java, golang, python generics, exceptions, decorators and other examples

java generic

  • The following program will not find errors during compilation, but errors will occur at run time

    java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to java.lang.String
    List array_list = new ArrayList();
    for (int i = 0; i < array_list.size(); i++) {
      String item = (String)array_list.get(i);
      Log.d("Generic testing", "item=" + item)
  • We want the program to find this error in the compilation phase, and the program can be rewritten as

    List<String> array_list = new ArrayList<String>();
    for (int i = 0; i < array_list.size(); i++) {
      String item = (String)array_list.get(i);
      Log.d("Generic testing", "item=" + item)

In this way, the above program will find errors in the compilation phase to avoid bug s.

  • Properties of generics

    List<String> string_array_list = new ArrayList<String>();
    List<Integer> integer_array_list = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    Class class_string_array_list = string_array_list.getClass();
    Calss class_integer_array_list = integer_array_list.getClass(); 
    if (class_string_array_list.equals(class_integer_array_list)) {
      Log.d("Generic testing", "The output result is the same type")

Generic types are logically considered to be many different types, in fact, they are all the same basic types.

There are three ways to use generics: generic class, generic interface and generic method

  • Generic class
# A general generic class

//Here T can be written as any identifier. Common parameters such as T, E, K, V are often used to represent generics
//When instantiating a generic class, you must specify the concrete type of T

public class Generic<T> {
  //The type of the member variable key is t, and the type of T is specified externally  
  private T key;

   //The type of generic constructor parameter key is also t, and the type of T is specified externally
  public Generic(T key) {
    this.key = key;

  //The return value type of the generic method getKey is t, and the type of T is specified externally
  public T getKey() {
    return this.key;

// Instantiate the above class

// integer
Generic<Integer> generic_integer = new Generic<Integer>(12345);
Log.d("Generic testing", "key is " + generic_integer.getKey());

// character
Generic<String> generic_string = new Generic<String>("hello");
Log.d("Generic testing", "key is " + generic_string.getKey());

Generic generic = new Generic("111111");
Generic generic1 = new Generic(4444);
Generic generic2 = new Generic(55.55);
Generic generic3 = new Generic(false);

Log.d("Generic testing","key is " + generic.getKey());
Log.d("Generic testing","key is " + generic1.getKey());
Log.d("Generic testing","key is " + generic2.getKey());
Log.d("Generic testing","key is " + generic3.getKey());

D/Generic testing: key is 111111
D/Generic testing: key is 4444
D/Generic testing: key is 55.55
D/Generic testing: key is false

  • generic interface

# Define a generic interface
public interface Generator<T> {
  public T next();

 * When a generic argument is not passed in, it is the same as the definition of a generic class. When declaring a class, you need to add the declaration of the generic to the class
 * That is: class fruit generator < T > implements generator < T >{
 * If you do not declare generics, such as: class fruit generator implements generator < T >, the compiler will report an error: "Unknown class"
class FruitGenerator<T> implements Generator<T>{
    public T next() {
        return null;

public class FruitGenerator implements Generator<String> {
  private String[] fruits = new String[]{"apple", "banana", "pear"};

  public String next() {
    Random random = new Random();
    return fruits[random.nextInt(3)];

  • Generic wildcard

Keywords: Java

Added by kykin on Sun, 22 Dec 2019 20:19:57 +0200