Java network communication

Java network communication

  • Because the data link layer programming and communication are closely related to the device, the network layer programming is closely related to the operating system. Java network programming starts from the transport layer and is divided into high-level network programming (based on the application layer) and low-level network programming (based on the transport layer) according to the level of programming protocol.
  • Use high-level network programming based on URL and low-level network programming based on transport layer.

Network communication protocol

  • Physical Layer: transmission data frame on local LAN, which is responsible for managing the interworking between computer communication equipment and network media, and realizing the information transmission in bit form between interconnected equipment through physical electrical interface
  • Data Link Layer: it is responsible for network addressing, error detection and error correction. It is the data channel for binary information transmission between adjacent node devices of the network, and is responsible for the establishment and removal of the data channel.
  • Network Layer: it determines the path selection and forwarding of data, adds the network header (NH) to the data packet to form a packet, and solves the communication problems across multiple links and even between different network devices. It is an end-to-end communication
  • Transport Layer: add the transport header (TH) to the data to form data packets, solve the communication transmission and communication management between different network devices, decompose the data information to be communicated in the upper layer into standard data units, and reorder and integrate these data units after they arrive at the terminal.
  • Session Layer: it is responsible for setting and maintaining the communication connection between two computers in the computer network during data transmission, establishing the connection according to the characteristics and laws for user interaction information, and providing session address and session management services
  • Presentation Layer: convert the data obtained from the session layer into an expression that can be understood by the application layer, or convert several application layer data into a form that can be transmitted by the session layer
  • Application Layer: provides an interface for application software to set up communication with another application software


  • TCP and UDP are both transport layer protocols

  • TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) - Transmission Control Protocol

  • UDP (User Data Protocol) -- User Datagram Protocol

Transmission data reliabilityTCP is a reliable protocol, which can ensure that the receiver can completely and correctly obtain all the data sent by the sender.UDP is an unreliable protocol. The datagrams sent by the sender do not necessarily arrive at the receiver in the same order, and there is no guarantee that the receiver will receive them.
Communication modeA connection must be established before data transmission, and the sender and receiver transmit data on the connection.The sender and receiver have not established a connection, and complete address information is given in each datagram.
Amount of data transmittedOnce the connection is established, the socket s of both sides can transmit a large amount of data in a unified format.There is a size limit when transmitting data. Each transmitted datagram must be limited to 64KB.
characteristicTCP has large transmission volume and strong reliability.UDP has simple operation and high transmission efficiency.
Java supportServerSocket,SocketDatagramSocket,DatagramPacket

Why is TCP called a reliable connection oriented protocol

  • The connection process of TCP protocol is as follows: set host a to establish a connection with host B. host a first sends a special "connection request message segment" to B. after receiving the message, B allocates corresponding resources (reception cache and transmission cache) to the TCP connection, and then sends a "connection permission message segment" to A. after receiving the message segment, a also allocates corresponding resources and then sends it to B "Confirmation message segment", which establishes a TCP connection and can transmit data to each other. The connection between a and B should exchange messages three times continuously (three handshakes) to ensure the reliability of connection transmission.
  • UDP completely relies on IP protocol and is a connectionless protocol. Each datagram is independent information and may be transmitted to the destination through any possible path. The reliability of transmission cannot be guaranteed.

Multi client / server communication based on TCP Socket

  • During Socket programming, the destination address and port number need to be pointed out when creating the Socket object


public class TalkClient {
    public static void main(String args[]) {
            //Make a client request to the 4700 port of this machine
            Socket socket=new Socket("",4700);
            //The BufferedReader object is constructed from the system standard input device
            BufferedReader sin=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
            //Get the output stream from the Socket object and construct the PrintWriter object
            PrintWriter os=new PrintWriter(socket.getOutputStream());
            //Get the input stream from the Socket object and construct the corresponding BufferedReader object
            BufferedReader is=new BufferedReader(new
            String readline;
            readline=sin.readLine(); //Reads a string from the system standard input
            while(!readline.equals("bye")){//If the string read from standard input is "bye", stop the loop
                //Output the string read from the system standard input to the Server
                os.flush();//Refresh the output stream so that the Server receives the string immediately
                //Print the read string on the system standard output
                //Read a string from the Server and print it to standard output
                readline=sin.readLine(); //Reads a string from the system standard input
            } //Continue the cycle
            os.close(); //Close Socket output stream
            is.close(); //Close Socket input stream
            socket.close(); //Close Socket
        }catch(Exception e) {
            System.out.println("Error"+e); //If an error occurs, the error message is printed

Server side

public class MultiTalkServer{
    static int clientnum=0; //Static member variable, which records the number of current customers
    public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException {
        ServerSocket serverSocket=null;
        boolean listening=true;
            //Create a ServerSocket to listen to customer requests on port 4700
            serverSocket=new ServerSocket(4700);
        }catch(IOException e) {
            System.out.println("Could not listen on port:4700.");
            //Error, print error message
            System.exit(-1); //sign out
        while(listening){ //Loop listening
            //Listen to the customer request, create a service thread according to the obtained Socket object and customer count, and start it
            new ServerThread(serverSocket.accept(),clientnum).start();
            clientnum++; //Increase customer count
        serverSocket.close(); //Close ServerSocket

