Preface: because it is js advanced and writes what I think is important, the content is relatively simple without detailed explanation. It mainly depends on the code.
- Scope
- Floating point number addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
- Recursive function
- String correlation algorithm
- Count the characters with the most occurrences of the string
- String de duplication
- js determines that the variable is empty
- Empty object
- Empty array
- Empty string
- null and undefined
1. Scope
Definition: in JavaScript, the scope is a collection of accessible variables, objects and functions.
Example: the variable a in the first line is a global variable, and the second a is a variable in the show() function. If you print a directly in the immediate execution function, 2 will be output. If the immediate function calls the fn() function, 1 will be output. The reason is to find it in the function first. If it cannot be found, create the scope of the scope (i.e. the function)
var a = 1 function fn(){ console.log(a); } function show(fn){ var a = 2; (function(){ fn() })() } show(fn) //1
2. Floating point number addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
Idea: change decimals to integers Decimal * multiple, multiple = the square of the longest length after the decimal point of 10
The code is as follows:
The first step is to find the length after the decimal point
function getlength(num) { let length = 0; try { length = String(num).split('.')[1].length } catch (e) { //TODO handle the exception } return length; }
The second step is to find the multiple of multiplication
function getbeishu(numa, numb) { let lena = getlength(numa) let lenb = getlength(numb) let longer = Math.max(lena, lenb); return Math.pow(10, longer); }
The third step is addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
function add(num1, num2) { let beishu = getBeishu(num1, num2); return (num1 * beishu + num2 * beishu) / beishu; } function sub(num1, num2) { let beishu = getBeishu(num1, num2); return (num1 * beishu - num2 * beishu) / beishu; } function mul(num1, num2) { let numlena = getlength(num1); let numlenb = getlength(num2); let num1toStr = String(num1); let num2toStr = String(num2); return Number(num1toStr.replace('.', '')) * Number(num2toStr.replace('.', '')) / Math.pow(10, numlena + numlenb) } function dev(num1, num2) { let numlena = getlength(num1); let numlenb = getlength(num2); let num1toStr = String(num1); let num2toStr = String(num2); return Number(num1toStr.replace('.', '')) / Number(num2toStr.replace('.', '')) / Math.pow(10, numlena - numlenb) } console.log(add(0.01, 0.0002)); console.log(sub(0.01, 0.0002)); console.log(mul(0.01, 0.345)); console.log(dev(0.01, 0.0002));
3. Recursive function
Definition: if a function directly or indirectly calls the function itself, it is called a recursive function. A recursive function must have an ending condition. In short, there is a condition for a function to terminate recursion, a recursive content that needs to be executed all the time, and finally call itself. If there is no termination condition, the function will be called all the time.
Example 1: even sum
function sum(num) { if (num % 2 != 0) { num-- } if (num == 1) { return 1 } else if (num == 0) { return 0 } else { return num + sum(num - 2) } } console.log(sum(10))
Example 2: Fibonacci sequence
function fn(n) { if (n == 0 || n == 1) return 1 return fn(n - 1) + fn(n - 2) } console.log(fn(4)); //1 1 2 3 5 8 13
4. String correlation algorithm
Count the maximum number of characters in the string
Method 1: use object key value pair
function getmax(str) { let obj = {} for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { //If there is no key of this character, it will be added. Take the character as the key and 1-digit value, such as {'h', 1} if (!obj[str[i]]) { obj[str[i]] = 1 } else { //If yes, add 1 to the value of the key, such as {'h', 2} obj[str[i]]++ } } let maxnum = 0 let maxstr = '' //Traverse the object to find the maximum value and the corresponding key for (let item in obj) { if (obj[item] > maxnum) { maxnum = obj[item] maxstr = item } } console.log(maxnum); console.log(maxstr); } let str = 'helloworld' getmax(str)
Method 2: using str.lastIndexOf() method
let maxnum = 0 let maxstr = '' function getmax(str) { //Convert the string to an array, sort it, and then convert it to a string, such as HelloWorld = > dehlloorw, so that the same characters are together let newstr = str.split('').sort().join('') for (let i = 0; i < newstr.length; i++) { //Position of the last occurrence of the current character - position of the current character + 1 = number of occurrences nownum = newstr.lastIndexOf(newstr[i]) - i + 1 //Find maximum occurrences if (nownum > maxnum) { maxnum = nownum maxstr = newstr[i] } i = newstr.lastIndexOf(newstr[i]) } } let str = 'helloworld' getmax(str) console.log(maxstr); console.log(maxnum);
String de duplication
Method 1: object key value pair
function deduplication(str) { let obj = {} let arr = [] for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { if (!obj[str[i]]) { //If the object does not have a key for that character, the key is added and placed in the array obj[str[i]] = true arr.push(str[i]) } } return arr.join('') } let str = 'helloworld' console.log(deduplication(str));
Method 2: use the call() method to call the array filter() method to filter out duplicate characters
function deduplication(str) { //Call the filter() method of the array through the call() function let newstr =, function(item, index, arr) { //Use the indexOf() function to determine whether it is the first character return arr.indexOf(item) === index }) return newstr.join('') } let stra = 'helloworld' console.log(deduplication(stra));
5.js judgment variable is empty
First, empty object
Method 1: Object.keys(obj) can be used in es6
var obj = {}; var arr = Object.keys(obj); alert(arr.length == 0); //true is empty, false is not empty
Method 2: convert the json object into a json string, and then judge whether the string is "{}"
var data = {}; var b = (JSON.stringify(data) == "{}"); alert(b); //true is empty, false is not empty
Second, empty array
Method 1:
let arrz = [] if (Array.prototype.isPrototypeOf(arrz) && arrz.length === 0) { console.log('true'); }
Method 2:
var item = []; console.log(JSON.stringify(item) === '[]'); // true
Third, empty string
let str = '' if (str === '' || str.trim().length == 0) { console.log('true'); }
Fourth, null and undefined
if (obj == null) {} // Judge null or undefined if (obj === undefined) {} //Only undefined can be judged