JMeterPluginCMD command line tool usage details

1. Introduction

The MeterPluginCMD command line tool generates png pictures and csv statistics files
JMeter is a pure java open source lightweight performance testing tool with powerful functions. Because it is lightweight, there are relatively few reports and statistics compared with loadrunner. However, JMeter plugins, a JMeter plug-in, can provide many other reports, including various response time, throughput, thread change curves, etc

And the plug-in provides a command-line tool, which can count various curves and reports we see into png images or csv files. In this way, we can run jmeter through the command line, generate jtl files, parse jtl files, generate various reports, or display them on the web page, or insert them into the database, and so on.

JMeterPluginsCMD Command Line Tool official address:

2. Installation

Download and, unzip and copy the jar package to the lib/ext folder of jmeter.

3. Usage

  1. Generate PNG:
JMeterPluginsCMD.bat --generate-png test.png --input-jtl results.jtl --plugin-type ResponseTimesOverTime --width 800 --height 600


java -jar $CMDRunnerPath/CMDRunner.jar --tool Reporter --generate-png ThreadsStateOverTime.png

The essence of the two is the same. The contents of JMeterPluginsCMD.bat file

@echo off

java -jar %0\..\CMDRunner.jar --tool Reporter %*

  1. Generate CSV:
java -jar $CMDRunnerPath/CMDRunner.jar --tool Reporter --generate-csv ThreadsStateOverTime.csv --input-jtl 1.jtl --plugin-type ThreadsStateOverTime

You can also generate two files at once. Here are the parameters of the change command:

  • – generate png specifies the png picture file
  • – generate csv specifies the csv file name
  • – input jtl specifies the jtl file to parse
  • – plugin type specifies the type of data to be output, such as response time, cpu utilization, error rate, etc

Use – input JTL and – plugin type merge results. The file is located in JMeter_ In the home / bin directory.

4.Plugin Type Classes

You need to install the appropriate plug-in to use the Extras plug-in in CMD.
The plug-in provides objects for parsing the following data:

  • AggregateReport = JMeter's native aggregation report, which can only be saved as CSV
  • Synthesisreport = a mixture of JMeter's native summary report and aggregate report, which can only be saved as CSV
  • ThreadsStateOverTime = number of active threads over time
  • Bytestthroughputovertime throughput versus thread
  • hits per second
  • delay time
  • PerfMon = PerfMon indicator collector
  • DbMon = DbMon indicator collector, database, get performance counters through sql
  • JMXMon = JMXMon indicator collector, Java management extension counter
  • ResponseCodesPerSecond response codes per second
  • ResponseTimesDistribution response time distribution
  • ResponseTimesOverTime response time versus time curve
  • ResponseTimesPercentiles percentage of response time
  • ThroughputVsThreads throughput and number of threads
  • TimesVsThreads = response time VS threads
  • TransactionsPerSecond transactions per second
  • PageDataExtractorOverTime
  • MergeResults = MergeResults command line merge tool, which simplifies the comparison of two or more load tests and requires a property file (such as

5. Examples

  1. Jmeter script plug-in settings input write path file

  2. Non GUI command line execution

F:\apache-jmeter-5.2.1\bin>jmeter -n -t Test.jmx -l result.jtl -j test.log
Creating summariser <summary>
Created the tree successfully using Test.jmx
Starting standalone test @ Fri Nov 05 23:35:08 CST 2021 (1636126508900)
Waiting for possible Shutdown/StopTestNow/HeapDump/ThreadDump message on port 4445
summary =    200 in 00:00:11 =   17.7/s Avg:   115 Min:    16 Max:   315 Err:     0 (0.00%)
Tidying up ...    @ Fri Nov 05 23:35:20 CST 2021 (1636126520426)
... end of run

jtl file with settings in the specified path after execution

  1. Execute JMeterPluginCMD command line
C:\Users\Administrator>java -jar F:\apache-jmeter-5.2.1\lib\ext\CMDRunner.jar --tool Reporter --generate-png PerfMon.png --input-jtl C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\result3.jtl --plugin-type PerfMon
  1. View results
    JMETER_HOME/bin path