Server side thread

public class ServerThread extends Thread{
    Socket socket=null; //Save the Socket object related to this thread
    int clientnum; //Save customer count for this process
    public ServerThread(Socket socket,int num) { //Constructor
        this.socket=socket; //Initialize socket variable
        clientnum=num+1; //Initializing the clientnum variable
    public void run() { //Thread body
            String line;
            //Get the input stream from the Socket object and construct the corresponding BufferedReader object
            BufferedReader is=new BufferedReader(new
            //Get the output stream from the Socket object and construct the PrintWriter object
            PrintWriter os=new PrintWriter(socket.getOutputStream());
            //The BufferedReader object is constructed from the system standard input device
            BufferedReader sin=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
            //Print the string read in from the client on standard output
            System.out.println("Client:"+ clientnum +is.readLine());
            //Read a string from standard input
            while(!line.equals("bye")){//If the string is "bye", stop the loop
                os.println(line);//Output the string to the client
                os.flush();//Refresh the output stream so that the Client receives the string immediately
                //Print the string on the system standard output
                //Read a string from the Client and print it to standard output
                System.out.println("Client:"+ clientnum +is.readLine());
                line=sin.readLine();//Reads a string from the system standard input
            }//Continue the cycle
            os.close(); //Close Socket output stream
            is.close(); //Close Socket input stream
            socket.close(); //Close Socket
        }catch(Exception e){
            System.out.println("Error:"+e);//Error, print error message

Multi client / server communication based on UDP datagram

  • When using datagram, the destination address and port need to be indicated in the construction method when creating datagram packet object



public class QuoteClient {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        if (args.length != 1) {
           // If the Server name is not given at startup, output an error message and exit
            System.out.println("Usage:java QuoteClient <hostname>");
        DatagramSocket socket = new DatagramSocket();// Establish datagram socket
        byte[] buf = new byte[256]; // Create buffer
        // The first parameter given by the command line defaults to the domain name of the Server, through which the IP information of the Server is obtained
        InetAddress address = InetAddress.getByName(args[0]);
        // Create DatagramPacket object
        DatagramPacket packet = new DatagramPacket(buf, buf.length, address, 4445);
        socket.send(packet); // send out
        // Create a new datagram packet object to receive datagrams
        packet = new DatagramPacket(buf, buf.length);
        socket.receive(packet); // receive
        // Generate the corresponding string according to the received byte array
        String received = new String(packet.getData());
        // Output the generated string
        System.out.println("Quote of the Moment:" + received);
        socket.close(); // Close data socket
        DatagramSocket socket=new DatagramSocket();//Create datagram socket
        BufferedReader sin = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
        String readLine;
        InetAddress address=InetAddress.getByName("");//IP information for Server
        while(!(readLine = sin.readLine()).equals("bye")) {
            byte[] buf = readLine.getBytes();
            //Create DatagramPacket object
            DatagramPacket packet=new DatagramPacket(buf, buf.length, address, 4445);
            socket.send(packet); //send out
            buf = new byte[256];
            //Create a new datagram packet object to receive datagrams
            packet=new DatagramPacket(buf,buf.length);
            socket.receive(packet); //receive
            buf = packet.getData();
            //Generate the corresponding string according to the received byte array
            String received=new String(buf);
            //Print the generated string
            System.out.println("Quote of the Sever: "+received );
        socket.close(); //Close socket

Server side

public class QuoteServer {
    public static void main(String args[])throws{
        new QuoteServerThread().start();// Start a QuoteServerThread thread

Server side thread


public class QuoteServerThread extends Thread// Server thread
    protected DatagramSocket socket = null;// DatagramSocket
    protected BufferedReader in = null;// Reader
    protected boolean moreQuotes = true;// Flag variable. Continue

    public QuoteServerThread() throws IOException {//
        this("QuoteServerThread");// QuoteServerThread

    public QuoteServerThread(String name) throws IOException {
        super(name); //
        socket = new DatagramSocket(4445);// Create datagram socket port 4445
        in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;

    public void run() // Thread body
        while (moreQuotes) {
            try {
                byte[] buf = new byte[256]; // Create buffer
                DatagramPacket packet = new DatagramPacket(buf, buf.length);
                // Building DatagramPacket objects from buffers
                socket.receive(packet); // Receive datagram
                // Output content sent by client
                System.out.println(new String(packet.getData()));
                // Get the input content from the screen as the content sent to the client
                String dString = in.readLine();
                // If it is bey, exit after sending a message to the client
                if (dString.equals("bye")) {
                    moreQuotes = false;
                buf = dString.getBytes();// Convert a String into a byte array for transfer
                // Get the Client address from the Packet transmitted from the Client
                InetAddress address = packet.getAddress();
                int port = packet.getPort(); // Port number
                // Build datagram packet based on client information
                packet = new DatagramPacket(buf, buf.length, address, port);
                socket.send(packet); // Send datagram
            } catch (IOException e) { // exception handling
                e.printStackTrace(); // Output exception stack information
                moreQuotes = false; // Flag variable is set to false to end the loop
        socket.close(); // Close datagram socket

Programming with urlconnection object

Use urlconnection object programming to return to the home page of the website, and store the content of the home page in the file

public class Test {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        URL url=  new URL("");
        URLConnection con = url.openConnection(); //Build character stream
        BufferedReader is=  new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(con.getInputStream(), "UTF-8")); 
        FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("D:/luogu.html"); // The file with the specified path will be automatically created
        String line;
        while((line = is.readLine()) != null ) {
            line = line + "\n";

Keywords: Java Back-end

Added by paulytrick on Mon, 29 Nov 2021 08:38:13 +0200