1. Core label
The core tag is the most commonly used tag of JSTL. When you want to use it, you can directly import it:
<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" %>
1.1 <c:if>
Equivalent to if statement in java
<c:if test="Judgment conditions" var="Variables that store results" scope="var Scope of property"> Only when the judgment condition is true The statements in this are executed only when </c:if>
<c:if test="${name == 'Tom'}"> <h1>hello, Tom!</h1> </c:if>
1.2 <c:choose> <c:when> <c:otherwise>
It is equivalent to the switch statement in java
<c:choose> <c:when test="Judgment conditions"> . . . . . </c:when> <c:when test="Judgment conditions"> . . . . . </c:when> <c:otherwise> <!--When none of the above conditions is true, it shall be implemented otherwise--> . . . . . </c:otherwise> </c:choose>
1.3 <c:forEach>
Equivalent to a loop in java
<c:forEach items="Information to be circulated" step="Step size of each iteration" var="The name of the variable currently looped to" varStatus="Variable name of loop state" [ begin="Start element:0,1..." ] [ end="Last element" ]> </c:forEach>
<c:forEach items="${students}" var="stud" varStatus="studStatus"> Serial number: ${studStatus.index} name: ${stud.name} </c:forEach>
2. Format label
Used to format and output text, date, time and number
<%@ taglib prefix="fmt" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/fmt" %>
2.1 <fmt:formatNumber>
Formats the number with the specified format or precision
<fmt:formatNumber value="Number to display" type="NUMBER, CURRENCY or PERCENT" pattern="Specify a custom formatting mode for output" maxIntegerDigits="The largest number of digits of an integer" maxFractionDigits="Maximum number of digits after decimal point"> </fmt:formatNumber>
<fmt:formatNumber value="${balance}" type="currency"> </fmt:formatNumber> <fmt:formatNumber value="${balance}" type="number" maxIntegerDigits="3"></fmt:formatNumber> <fmt:formatNumber value="${balance}" type="number" pattern="###.##E0"></fmt:formatNumber>
2.2 <fmt:formatDate>
Format the date in different ways
<fmt:formatDate value="Date to display" pattern="Custom format" type="DATE, TIME or BOTH"> </fmt:formatDate>
<fmt:formatDate pattern="yyyy-MM-dd" value="${date}"></fmt:formatDate>
2.3 <fmt:parseNumber>
Format a string as a number
3. JSTL function
Most of them are general string processing functions
<%@ taglib prefix="fn" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/functions" %>
3.1 fn:length()
${fn:length(String or list)} <!--Get length-->
Other functions are similar:
- ${FN: contains (original string, substring to find)} does a string contain substrings
- ${FN: containsignorecase (original string, substring to find)} ignores case
- ${FN: endswith (original string, substring to find)} determines whether a string ends with the specified suffix
- ${FN: startswith (< original string >, < prefix of search >)} determines whether a string starts with the specified prefix
- ${FN: Escape XML (text to escape markup, similar to < ABC >)} skips characters that can be used as XML markup
- ${FN: indexof (original string, substring)} returns the position of the substring in a string
- ${FN: join (array, separator)} connects the elements in the array into a string using the specified separator
- ${FN: replace (original string, replaced string, string to be replaced)} replaces all specified substrings in the string with another string
- ${FN: split (< string to be separated >, < separator >)} splits a string into an array of substrings with the specified separator
- ${FN: substring (< string >, < beginindex >, < endindex >)} returns the substring of the specified start and end indexes in the string
- ${FN: trim (< string >)} removes whitespace at both ends of the string
- ${FN: substringafter (< string >, < substring >)} returns the part of the string after the substring