"); conllection.add("banana"); System.out.println("Number of elements"+conllection.size()); System.out.println(conllection); //Delete element conllection.remove("apple"); System.out.println(conllection); //Traversal element [key] //Use enhanced for to traverse the collection (enhanced for does not require subscripts) for(Object obj:conllection){ System.out.println(obj); } //Use iterators (methods designed to iterate over or traverse collections) Iterator it=conllection.iterator(); while(it.hasNext()){ String object=(String); System.out.println(object); //The collection deletion method cannot be used, and a concurrency error will be reported //it.remove(); } System.out.println(conllection.size()); //judge System.out.println(conllection.contains("apple")); System.out.println(conllection.isEmpty()); } } /* Output results: Number of elements 3 [apple, orange, banana] [orange, banana] orange banana orange banana 2 false false */
2. Use iterators to traverse the collection
Iterator has three methods for traversing collections
hasNext(): determines whether there is a next element
next(): get the next element
remove(): deletes the current element
import javax.swing.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; public class Demo02 { public static void main(String[] args) { //Create a new Collection object Collection collection=new ArrayList(); Student stu1=new Student("tom",21); Student stu2=new Student("jerry",17); Student stu3=new Student("young",20); //1 add student data collection.add(stu1); collection.add(stu2); collection.add(stu3); collection.add(stu3); System.out.println(collection.toString()); //2 delete collection.remove(stu2); System.out.println(collection.toString()); //3 traversal //1 enhanced for for(Object obj:collection){ Student s=(Student)obj; System.out.println(s.toString()); } //2 iterator Iterator it=collection.iterator(); while(it.hasNext()){ Student s2=(Student); System.out.println(s2.toString()); } } } /* Output results: [Student[name=tom,age=21], Student[name=jerry,age=17], Student[name=young,age=20], Student[name=young,age=20]] [Student[name=tom,age=21], Student[name=young,age=20], Student[name=young,age=20]] Student[name=tom,age=21] Student[name=young,age=20] Student[name=young,age=20] Student[name=tom,age=21] Student[name=young,age=20] Student[name=young,age=20] */
List interface and implementation class
Features: orderly, subscript, elements can be repeated.
void add(int index,Object o): inserts object o at the index position
boolean addAll(int index,Collection c): add all elements in a collection to the index position in the collection
Object get(int index): returns the element at the specified position in the collection
List subList(int fromIndex,int tIndex): returns the elements between fromIndex and toIndex.
import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; public class Demo03 { //Use of List self interface public static void main(String[] args) { List list=new ArrayList<>(); //1. Add collection elements list.add("apple"); list.add("huawei"); list.add("oppo"); list.add("oppo"); list.add("oppo"); System.out.println(list.size()); System.out.println(list.toString()); //2. Delete list.remove("oppo"); list.remove(1); System.out.println(list.toString()); //3. Key points //3.1 for traversal for(int i=0;i<list.size();i++){ System.out.println(list.get(i)); } //3.2 enhanced for for(Object obj:list){ System.out.println(obj); } //3.3 iterators Iterator it=list.iterator(); while(it.hasNext()){ System.out.println(; } //3.4 using list iterators ListIterator lit=list.listIterator(); while(lit.hasNext()){ //From front to back System.out.println(lit.nextIndex()); System.out.println(; } //Traverse from back to front while(lit.hasPrevious()){ System.out.println(lit.previousIndex()); System.out.println(lit.previous()); } //4 judgment System.out.println(list.contains("oppo")); System.out.println(list.isEmpty()); //5 get location System.out.println(list.indexOf("apple")); } } /* Output results: 5 [apple, huawei, oppo, oppo, oppo] [apple, oppo, oppo] apple oppo oppo apple oppo oppo apple oppo oppo 0 apple 1 oppo 2 oppo 2 oppo 1 oppo 0 apple true false 0 */
1. List iterator
The list iterator can traverse forward and backward in any direction.
