jQuery selector (2)

4) Content selector

contains('john'): Indicates a label containing a specified string, which is case sensitive.
Empty: An element that represents a query for empty labels
has('p'): An element that indicates that a query has child elements
addClass("Style Name"): Add Styles to all tags queried
parent: Represents a query for non-empty labels

5) Visibility selector

Hidden: Represents querying all hidden labels
visible: Represents querying all displayed labels
Or: not(:hidden)

6) Property selector

div[id]: Represents the div element of the query containing the ID attribute
input[name='newsletter']: indicates that the query contains the name attribute and its value is the input element of "newsletter"
input[name!='newsletter: means that the query contains the name attribute and its value is not the input element of "newsletter"
input[name^='newsletter: means that the query contains the name attribute and its value starts with the input element of "news"
"input[name$='letter': Indicates that the query contains the name attribute and that its value ends with the input element of"letter"
input[name*='news']:: Represents that the query contains the name attribute and that it contains the input element of "news"
input[id][name$='letter']: Indicates that the query contains an ID attribute and a name attribute whose value ends with an input element with a "letter" string

7) Sub-element selector

first-child: Represents the first child element of the query
last-child: Represents the last child element of the query
only-child: Elements that indicate that a query has only one child element
Nth-child (numbered from 1), which represents the element of the query specified number

8) Form selector

Input: Find the number of all input elements. Note: Include all input,textarea,select and button elements

9) Form object properties

enabled: Elements that represent available queries
Disad: Elements that indicate that the query is not available
checked: An element that represents the check/radio box selected by the query

Select: Represents the drop-down box element selected by the query

<!DOCTYPE html>

		<meta charset="UTF-8">
		<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-1.6.js"></script>

		<hr />
			<p>ma yun</p>
			<p>ma hua teng</p>
		<div>lei jun</div>
		<div>lei bu si</div>
		<hr />
		<table align="center" border="1" height="200" width="200">
			//The first line is not displayed
			<tr style="display: none;">
				<td>value 1</td>
				<td>value 1</td>
				<td>value 1</td>
		<hr />
		<hr />
		<div align="center">
			<input type="checkbox" name="newselect" value="hot fuzz" />
			<input id="myID" type="checkbox" name="newselect" value="cold fusion">
			<input type="checkbox" name="newsaccept" value="evil" />
		<hr />
		<div align="center">
		<script type="text/javascript">
																						    :contains('john'): Represents a label containing a specified string, case sensitive
																							:empty: Elements representing query empty labels
																							:has('p'): Elements representing queries with child elements
																						 	.addClass("Style Name ": Add Styles to all Tags Queried
																							:parent: Represents a query with non-empty labels
			var con =$("div:contains('ma')").size();
			//:has('p'): Elements representing queries with child elements
			// .addClass("Style Name ": Add Styles to all Tags Queried
			//patents Represents a query with non-empty labels
			//Query hidden tr elements
			//alert($("table tr:hidden").size());
			// alert($("tr:hidden").size());
			//Find all visible
			// alert($("table tr:visible").size());
			// alert($("tr:visible").size());
	   * div[id]: Represents div elements with id attributes in queries
		input[name='newsletter']: Represents that the query contains the name attribute and its value is the input element of "newsletter"
		input[name!='newsletter: Represents that the query contains a name attribute and its value is not an input element of "newsletter"
		input[name^='newsletter: Represents that the query contains the name attribute and that its value starts with the input element "news"
		"input[name$='letter': Indicates that the query contains the name attribute and that its value ends with the input element of "letter"
		input[name*='news']: : Represents that the query contains the name attribute and that it contains the input element of "news"
		input[id][name$='letter']: Represents that the query contains an id attribute and a name attribute whose value ends with an input element with a "letter" string  

			// The input element whose value ends with "letter" is selected
			// alert($("input[name$='select']").attr("checked","checked"));

			//input[id][name$='letter']: Indicates that the query contains an ID attribute and a name attribute whose value ends with an input element with a "letter" string  
			$("input[id][name$='select']").attr("checked", "checked");
	     * :first-child: Represents the first child element of the query
		:last-child: Represents the last child element of the query
		:only-child:Elements that indicate that a query has only one child element
		:nth-child(Number begins at 1), which represents the element of the specified number for the query	
			//Auto-cycling sub-elements
			$("ul li:first-child").each(function() {

			$("ul li:last-child").each(function() {

			//Find unique child elements
			$("ul li:only-child").each(function() {

			//Find the second child element of li
			$("ul li:nth-child(2)").each(function() {

	      * :input: Find the number of all input elements, note: Include all input,textarea,select and button elements
	      * 9)Form object properties
		:enabled: Elements that represent available queries
		:disabled: Represents elements that are not available for queries
		:checked: Elements representing check/radio boxes selected for queries
		:selected: Represents the drop-down box element selected by the query


Keywords: Attribute Javascript JQuery

Added by edsmith on Wed, 26 Jun 2019 01:51:34 +0300