JavaScript DOM basic operations

JavaScript DOM basic operations

1, Six ways to get elements

document.getElementById('id name')   //Get by id name             
document.getElementsByclassName('Element class name') //Get the return value according to the element class name: pseudo array
document.getElementsByTagName('Element class name')   //Get the return value according to the element label: pseudo array
document.querySelector('selector')   //Gets the first element from the selector
document.querySelectorAll('selector') //Get the return values of all elements according to the selector: pseudo array

2, Operation element content

1. Get element text content


Get content: element innrtText

Modified content: element innerText = "modified content"

//Click the div box to change the text inside

<div Style="background:red" id="JD">I'm old content</div>

//Get element (get content through tag selector)
var ele=document.querySelector('div')
//Get element (get element by id)
var btn=document.getElementById('JD')

//Get element text content and output

//Give div a click event (here, the div element obtained by id is used)
    //Reset the new content for the div
    ele.innerText="I'm reborn"

2. Operation element hypertext content (modify code directly)


Get content: element innrtHTML

Modified content: element innerHTML = "new tag"

//Click the div box to change the div into a p tag
<div style="background:red" id="JD">I am div Box</div>

//Get element (get content through tag selector)
var ele=document.querySelector('div')
//Get element (get element by id)
var btn=document.getElementById('JD')

//Get the content in the label of the element and output it in the form of text

//Give div a click event (here is the div element obtained by id)
    //Turn the div box into a p tag
    ele.innerHTML="<p>I became p The label is gone, whimpering!</p>"

3, Action element properties

1. Native attributes (type, id, src)


Get attribute: element Attribute name

Setting attributes: elements Property name = property value“

//Click the picture to change the picture background link to switch the background back and forth
<img scr="../img/bg1.jpg" id="bg">

//Get element (get element by id)
var btn=document.getElementById('bg')
//Get the path of the element scr and output it
var tes=0    //Control switched pictures
//Give img a click event (the IMG element obtained by id is used here)

2. Define and operate custom attributes

(1) Define properties

Definition format: data-*

<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Untitled Document</title>

<div style="wight:500px;height:500px;background:black"  data-a="p1" id="ab"> p1
  <div style="wight:150px;height:150px;background:green" data-a="p2">p2</div>
  <div  style="wight:150px;height:150px;background:blue" data-a="p3">p3</div>
		//Get parent div element
		var divab=document.getElementById("ab")
		//The event of clicking the child element and the parent element will also be triggered
			//Use custom attributes to determine whether the point is a child element or a parent element.

(2) Action custom properties

Action custom attribute format:

Get attribute: element getAttribute("attribute name")

Setting attributes: elements setAttribute("attribute name", "attribute value")

Deleting attributes: elements removeAttribute("attribute name")

<div id="tes" data-cs="Hello Wrold">Custom attribute test</div>


//Get element
var ter=document.getElmentById("tes")

//Get custom properties and output
//Reassign custom attribute CS
ter.setAttribute("CS","Hello man")
//Delete custom attribute

4, Operation element class name


Get class name: element className

Set class name: element className = "new class name"

//Click the div box and change the background color

//Set the class name to change the background color of div

<div class="divBgRed" id="divid">I am a box that can change color</div>

//Gets the element of the div
var divid=document.getElementById("divid")


5, Action element inline style


Get inline style: element style . Style name

Set inline style: element style. Style name = "style value"

//Exporting and modifying inline styles
<div style="background-color:red;width=100px" id="divid">I'm red div Box</div>

var tre=document.getElementById("divid")

console.log(    //When there is a dash in the line style, remove the dash and turn it into hump writing


6, Get non inline style

Format: window Getcomputedstyle (element) Style name

Note: both inline styles and non inline styles can be obtained

7, Node action (label)

1. Create node (label)

Format: document CreateElement ("tag name")

var div=document.creatElement("div")
var p=document.creartElement("p")

2. Insert node (label)


**The element of the parent node AppendChild (child node) * * / / inserted last by default

Parent node element InsertBefore (the node to be inserted, which is in front of your node)

		<span>I am span label</span>
	     <ul>I am ul label</ul>
//Question 1: insert the li tag at the last position in the ul tag
	//Gets the element of the ul tag
var ul=document.querySelector("ul")
//Create li label
var li=document.createElement("li")
//Insert li tag in ul tag

//Question 2: insert a p tag before the span tag in div
	//Get div parent element
	var div=document.querySelector("div")
	//Gets the element of the next label at the location to insert
	var span=document.querySelector("span")
	//Create a p label to insert
	var p=document.createElement("p")
	//Insert the p label in the appropriate position

3. Delete node (label)


Parent node element Removechild (child node)

You want to delete a node element remove()


    //Gets the element of the parent tag
  var div=document.querySelector("div")
  //Delete span label
    //Gets the element to delete the span tag
   var span=ocument.querySelector("span")
   //Delete span label

4. Replace node (label)


Parent node element Replacechild (replace node, replace node)


    //Gets the parent element of the span tag
    var div=document.querySelector("div")
    //Create p label
    var p=document.creartElement("p") 
    //Gets the element of the span tag
    var span=document.querySelector("span")
    //Replace the span tag with the p tag, and the contents remain unchanged

5. Clone node (label)

Note: to copy the desired label, you need to insert the label in combination to be useful (compared with copying and pasting)


You want to clone the element of the tag CloneNode (clone descendant node or not)

//Problem: make a copy of the div tag and copy the child elements inside

    //Gets the element of the div tag
   var div=document.querySelector("div")
  //Clone the div tag and clone its child elements
   var cle=div.cloneNode(true)
   //Insert the copied div tag after the original Div
       //Gets the element of the body tag
    var body=document.querySelector("body")
        //Insert div tag

Added by unify34 on Tue, 18 Jan 2022 11:03:50 +0200