You can also add, delete, and modify elements.
import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class Demo04 { public static void main(String[] args) { List list=new ArrayList(); //1. The collection cannot save numeric types. When adding numeric types, an operation will be performed automatically to automatically pack list.add(10); list.add(20); list.add(30); list.add(40); list.add(50); System.out.println(list.toString()); //2. Delete list.remove(new Integer(20)); System.out.println(list.toString()); //3 supplementary method sublist, including head and tail List sublist=list.subList(0,2); System.out.println(sublist.toString()); } } /* Output results: [10, 20, 30, 40, 50] [10, 30, 40, 50] [10, 30] */
2.List interface implementation class
ArrayList [key]
Array structure implementation, fast query, slow addition and deletion;
JDK1.2 version has fast operation efficiency and unsafe thread;
import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.ListIterator; public class Demo05 { public static void main(String[] args) { ArrayList al=new ArrayList(); //1. Add elements Student s1=new Student("a",10); Student s2=new Student("b",20); Student s3=new Student("c",30); al.add(s1); al.add(s2); al.add(s3); System.out.println(al.size()); System.out.println(al.toString()); //2. Delete element al.remove(new Student("a",10));//Override the equals method System.out.println(al.size()); //3. Traverse elements [ key ] //3.1 iterators Iterator it=al.iterator(); while(it.hasNext()){ Student s=(Student); System.out.println(s.toString()); } //3.2 list iterators ListIterator lit=al.listIterator(); while(lit.hasNext()){ Student s=(Student); System.out.println(s.toString()); } while (lit.hasPrevious()){ Student s=(Student)lit.previous(); System.out.println(s.toString()); } //4. Judgment System.out.println(al.contains(new Student("b",20))); System.out.println(al.isEmpty()); //5. Find System.out.println(al.indexOf(new Student("b",20))); } } /* Output results: 3 [Student[name=a,age=10], Student[name=b,age=20], Student[name=c,age=30]] 2 Student[name=b,age=20] Student[name=c,age=30] Student[name=b,age=20] Student[name=c,age=30] Student[name=c,age=30] Student[name=b,age=20] true false 0 -1 */
Array structure implementation, fast query, slow addition and deletion;
JDK1.0 version, slow running efficiency and thread safety
import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Vector; public class Demo06 { public static void main(String[] args) { //Create collection Vector vec = new Vector(); vec.add("strawberry"); vec.add("Apple"); vec.add("Banana"); System.out.println(vec.size()); //ergodic //enumerator Enumeration en=vec.elements(); while(en.hasMoreElements()){ Object obj=en.nextElement(); System.out.println(obj); } //judge System.out.println(vec.contains("watermelon")); //Other methods } } /* Output results: 3 strawberry Apple Banana false */
Linked list structure implementation, fast addition and deletion, slow query.
import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; public class Demo07 { public static void main(String[] args) { //create object LinkedList ll=new LinkedList(); Student s1=new Student("a",10); Student s2=new Student("b",20); Student s3=new Student("c",30); Student s4=new Student("c",30); //add to ll.add(s1); ll.add(s2); ll.add(s3); System.out.println(ll.size()); System.out.println(ll.toString()); //delete ll.remove(new Student("a",10)); System.out.println(ll.size()); //ergodic //for for(int i=0;i<ll.size();i++){ System.out.println(ll.get(i)); } //Enhanced for for(Object o:ll){ Student stu = (Student) o; System.out.println(stu); } //iterator Iterator it=ll.iterator(); while(it.hasNext()){ Student s= (Student); System.out.println(s.toString()); } //judge //obtain System.out.println(ll.indexOf(s2)); } } /* Output results: 3 [Student[name=a,age=10], Student[name=b,age=20], Student[name=c,age=30]] 2 Student[name=b,age=20] Student[name=c,age=30] Student[name=b,age=20] Student[name=c,age=30] Student[name=b,age=20] Student[name=c,age=30] 0 */
Generics and utility classes
Java generics is a new feature introduced in JDK 1.5. Its essence is parameterized types, which are passed as parameters.
Common forms include generic classes, generic interfaces, and generic methods.
Syntax: < T,... > t is called a type placeholder, and a table is a reference type.
Improve code reusability
Prevent type conversion exceptions and improve code security
⚠️ be careful
Generic types can only be reference types.
Objects of different generic types cannot copy each other.