6. Batch script

  1. Under Windows Environment
    The. bat script generates png pictures and csv files in batch
@echo off
   set file=/Users/Desktop/TestLoad/result/result01.jtl
   set ThreadsStateOverTime=/Users/Desktop
   set BytesThroughputOverTime=/Users/Desktop
   set HitsPerSecond=/Users/Desktop
   set LatenciesOverTime=/Users/Desktop
   set ResponseTimesOverTime=/Users/Desktop
   set ResponseCodesPerSecond=/Users/Desktop
   set ResponseTimesDistribution=/Users/Desktop
   set ResponseTimesPercentiles=/Users/Desktop
   set ThroughputVsThreads=/Users/Desktop
   set TimesVsThreads=/Users/Desktop
   set TransactionsPerSecond=/Users/Desktop
   set PageDataExtractorOverTime=/Users/Desktop
   set CMDRunnerPath=F:/apache-jmeter-5.2.1/lib/ext
   rem generate png   
   java -jar %CMDRunnerPath%/CMDRunner.jar  --tool Reporter --generate-png %ThreadsStateOverTime%/ThreadsStateOverTime.png --input-jtl  %file% --plugin-type ThreadsStateOverTime  
   java -jar %CMDRunnerPath%/CMDRunner.jar  --tool Reporter --generate-png %BytesThroughputOverTime%/BytesThroughputOverTime.png --input-jtl  %file% --plugin-type BytesThroughputOverTime  
   java -jar %CMDRunnerPath%/CMDRunner.jar  --tool Reporter --generate-png %HitsPerSecond%/HitsPerSecond.png --input-jtl  %file% --plugin-type HitsPerSecond  
   java -jar %CMDRunnerPath%/CMDRunner.jar  --tool Reporter --generate-png %LatenciesOverTime%/LatenciesOverTime.png --input-jtl  %file% --plugin-type LatenciesOverTime  
   java -jar %CMDRunnerPath%/CMDRunner.jar  --tool Reporter --generate-png %ResponseCodesPerSecond%/ResponseCodesPerSecond.png --input-jtl  %file% --plugin-type ResponseCodesPerSecond  
   java -jar %CMDRunnerPath%/CMDRunner.jar  --tool Reporter --generate-png %ResponseTimesDistribution%/ResponseTimesDistribution.png --input-jtl  %file%  --plugin-type ResponseTimesDistribution  
   java -jar %CMDRunnerPath%/CMDRunner.jar  --tool Reporter --generate-png %ResponseTimesOverTime%/ResponseTimesOverTime.png --input-jtl  %file% --plugin-type ResponseTimesOverTime  
   java -jar %CMDRunnerPath%/CMDRunner.jar  --tool Reporter --generate-png %ResponseTimesPercentiles%/ResponseTimesPercentiles.png --input-jtl  %file% --plugin-type ResponseTimesPercentiles  
   java -jar %CMDRunnerPath%/CMDRunner.jar  --tool Reporter --generate-png %ThroughputVsThreads%/ThroughputVsThreads.png --input-jtl  %file% --plugin-type ThroughputVsThreads  
   java -jar %CMDRunnerPath%/CMDRunner.jar  --tool Reporter --generate-png %TimesVsThreads%/TimesVsThreads.png --input-jtl  %file%  --plugin-type TimesVsThreads  
   java -jar %CMDRunnerPath%/CMDRunner.jar  --tool Reporter --generate-png %TransactionsPerSecond%/TransactionsPerSecond.png --input-jtl  %file% --plugin-type TransactionsPerSecond  
   java -jar %CMDRunnerPath%/CMDRunner.jar  --tool Reporter --generate-png %PageDataExtractorOverTime%/PageDataExtractorOverTime.png --input-jtl  %file%  --plugin-type PageDataExtractorOverTime     
   rem generate csv
   java -jar %CMDRunnerPath%/CMDRunner.jar  --tool Reporter --generate-csv %ThreadsStateOverTime%/ThreadsStateOverTime.csv --input-jtl  %file% --plugin-type ThreadsStateOverTime
