kubelet Sign Certificate Expiration Resolution

An internal error occurred on the harbor mirror platform server and the request could not be completed

Logging on to dashboard finds that the node state is not ready, and then logs on to the node
When you see that they are indeed not ready, your instinct is to rerun the kubelet, kube-proxy services and return them to the notread state.
A closer look at the nodes node status age of 368d at this point indicates what should be expired. The certificate was deliberately applied for for 10 years before, which should not be a certificate issue. Later, consulting the deployment documentation, it was found that kubelet also needs certificate authorization.

Finally, kubectl get csr found that, as a result, node-csr is in Pending state, it needs to re-kubectl certificate approve to take effect.
Looking up the data, we found that the default signed certificate only has one year validity period. If you want to adjust the validity period of the certificate, you can do so by setting the--experimental-cluster-signing-duration parameter of kube-controller-manager, which has a default value of 8760 h0m0s. You can refer to how to increase the default signing time and automatic certificate rotation. kubernetes authentication and authorization mechanism.


[root@k8s01 bin]# kubectl get nodes
NAME        STATUS     ROLES    AGE    VERSION   NotReady   <none>   368d   v1.13.1   NotReady   <none>   368d   v1.13.1
[root@k8s01 bin]#  kubectl get csr
NAME                                                   AGE   REQUESTOR           CONDITION
node-csr-d8End93rQqSFRHpV65KA2yL-4CnYHT4te6D85lzO5QA   18m   kubelet-bootstrap   Pending
node-csr-iuBw7qxuiCeyiQ1x5WqTASgqVheII-KpTX0L-S8Md8Y   10m   kubelet-bootstrap   Pending
[root@k8s01 bin]# kubectl certificate approve node-csr-d8End93rQqSFRHpV65KA2yL-4CnYHT4te6D85lzO5QA 
certificatesigningrequest.certificates.k8s.io/node-csr-d8End93rQqSFRHpV65KA2yL-4CnYHT4te6D85lzO5QA approved
[root@k8s01 bin]# kubectl certificate approve node-csr-iuBw7qxuiCeyiQ1x5WqTASgqVheII-KpTX0L-S8Md8Y
certificatesigningrequest.certificates.k8s.io/node-csr-iuBw7qxuiCeyiQ1x5WqTASgqVheII-KpTX0L-S8Md8Y approved
[root@k8s01 bin]#  kubectl get csr
NAME                                                   AGE   REQUESTOR           CONDITION
node-csr-d8End93rQqSFRHpV65KA2yL-4CnYHT4te6D85lzO5QA   19m   kubelet-bootstrap   Approved,Issued
node-csr-iuBw7qxuiCeyiQ1x5WqTASgqVheII-KpTX0L-S8Md8Y   11m   kubelet-bootstrap   Approved,Issued
[root@k8s01 bin]# kubectl get nodes
NAME        STATUS   ROLES    AGE    VERSION   Ready    <none>   368d   v1.13.1   Ready    <none>   368d   v1.13.1

Keywords: kubelet Kubernetes

Added by utdfederation on Sun, 05 Jan 2020 09:45:05 +0200