1. Generic class
//Create a generic class //Generic class public class MyGeneric<T> { //Use generic T //1.0 creating variables T t; //2.0 as a parameter of the method public void show(T t){ System.out.println(t); } //Generic as return value of method public T getT(){ return t; } } public class Demo08 { public static void main(String[] args) { //Creating objects using generic classes MyGeneric<String> mg=new MyGeneric<>(); mg.t="hello";"Hello"); String s=mg.getT(); System.out.println(s.toString()); MyGeneric<Integer> mg2=new MyGeneric<>(); mg2.t=20;; } } /* Output results: Hello hello 30 */
2. Generic interface
1. Create a generic interface first
//generic interface public interface MyInterface<T> { String name="Zhang San"; public T server(T t); }
2. Create an interface implementation class
The generic type can be determined in the implementation class
public class MyInterfaceImp implements MyInterface<String> { @Override public String server(String s) { System.out.println(s); return s; } }
You can also continue to create a generic class without being sure
public class MyInterfaceImp2<T> implements MyInterface<T> { @Override public T server(T t) { System.out.println(t); return t; } }
In the final implementation class, create objects with two types respectively, and find their differences
public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { MyInterfaceImp imp1=new MyInterfaceImp(); imp1.server("xxxxxx"); MyInterfaceImp2<String> imp2= new MyInterfaceImp2<>(); imp2.server("aaaaaa"); } } /* Output results: xxxxxx aaaaaa */
3. Generic methods
public class MyGenericMethod { //generic method public <T> T show(T t){ System.out.println("generic method "+t); return t; } } public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { MyGenericMethod mm=new MyGenericMethod();"Go China");;; } } /* Output results: Generic method China refueling Generic method 200 Generic method 3.14 */
4. Generic collection
Concept: parameterized type and type safe collection, and the types of collection elements must be consistent.
You can check at compile time, not the exception thrown at run time.
Type conversion (unpacking) is not necessary when accessing.
References between different generics cannot be converted to each other, and there is no polymorphism in generics.
public class Demo09 { public static void main(String[] args) { ArrayList<String> al=new ArrayList<>(); al.add("xxx"); al.add("yyy"); // al.add(10); //al.add(20); for(String o:al){ System.out.println(o); } ArrayList<Student> al2=new ArrayList<>(); Student s1=new Student("a",1); Student s2=new Student("b",2); Student s3=new Student("c",3); al2.add(new Student("c",4)); al2.add(s1); al2.add(s2); al2.add(s3); Iterator<Student> it= al2.iterator(); while(it.hasNext()){ Student; System.out.println(s.toString()); } } } /* Output results: xxx yyy Student[name=c,age=4] Student[name=a,age=1] Student[name=b,age=2] Student[name=c,age=3] */
Set interface and implementation class
Features: disorder, no subscript, and elements cannot be repeated.
Methods: all inherit from the Collection interface
import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Set; public class Demo01 { public static void main(String[] args) { Set<String> set=new HashSet<>(); //1. Add data set.add("Apple"); set.add("Huawei"); set.add("millet"); System.out.println("Number of data"+set.size()); System.out.println(set.toString()); //2. Delete //set.remove("Xiaomi"); //3. Key points //1. Enhance for for(String str:set){ System.out.println(str); } //2. Iterator traversal Iterator<String> it=set.iterator(); while(it.hasNext()){ System.out.println(; } //4. Judgment System.out.println(set.contains("Huawei")); System.out.println(set.isEmpty()); } } /* Output results: Number of data 3 [Apple, Huawei, Xiaomi] Apple Huawei millet Apple Huawei millet true false */
Implement element non repetition based on HashCode
When the hash codes of the stored elements are the same, equals will be called for confirmation. If it is true, the latter will be rejected.