   java -jar %CMDRunnerPath%/CMDRunner.jar  --tool Reporter --generate-csv %BytesThroughputOverTime%/BytesThroughputOverTime.csv --input-jtl  %file%  --plugin-type ThreadsStateOverTime
   java -jar %CMDRunnerPath%/CMDRunner.jar  --tool Reporter --generate-csv %HitsPerSecond%/HitsPerSecond.csv --input-jtl  %file%  --plugin-type BytesThroughputOverTime
   java -jar %CMDRunnerPath%/CMDRunner.jar  --tool Reporter --generate-csv %LatenciesOverTime%/LatenciesOverTime.csv --input-jtl  %file%  --plugin-type HitsPerSecond
   java -jar %CMDRunnerPath%/CMDRunner.jar  --tool Reporter --generate-csv %ResponseCodesPerSecond%/ResponseCodesPerSecond.csv --input-jtl  %file%  --plugin-type LatenciesOverTime
   java -jar %CMDRunnerPath%/CMDRunner.jar  --tool Reporter --generate-csv %ResponseTimesDistribution%/ResponseTimesDistribution.csv --input-jtl  %file%  --plugin-type ResponseCodesPerSecond
   java -jar %CMDRunnerPath%/CMDRunner.jar  --tool Reporter --generate-csv %ResponseTimesOverTime%/ResponseTimesOverTime.csv --input-jtl  %file%  --plugin-type ResponseTimesDistribution
   java -jar %CMDRunnerPath%/CMDRunner.jar  --tool Reporter --generate-csv %ResponseTimesPercentiles%/ResponseTimesPercentiles.csv --input-jtl  %file%  --plugin-type ResponseTimesOverTime
   java -jar %CMDRunnerPath%/CMDRunner.jar  --tool Reporter --generate-csv %ThroughputVsThreads%/ThroughputVsThreads.csv --input-jtl  %file%  --plugin-type ResponseTimesPercentiles
   java -jar %CMDRunnerPath%/CMDRunner.jar  --tool Reporter --generate-csv %TimesVsThreads%/TimesVsThreads.csv --input-jtl  %file%  --plugin-type ThroughputVsThreads
   java -jar %CMDRunnerPath%/CMDRunner.jar  --tool Reporter --generate-csv %TransactionsPerSecond%/TransactionsPerSecond.csv --input-jtl  %file%  --plugin-type TimesVsThreads
   java -jar %CMDRunnerPath%/CMDRunner.jar  --tool Reporter --generate-csv %PageDataExtractorOverTime%/TransactionsPerSecond.csv --input-jtl  %file%  --plugin-type TransactionsPerSecond
  1. Under Linux environment
   file= /Users/Desktop/TestLoad/result/result01.jtl
   #generate png  
   java -jar $CMDRunnerPath/CMDRunner.jar  --tool Reporter --generate-png ${file%.*}_ThreadsStateOverTime.png --input-jtl  $file  --plugin-type ThreadsStateOverTime  
   java -jar $CMDRunnerPath/CMDRunner.jar  --tool Reporter --generate-png ${file%.*}_BytesThroughputOverTime.png --input-jtl  $file  --plugin-type BytesThroughputOverTime  
   java -jar $CMDRunnerPath/CMDRunner.jar  --tool Reporter --generate-png ${file%.*}_HitsPerSecond.png --input-jtl  $file  --plugin-type HitsPerSecond  
   java -jar $CMDRunnerPath/CMDRunner.jar  --tool Reporter --generate-png ${file%.*}_LatenciesOverTime.png --input-jtl  $file  --plugin-type LatenciesOverTime  
   java -jar $CMDRunnerPath/CMDRunner.jar  --tool Reporter --generate-png ${file%.*}_ResponseCodesPerSecond.png --input-jtl  $file  --plugin-type ResponseCodesPerSecond  
   java -jar $CMDRunnerPath/CMDRunner.jar  --tool Reporter --generate-png ${file%.*}_ResponseTimesDistribution.png --input-jtl  $file  --plugin-type ResponseTimesDistribution  
   java -jar $CMDRunnerPath/CMDRunner.jar  --tool Reporter --generate-png ${file%.*}_ResponseTimesOverTime.png --input-jtl  $file  --plugin-type ResponseTimesOverTime  
