Java Learns Operators from Start to Tomb (Updating)

1. operator

Basic concepts of 1.1 operators

int num = 10+5;
  • = And + are operators
  • The contents of left and right variables of operators are called operands. One operand on both sides of an operator is called a single unit or two units: binocular or binary operators.
  • 10 + 5 is called an expression, and there is an operation at the end.
  • int num=10+5; a statement; the end is called a statement

Classification of 1.2 Operators

  • Arithmetic Operator + - */%+ -
  • Relational Operator > < >= <=!==== instanceOf
  • Logical Operator & |!^&&||
  • Assignment operator=
  • Extension operator += - = *=%= > >= <= ^=!=
  • Bit Operator & | ^ > > < > > > > > > > >
  • Conditional operator:?
operator operation Example Result
+ Plus sign +3 3
- Minus sign b=4; -b -4
+ plus 5+5 10
- reduce 6-4
* ride 3*4
/ except 5/5
% Mould (Remainder) 7%5
++ Self-increasing (before): First calculate, then take value a=2;b=++a a=3;b=3
++ Self-increment (after) first takes value and then calculates a=2;b=a++ a=3;b=2
Auto-subtraction (before): First calculate and then take value a=2;b=–a a=1;b=1
Self-subtracting (after): First take value, then calculate a=2;b=a– a=1;b=2
+ String connection "He"+"llo" "Hello"

1.2.1 assignment operator

= Store the results on the right of the assignment operator to the variables on the left

int num = 10;
  • Operating from right to left

1.2.2 arithmetic operator

+ number

public class Operator01{
	public static void main(String[] args){
		int num = +5;
		num = 5+3;
		//Connection symbol

Matters needing attention

  • Positive sign, written before value
  • The addition operation guarantees that the left and right sides of + are a specific value.
  • Connector, +has an operand on both sides of the string type, at this time + is a connector, its operation rules will be around the operand as a string, and then splicing (the result of splicing or string).

- No.

public class Operator01{
	public static void main(String[] args){
		int num = -5;
		num = 5-4;
  • % /%
public class Operator02{
	public static void main(String[] args){
		int num = 3*3;
		num = num/3;
		num = num%2;//3%2

+ + and -

  • ++ and --- are both monocular operators
  • Linkages and Differences between + + and -
    • contact
      • ++ operators are self-increasing on the original basis
      • Operators are self-decreasing on the original basis
      • When + + and --- are separate statements, ++ and --- are monotonic operators, but there is no difference between the former and the latter, they are both self-increasing 1 and self-decreasing 1.
    • Distinguish (when not a single statement)
      • Num++=> num++ Finally, there is a result that num itself has a result; the value of num++ expression and num are related to the value of num++ expression= the value of num.
      • + + num is not a single statement, add before, add first and then calculate.
      • When num++ is not a single statement, add it, first calculate it and then add it.
      • num is not a single statement: subtract first, subtract first and then operate.
      • num --- When not a single statement, add it, operate it first and then reduce it.
public class Operator03{
		public static void main(String[] args){
		int num = 10;
		//Using + + Self-Increasing Operator--Self-Decreasing Operator
		//Let num reassign 10
		num = 10;
		//Assign num to a new variable result after self-increment or self-decrement
		int result = ++num;
		//Print out num and result values
		int k = 5;
		int j = 6;
		result = k++ + ++k -k++ + j-- - ++j + j-- + ++k;

1.2.3 Extended Operator

Essentially, it's a combination of arithmetic operators and bit operators plus assignment operators. += - = /= etc.

operator operation Example Result
== Equal 4==3 false
!= Not equal to 4!=3 true
< less than 4<3 false
> greater than 4>3 true
<= Less than or equal to 4<=3 false
>= Greater than or equal to 4>=3 true
instanceOf Detecting whether it is an object of a class "Hello" instanceof String true
public class Operator04{
	public static void main(String[] args){
		// Calculate the sum of the scores of two students
		int zhangScore = 44;
		int liScore = 33;
		int sum = 0;
		sum = sum+ zhangScore;//sum +=zhangScore;// sum = sum+ zhangScore;
		sum = sum+ liScore;//um +=liScore;//sum /= zhangScore;
		int num = 1000;
		byte n = 0;
		n += num;

Analysis of Advantages and Disadvantages of Extended Operators

  • Advantage
    • Increased compilation speed
    • Increased writing speed
    • Automatic forced type conversion
  • shortcoming
    • Not conducive to reading

1.2.4 relational operator

public class Operator05{
	public static void main(String[] args){
		boolean flag = 4>10;
		flag = 4!=5;
		flag = 1*31+22>33;
		// Error in Operator Type of Binary Operator'>'
		int num = 1+true;

Matters needing attention:

  • The final result is a boolean type of value true and false
  • !===== You can compare both basic data types and reference data types.
  • < > >= <== Only basic data types can be compared.

1.2.5 Logic Operator

a b a&b a | b a || b !a a^b
true true true true true false false
true false false false true false true
false true false false true true true
false false false false false true false
  • Logical operators are used to connect Boolean expressions. They can not be written as 3 < x < 63 < x < 63 < x < 63 < x < 6, but should be written as x > 3 & x < 6 in Java.
  • The Difference between "Harmony" and "Harmony"
    • Single-time, the left side of the operation regardless of true or false right;
    • If the left side is true, the right side is involved in the operation, and if the left side is false, the right side is not involved in the operation.
  • The difference between'|','|'and'|' is the same,'|'means that when the left side is true, the right side does not participate in the operation.
  • The difference between XOR (^) and OR (|) is that when both sides are true, the result is false.

Keywords: less Java

Added by Arl8 on Thu, 26 Sep 2019 14:51:05 +0300