import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; public class Demo02 { public static void main(String[] args) { //Demonstrates the use of hashset sets //Hash table (array + linked list) HashSet<String> hs=new HashSet<>(); hs.add("Lau Andy"); hs.add("Chao Wei Liang"); hs.add("Zhi Ying Lin"); hs.add("Zhou Runfa"); //hs.add("Chow Yun Fat"); System.out.println(hs.size()); System.out.println(hs.toString()); hs.remove("Lau Andy"); System.out.println(hs.toString()); for(String str:hs){ System.out.println(str); } Iterator<String> it=hs.iterator(); while(it.hasNext()){ System.out.println(; } System.out.println(hs.contains("Guo Fucheng")); System.out.println(hs.isEmpty()); } } /* Output results: 4 [Liang Chaowei, Lin Zhiying, Zhou Runfa, Andy Lau] [Liang Chaowei, Lin Zhiying, Zhou Runfa] Chao Wei Liang Zhi Ying Lin Zhou Runfa Chao Wei Liang Zhi Ying Lin Zhou Runfa false false */
import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; public class Demo03 { public static void main(String[] args) { HashSet<Person> hs=new HashSet<>(); Person p1=new Person("Lau Andy",20); Person p2=new Person("Li Muyang",30); Person p3=new Person("Zhou Runfa",40); Person p4=new Person("Wang Qian",50); hs.add(p1); hs.add(p2); hs.add(p3); hs.add(p4); System.out.println(hs.size()); System.out.println(hs.toString()); hs.add(new Person("Wang Qian",50));//Override hashcode and equals methods hs.remove(p1); System.out.println(hs.toString()); for(Person per:hs){ System.out.println(per); } Iterator<Person> it=hs.iterator(); while(it.hasNext()){ System.out.println(; } System.out.println(hs.contains(p1)); } } /* 4 [Student[name=Zhou Runfa, age=40], Student[name = Andy Lau, age=20], Student[name = Wang Qian, age=50], Student[name = Li Muyang, age=30]] [Student[name=Zhou Runfa, age=40], Student[name = Wang Qian, age=50], Student[name = Li Muyang, age=30]] Student[name=Zhou Runfa, age=40] Student[name=Wang Qian, age=50] Student[name=Li Muyang, age=30] Student[name=Zhou Runfa, age=40] Student[name=Wang Qian, age=50] Student[name=Li Muyang, age=30] false */
⚠️ To avoid adding duplicate elements, the equals method and hashcode method need to be overridden in the Person class
@Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; Person person = (Person) o; return age == person.age && Objects.equals(name,; } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash(name, age); }
Based on the arrangement order, the elements are not repeated.
The SortedSet interface is implemented to automatically sort the set elements.
The type of the element object must implement the Comparable interface to specify the collation.
Determine whether it is a duplicate element through the CompareTo method.
import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.TreeSet; public class Demo04 { public static void main(String[] args) { //Use of treeset TreeSet<String> ts = new TreeSet<>(); //Add element ts.add("good"); ts.add("bonjour"); ts.add("hello"); ts.add("hi"); System.out.println("Number of elements" + ts.size()); System.out.println(ts.toString()); //Add duplicate elements ts.add("hi"); System.out.println(ts.size());//fail //delete ts.remove("hi"); System.out.println(ts.toString()); //ergodic for (String str : ts) { System.out.println(str); } Iterator<String> it=ts.iterator(); while(it.hasNext()){ System.out.println(; } } } /* Output results: Number of elements 4 [bonjour, good, hello, hi] 4 [bonjour, good, hello] bonjour good hello bonjour good hello */