   java -jar $CMDRunnerPath/CMDRunner.jar  --tool Reporter --generate-png ${file%.*}_ResponseTimesPercentiles.png --input-jtl  $file  --plugin-type ResponseTimesPercentiles  
   java -jar $CMDRunnerPath/CMDRunner.jar  --tool Reporter --generate-png ${file%.*}_ThroughputVsThreads.png --input-jtl  $file  --plugin-type ThroughputVsThreads  
   java -jar $CMDRunnerPath/CMDRunner.jar  --tool Reporter --generate-png ${file%.*}_TimesVsThreads.png --input-jtl  $file  --plugin-type TimesVsThreads  
   java -jar $CMDRunnerPath/CMDRunner.jar  --tool Reporter --generate-png ${file%.*}_TransactionsPerSecond.png --input-jtl  $file  --plugin-type TransactionsPerSecond  
   java -jar $CMDRunnerPath/CMDRunner.jar  --tool Reporter --generate-png ${file%.*}_PageDataExtractorOverTime.png --input-jtl  $file  --plugin-type PageDataExtractorOverTime 
   #generate csv  
   java -jar $CMDRunnerPath/CMDRunner.jar  --tool Reporter --generate-csv ${file%.*}_AggregateReport.csv --input-jtl  $file  --plugin-type AggregateReport  
   java -jar $CMDRunnerPath/CMDRunner.jar  --tool Reporter --generate-csv ${file%.*}_ThreadsStateOverTime.csv --input-jtl  $file  --plugin-type ThreadsStateOverTime  
   java -jar $CMDRunnerPath/CMDRunner.jar  --tool Reporter --generate-csv ${file%.*}_BytesThroughputOverTime.csv --input-jtl  $file  --plugin-type BytesThroughputOverTime  
   java -jar $CMDRunnerPath/CMDRunner.jar  --tool Reporter --generate-csv ${file%.*}_HitsPerSecond.csv --input-jtl  $file  --plugin-type HitsPerSecond  
   java -jar $CMDRunnerPath/CMDRunner.jar  --tool Reporter --generate-csv ${file%.*}_LatenciesOverTime.csv --input-jtl  $file  --plugin-type LatenciesOverTime  
   java -jar $CMDRunnerPath/CMDRunner.jar  --tool Reporter --generate-csv ${file%.*}_ResponseCodesPerSecond.csv --input-jtl  $file  --plugin-type ResponseCodesPerSecond  
   java -jar $CMDRunnerPath/CMDRunner.jar  --tool Reporter --generate-csv ${file%.*}_ResponseTimesDistribution.csv --input-jtl  $file  --plugin-type ResponseTimesDistribution  
   java -jar $CMDRunnerPath/CMDRunner.jar  --tool Reporter --generate-csv ${file%.*}_ResponseTimesOverTime.csv --input-jtl  $file  --plugin-type ResponseTimesOverTime  
   java -jar $CMDRunnerPath/CMDRunner.jar  --tool Reporter --generate-csv ${file%.*}_ResponseTimesPercentiles.csv --input-jtl  $file  --plugin-type ResponseTimesPercentiles  
   java -jar $CMDRunnerPath/CMDRunner.jar  --tool Reporter --generate-csv ${file%.*}_ThroughputVsThreads.csv --input-jtl  $file  --plugin-type ThroughputVsThreads  
   java -jar $CMDRunnerPath/CMDRunner.jar  --tool Reporter --generate-csv ${file%.*}_TimesVsThreads.csv --input-jtl  $file  --plugin-type TimesVsThreads  
   java -jar $CMDRunnerPath/CMDRunner.jar  --tool Reporter --generate-csv ${file%.*}_TransactionsPerSecond.csv --input-jtl  $file  --plugin-type TransactionsPerSecond  
   java -jar $CMDRunnerPath/CMDRunner.jar  --tool Reporter --generate-csv ${file%.*}_PageDataExtractorOverTime.csv --input-jtl  $file  --plugin-type PageDataExtractorOverTime  

Keywords: performance testing jmeter

Added by pdpullmn612 on Sat, 06 Nov 2021 14:51:44 +0200