JavaScript quick start


1, What is JavaScript

II. JavaScript quick start

2.1 introduction of JavaScript

2.2 introduction to basic grammar

2.3 quick browsing of data types

2.4 strict inspection mode

1, What is JavaScript

  • JavaScript is the most popular scripting language on the Internet
  • Interpreted or just in time compiled language
  • The standard for JavaScript is ECMAScript
  • All modern browsers fully support ECMAScript 5

II. JavaScript quick start

2.1 introduction of JavaScript

Create an empty project and create a new HTML file

① Write in page

Write JavaScript code in the script tag in the page, which is generally placed at the bottom of the head tag or body tag

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">

    <!--script Write in label JavaScript code-->
        alert("hello world!"); //Pop up window: Hello, world!


    <!--script Write in label JavaScript code-->
        alert("hello world!"); 
    <!--Can also be stored in body Inside label-->


Implementation effect: Browser pop-up, content: hello world!

② External introduction

Create a new js folder and store JavaScript files in the folder


alert("hello JavaScript!");  //Pop up window, content: hello JavaScript!

< script SRC = "" > < / script > import external js file out js note: the script tags here must appear in pairs

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">

    <!-- External introduction -->
    <!-- be careful: script Labels must appear in pairs -->
    <script src="js/out.js"></script>



Implementation effect: Browser pop-up, content: hello JavaScript!

2.2 introduction to basic grammar

JavaScript is strictly case sensitive

① Define variables

  • Variables must start with a letter
  • Variables can also be expressed as $and_ Start with a symbol (but we don't recommend this)
  • Variable names are case sensitive (Y and y are different variables)

Variable type: variable name = variable value;

        // 1. Define variable type variable name = variable value;
        var num=1; //Define a variable named num and assign a value of 1
        alert(num);//Browser pop-up window, content: variable num

Implementation effect: Browser pop-up window, content: num value

② Process control

        //2. Condition control
        var score = 71;
        }else if (score>70 && score<80){
        //Alert pop-up
        // console.log() print variables on the browser console

Score = 71, 70 < score < 80, so the content of the browser pop-up window is 70-80

2.3 quick browsing of data types

js provides a typeof operator to detect the type of a variable

① number 

js does not distinguish between decimal and integer

    123           //integer
    123.1         //Floating point number
    1.123e3       //Scientific counting method
    -99           //negative
    NaN           //Not a Number
    Infinity      //infinity

Keyboard F12 ﹐ or right mouse button - > check ﹐ enter the browser console

② String

A string can be any character inserted in single or double quotation marks

③ Boolean value

  • true
  • false

④ Logical operation

&&     //Both are true and the result is true
||     //One is true and the result is true
!      //True is false, false is true

& & both are true and the result is true

𞓜 one is true and the result is true

        ! True is false, false is true

⑤ Comparison operator

JavaScript defects, insist not to use = = comparison

 =           //assignment
 ==          //If the equal type is different and the value is the same, it will also be judged as true
 ===         //Absolutely equal to the same type, the same value, and the result is true


  • NaN is not equal to all values, including itself
  • You can only judge whether this number is NaN by isNaN(NaN)

Floating point number problem: (1 / 3) is equal to 1 - (2 / 3)?

Try to avoid using floating-point operation, which has accuracy problems

⑥ null and undefined

  • Null null
  • Undefined undefined

⑦ Array

Java arrays must be some objects with the same type of columns, which is not required in JS

 //To ensure code readability, try to use []
 var arr=[1,2,3,4,5,'hello',null,true];
 new Array(1,12,3,4,'hello',null);

If the array subscript is out of bounds, it will return "undefined"

⑧ Object

The object is braces {}, the array is brackets [], and each attribute is separated by commas. The last one is not required.

    var person={

Take the value object name of the object attribute

2.4 strict inspection mode

  • Settings support ES6 syntax
  • Strictly check the mode to prevent some problems caused by the randomness of JS
  • It must be written on the first line
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
        Setting support ES6 grammar
        'use strict';
        Strict inspection mode,prevention JS Some problems caused by the randomness of
        It must be written on the first line
        'use strict';
        //global variable
        let i=1;
        //ES6 local variables are defined with let


Keywords: Javascript

Added by kbrij on Sat, 05 Mar 2022 15:28:34 +0200