import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.TreeSet; public class Demo05 { public static void main(String[] args) { TreeSet<Person> ts=new TreeSet<>(); Person p1=new Person("Li Muyang",21); Person p2=new Person("Wang Qian",23); Person p3=new Person("Li xinwen",19); Person p4=new Person("eldest brother",20); Person p5=new Person("eldest brother",20); //add to ts.add(p1); ts.add(p2); ts.add(p3); ts.add(p4); System.out.println("Number of people"+ts.size()); System.out.println(ts.toString()); ts.remove(new Person("eldest brother",20)); System.out.println(ts.size()); //ergodic for(Person per:ts){ System.out.println(per); } Iterator<Person> it=ts.iterator(); while(it.hasNext()){ System.out.println(; } } } /* Output results: Number 4 [Student[name=Big brother, age=20], Student[name = Li Muyang, age=21], Student[name = Li Xinwen, age=19], Student[name = Wang Qian, age=23]] 3 Student[name=Li Muyang, age=21] Student[name=Li Xinwen, age=19] Student[name=Wang Qian, age=23] Student[name=Li Muyang, age=21] Student[name=Li Xinwen, age=19] Student[name=Wang Qian, age=23] */
⚠️: The Comparable interface needs to be implemented
Therefore, you must implement the interface and override the CompareTo method in the Person class
@Override public int compareTo(Object o) { Person p=(Person) o; int n1=this.getName().compareTo(p.getName()); int n2=this.age-p.getAge(); return n1==0?n2:n1; }
3.Comparator interface
Comparable: comparable
Comparator: implement custom comparison (comparator)
import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.TreeSet; public class Demo06 { public static void main(String[] args) { TreeSet<Person> ts=new TreeSet<>(new Comparator<Person>() { @Override public int compare(Person o1, Person o2) { int n1=o1.getAge()-o2.getAge(); int n2=o1.getName().compareTo(o2.getName()); return n1==0?n2:n1; } }); Person p1=new Person("Li Muyang",21); Person p2=new Person("Wang Qian",23); Person p3=new Person("Li xinwen",19); Person p4=new Person("eldest brother",20); Person p5=new Person("eldest brother",20); ts.add(p1); ts.add(p2); ts.add(p3); ts.add(p4); ts.add(p5); System.out.println(ts.size()); System.out.println(ts.toString()); } } /* Output results: 4 [Student[name=Li Xinwen, age=19], Student[name = big brother, age=20], Student[name = Li Muyang, age=21], Student[name = Wang Qian, age=23]] */
Case (customized by length comparison)
import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.TreeSet; public class Demo07 { public static void main(String[] args) { TreeSet<String> ts=new TreeSet<>(new Comparator<String>() { @Override public int compare(String o1, String o2) { int n1=o1.length()-o2.length(); int n2=o2.compareTo(o2); return n1==0?n2:n1; } }); ts.add("helloworld"); ts.add("iphone"); ts.add("beijing"); ts.add("tomcat"); ts.add("xian"); ts.add("changsha"); ts.add("wuxi"); for(String str:ts){ System.out.println(str); } } } /* Output results: xian iphone beijing changsha helloworld */
Map interface and implementation class
Used to store any key value pair
Key: unordered, no subscript, no repetition (unique)
Value: unordered, no subscript, duplicate allowed
1.Map parent interface
Features: store a pair of data (key value), unordered, no subscript, the key can not be repeated, and the value can be repeated.
V put(K key,V value) / / store the object in the collection and associate the key value. If the key is repeated, the original value will be overwritten.
Object get(Object key) / / obtain the corresponding value according to the key.
Set < k > / / returns all key s.
Collection < V > values() / / returns a collection containing all values.
Set < map. Entry < k.v > > / / set with matching key value.
import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; public class Demo01 { public static void main(String[] args) { Map<String,String> map=new HashMap<>(); //Add element map.put("cn","China"); map.put("uk","britain"); map.put("usa","U.S.A"); System.out.println(map.size()); System.out.println(map.toString()); //Delete element map.remove("usa"); System.out.println(map.size()); //Traversal element //1:keySet() Set<String> ks=map.keySet(); for(String str:ks){ System.out.println(str+"="+map.get(str)); } //2. Use entryset() Set<Map.Entry<String,String>> mn=map.entrySet(); for(Map.Entry<String,String> entry:mn){ System.out.println(entry.getKey()+entry.getValue()); } } } /* Output results: 3 {usa=USA, uk = uk, cn = China} 2 uk=britain cn=China uk britain cn China */
In JDK1.2, the thread is unsafe and the operation efficiency is fast. null is allowed as key or value.
