abstract class
An abstract class is a template pattern. Abstract classes provide a general template for all subclasses. Subclasses can be extended on the basis of this template. Through Abstract classes, the randomness of subclass design can be avoided.
Static methods cannot be overridden after inheritance.
Abstract classes cannot create instances, but constructors are provided to allow subclasses to create instances.
Abstraction can have general methods, member variables.
Abstract methods cannot be modified by private, static, final, and must be modified by abstract.
Composition of jdk1.8 post-interface
//Interfaces have other interfaces in the form of inheritance, which can be inherited more.
public interface Output extends Output1 , Output2
int MAX_SIZE = 50 ; //public static final is used as the default modifier in the interface.
/* No constructors in interfaces */
// The common method in the interface defaults to abstract method, and the method defaults to public abstract modification.
//When a subclass implements an interface as an excuse, the method can be repeated, and one can be implemented.
public void out () ;
void getData ( String msg ) ;
// jdk1.8 adds default modifier and default modifier uses public modifier by default.
default void test ()
System.out.println ( "Default test()Method" ) ;
//The Static method added by jdk1.8 defines the static method in the interface and modifies the default permission public with the static method.
static String staticTest()
return "Class methods in interfaces" ;
//So jdk1.8 interface can add main method as the entry of the program...
- Reference to the features of jdk1.8 interface: http://blog.csdn.net/yqj2065/article/details/31356609
jdk1.8 interface add default method and subclass realize multi-interface method duplication problem
Repetition of static methods: Subclasses cannot call static methods of interfaces.
Default method duplication problem
public class TestInterface implements IA , IB{
//At this point, the subclass must specify a default method of the interface for rewriting
public void say() {
interface IA{
default void say() {System.out.println("this is A......");}
interface IB{
default void say() {System.out.println("this is B......"); }
Common interfaces Comparable interface and comparator interface
Both comparator and Comparable interfaces provide a method for comparison.
Implementation of Comparable Method
//Generics specify the elements of comparison.
public class Student implements Comparable<Student> {
private String name;
private int age;
private double score;
//.... Ellipse constructor getter and setter methods
//The implementation method can customize the comparison mode and return a value of type int.
public int compareTo(Student o) {
return this.getAge() - o.getAge;
- comparator
//critical code
//ArrayUtils. sort (Student [] obj, Comparator c); pass in the target array, sort with the Comparator object, or implement the comparison method of the interface in the form of inheritance
ArrayUtils.sort(s, new Comparator<Student>() {
public int compare(Student o1, Student o2) {
return o1.getAge() - o2.getAge() ;
}) ;
False Iterable iterator Iterable Iterator Iterative Interface
- The Iterable iterator interface is used to help custom collection classes complete the forEast loop
//Simple Queue Implementation Reference Algorithms 4th Edition Lecture.
package chapter.one.quarter.three;
import java.util.Iterator;
//Implementing Iterable < T > Interface by Customizing Collection Classes
public class Queue <Item> implements Iterable<Item>{
private Node first ;
private Node last ;
private int N ;
private class Node{
Item item ;
Node next ;
public boolean isEmpty() { return first == null ;}
public int size() { return N ; }
//Adding and deleting code without exception mechanism is incomplete.
public void enqueue(Item item){
Node oldlast = last ;
last = new Node() ;
last.item = item ;
last.next = null ;
if(isEmpty()) first = last ;
else oldlast.next = last ;
N++ ;
public Item dequeue(){
Item item = first.item ;
first = first.next ;
if(isEmpty()) last = null ;
N-- ;
return item ;
//Override iterator(), and rewrite an object that implements the Iterator interface
public Iterator<Item> iterator() { return new ListIterator() ;}
//Implementing Iterator Interface
private class ListIterator implements Iterator<Item>{
private Node current = first ;
public boolean hasNext() { return first != null ;}
public Item next() {
Item item = current.item ;
current = current.next ;
return item ;
public void remove() {/* This example does not need to be deleted, so it is not written.*/}
Internal Class Anonymous Class
- Grammatical Notes for Internal Classes:
public class Test {
private String name = "A''";
public class Inner {
String name = "B''";
public void show() {
//In this case, we use external class pre-positioning to distinguish.
System.out.println("In external classes name: " + Test.this.name );
public static void main(String[] args) {
//How to create objects of internal classes
Test o = new Test() ;
Inner inn = o.new Inner() ;
Anonymous Inner Class
- When the reference parameter of a method is an interface or a class, it can be overridden with an anonymous inner class.
interface Product {
public String getName();
public class AnonymousTest {
public void test(Product p) {
System.out.println("Buy one" + p.getName());
public static void main(String[] args) {
AnonymousTest ta = new AnonymousTest();
// When calling the test () method, you need to pass in a product parameter
// Instances of internal classes.
ta.test(new Product() {
public String getName() {
return "ds";
//Enumeration implements interfaces
public enum TestEnum implements A {
//Enumeration values are placed on the first line, separated by commas.
public void info(){
System.out.println("s ss");
//When you want to instantiate enumerations, you need to add attributes and constructors
private final String name;
private TestEnum(String name) {
this.name = name;
public String getName() {
return this.name;
//When interfaces are inherited, enumeration must be instantiated and implemented. Or implement the method here.
public abstract void info() ;
interface A
void info() ;