Hashtable:JDK1.0, thread safe and slow running efficiency; null is not allowed as key or value
package jihe3; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; HashMap Use of; Storage structure: (array)+Linked list+Red black tree) public class Demo02 { public static void main(String[] args) { //Create collection HashMap<Student,String> student=new HashMap<>(); //Add element Student s1=new Student(100,"Sun WuKong"); Student s2=new Student(1200,"Sha Wujing"); Student s3=new Student(1300,"Zhu Bajie"); student.put(s1,"Beijing"); student.put(s2,"Shanghai"); student.put(s3,"Nanjing"); student.put(s3,"Guangzhou"); student.put(new Student(1300,"Zhu Bajie"),"Guangzhou");//Override hashcode and equals methods System.out.println("Number of elements"+student.size()); System.out.println(student.toString()); //delete student.remove(s1); System.out.println("After deletion"+student.size()); //3.1 enhanced for traversal for(Student stu:student.keySet()){ System.out.println(stu.toString()+"========"+student.get(stu)); } //3.2entrySet() for(Map.Entry<Student,String> entry:student.entrySet()){ System.out.println(entry.getKey()+"======="+entry.getValue()); } //judge System.out.println(student.containsKey(s1)); System.out.println(student.containsValue("Nanjing")); } } /* Output results: Number of elements 3 {Student{age=100, name='Monkey King '} = Beijing, Student{age=1300, name =' zhubajie '} = Guangzhou, Student{age=1200, name =' shawujing '} = Shanghai} After deletion 2 Student{age=1300, name='Zhu Bajie '} ========== Guangzhou Student{age=1200, name='Shawujing '} ========== Shanghai Student{age=1300, name='Zhu Bajie '} ========= Guangzhou Student{age=1200, name='Shawujing '} ========= Shanghai false false */
SortedMap interface (a sub interface of Map) is implemented to automatically sort key s.
package jihe3; import OOP.Demo17.Stu; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; public class Demo03 { public static void main(String[] args) { TreeMap<Student,String> tm=new TreeMap<>(); Student s1=new Student(100,"Sun WuKong"); Student s2=new Student(1200,"Sha Wujing"); Student s3=new Student(1300,"Zhu Bajie"); tm.put(s1,"Beijing"); tm.put(s2,"Shanghai"); tm.put(s3,"Shenzhen"); tm.put(new Student(1300,"Zhu Bajie"),"Shenzhen"); System.out.println(tm.size()); System.out.println(tm.toString()); for(Student key:tm.keySet()){ System.out.println(key+"========"+tm.get(key)); } for (Map.Entry<Student,String> entry:tm.entrySet()){ System.out.println(entry.getKey()+"======="+entry.getValue()); } } } /* Output results: 3 {Student{age=100, name='Monkey King '} = Beijing, Student{age=1200, name =' shawujing '} = Shanghai, Student{age=1300, name =' zhubajie '} = Shenzhen} Student{age=100, name='Monkey King '} =========== Beijing Student{age=1200, name='Shawujing '} ========== Shanghai Student{age=1300, name='Zhu Bajie '} ========== Shenzhen Student{age=100, name='Monkey King '} ========= Beijing Student{age=1200, name='Shawujing '} ========= Shanghai Student{age=1300, name='Zhu Bajie '} ========= Shenzhen */
4.Collections tool class
Concept: collection tool class, which defines common collection methods other than access
Public static void reverse (list <? > list) / / reverse the order of elements in the collection
Public static void shuffle (list <? > list) / / randomly reset the order of elements
public static void sort()List<?> List / / sort in ascending order (elements must implement the Comparable interface)
package jihe3; import java.util.*; public class Demo04 { public static void main(String[] args) { List<Integer> list=new ArrayList<>(); list.add(20); list.add(30); list.add(40); list.add(50); list.add(60); //Sort sort System.out.println("Before sorting"+list.toString()); Collections.sort(list); System.out.println("After sorting"+list.toString()); //binarySearch query int i=Collections.binarySearch(list,50); System.out.println(i); //Copy copy List<Integer> list2=new ArrayList<>(); for (int j=0;j<list.size();j++){ list2.add(0); } Collections.copy(list2,list); System.out.println(list2.toString()); //Reverse reverse Collections.reverse(list); System.out.println("After reversal"+list.toString()); //shuffle Collections.shuffle(list); System.out.println("After disruption"+list.toString()); //Add, list is converted to array Integer[] arr=list.toArray(new Integer[0]); System.out.println(arr.length); System.out.println(Arrays.toString(arr)); //Convert array to collection String[] name={"Zhang San","Li Si","Wang Wu"}; List<String> list3=Arrays.asList(name);//Collection is a restricted collection and cannot be added or deleted //When a basic type is converted to a collection, it is written as a wrapper class System.out.println(list3.toString()); } } /* Output results: Top [20, 30, 40, 50, 60] After sorting [20, 30, 40, 50, 60] 3 [20, 30, 40, 50, 60] After reversal [60, 50, 40, 30, 20] After disruption [30, 40, 20, 50, 60] 5 [30, 40, 20, 50, 60] [Zhang San, Li Si, Wang Wu] */