Laravel Routing Settings

Laravel Routing

Overview of Routing Construction

The construction methods are:

Route::get('foo', function () {
    //Basic Mode
Route::match(['get', 'post'], '/', function () {
    //Basic Mode
Route::any('foo', function () {
    //Basic Mode

Route::get('posts/{post}/comments/{comment}', function ($postId, $commentId) {
    //Required Routing Parameters

Route::get('user/{name?}', function ($name = 'John') {
    //Optional Routing Parameters

Route::get('user/{id}/{name}', function ($id, $name) {
    //Regular expression constraints
})->where(['id' => '[0-9]+', 'name' => '[a-z]+']);

//Global Constraint RouteServiceProvider boot method
public function boot()
    Route::pattern('id', '[0-9]+'); 
Route::get('user/{id}', function ($id) {
    //Execute only when {id} is a number...

Route::get('user/profile', function () {
    //Named Route
Route::get('user/profile', 'UserController@showProfile')->name('profile');
Generate for named routes:
//Generate URL...
$url = route('profile');
//Generate redirection...
return redirect()->route('profile');

//Routing Group
Route::group(['middleware' => 'auth'], function () {
    Route::get('/', function ()    {
        //Use `Auth`middleware

    Route::get('user/profile', function () {
        //Use `Auth`middleware

Namespace|Subdomain Routing|Routing Prefix
Route::group(['namespace' => 'Admin','domain' => '{account}','prefix' => 'admin'], function () {
    //In the App\Http\Controllers\Admin namespace, the subdomain name is {account}, and the routing prefix matches the controller of'/admin'

Route::resource('photo', 'PhotoController', ['except' => ['create', 'store', 'update', 'destroy'], 'names' => ['create' => ''],'middleware' => []);

Routing Model Binding
 Implicit Binding#
Laravel automatically parses the Eloquent model defined in a route or controller method that contains declared type variables that match route fragments
Route::get('api/users/{user}', function (App\User $user) {
    return $user->email;
Explicit Binding
 boot method in RouteServiceProvider class
public function boot()
    Route::model('user', App\User::class);
Route::get('profile/{user}', function (App\User $user) {

Custom parsing logic
public function boot()
    Route::bind('user', function ($value) {
        return App\User::where('name', $value)->first();

There are basically the following forms: uri with or without parameters, action with anonymous functions or Controller@Method, and possibly some other preconditions

Basic Constructions


The above construction methods are essentially the same, except for the first parameter.

public function get($uri, $action = null)
    return $this->addRoute(['GET', 'HEAD'], $uri, $action);
protected function addRoute($methods, $uri, $action)
    // Create a $route(\Illuminate\Routing\Route) instance and join it to the collection (\Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection routing collection auxiliary class), then return $route
    return $this->routes->add($this->createRoute($methods, $uri, $action));
protected function createRoute($methods, $uri, $action)
    // $action in the form of Controller@Method|['uses'=>Controller@Method]
    if ($this->actionReferencesController($action)) {
        $action = $this->convertToControllerAction($action);

    $route = $this->newRoute(
        $methods, $this->prefix($uri), $action
    // Set $route if prefix condition stack is not empty
    if ($this->hasGroupStack()) {
    // Inject the where precondition into the $route instance

    return $route;
protected function actionReferencesController($action)
    if (! $action instanceof Closure) {
        return is_string($action) || (isset($action['uses']) && is_string($action['uses']));

    return false;
protected function convertToControllerAction($action)
    if (is_string($action)) {
        $action = ['uses' => $action];
    // Attempt to join precondition namespace
    if (! empty($this->groupStack)) {
        $action['uses'] = $this->prependGroupNamespace($action['uses']);
    // Get action from controller
    $action['controller'] = $action['uses'];
    // Similar: ['controller'=>'namespace\Controller@Method','uses'=>'namespace\Controller@Method']
    return $action;
// $uri tries to increase the prefix precondition (prefix in the group corresponds to the so-called route increase below)
protected function prefix($uri)
    return trim(trim($this->getLastGroupPrefix(), '/').'/'.trim($uri, '/'), '/') ?: '/';
public function getLastGroupPrefix()
    if (! empty($this->groupStack)) {
        $last = end($this->groupStack);

        return isset($last['prefix']) ? $last['prefix'] : '';

    return '';
protected function newRoute($methods, $uri, $action)
    return (new Route($methods, $uri, $action))
// new Route
public function __construct($methods, $uri, $action)
    $this->uri = $uri;
    $this->methods = (array) $methods;
    $this->action = $this->parseAction($action);

    if (in_array('GET', $this->methods) && ! in_array('HEAD', $this->methods)) {
        $this->methods[] = 'HEAD';
    // Try prefix uri separately 
    if (isset($this->action['prefix'])) {
protected function parseAction($action)
    // Delegate the RouteAction action auxiliary class for resolution
    return RouteAction::parse($this->uri, $action);
public static function parse($uri, $action)
    if (is_null($action)) {
        return static::missingAction($uri); // Throw an exception
    // Anonymous function
    if (is_callable($action)) {
        return ['uses' => $action];
    elseif (! isset($action['uses'])) {
        $action['uses'] = static::findCallable($action);
    // If $action['uses'] is similar to the Controller form, try to construct it as Controller@u invoke, which calls the u invoke method when no method is specified
    if (is_string($action['uses']) && ! Str::contains($action['uses'], '@')) {
        $action['uses'] = static::makeInvokable($action['uses']);

    return $action;
 protected static function findCallable(array $action)
    // Try to find the first value from the $action array that satisfies the callable number key and returns as $action
    return Arr::first($action, function ($value, $key) {
        return is_callable($value) && is_numeric($key);
public function hasGroupStack()
    return ! empty($this->groupStack);
protected function mergeGroupAttributesIntoRoute($route)
public function mergeWithLastGroup($new)
    // Use previous groupStack settings
    return RouteGroup::merge($new, end($this->groupStack));
protected function addWhereClausesToRoute($route)
        $this->patterns, isset($route->getAction()['where']) ? $route->getAction()['where'] : []

    return $route;
// Return the \Illuminate\Routing\Route instance
public function add(Route $route)


    return $route;
protected function addToCollections($route)
    $domainAndUri = $route->domain().$route->uri();

    foreach ($route->methods() as $method) {
        $this->routes[$method][$domainAndUri] = $route;

    $this->allRoutes[$method.$domainAndUri] = $route;
protected function addLookups($route)
    $action = $route->getAction();
    // If the precondition stack is set as, $route is injected into the $this->nameList
    if (isset($action['as'])) {
        $this->nameList[$action['as']] = $route;
    if (isset($action['controller'])) {
        $this->addToActionList($action, $route);
protected function addToActionList($action, $route)
    $this->actionList[trim($action['controller'], '\\')] = $route;

Process Summary (Routes are created and added to the routing collection for unified management)

  1. Depending on the form and preconditions of the action, or into an array (['use'=> Clause | namespace Controller@Method]), or as an anonymous function

  2. Depending on the precondition, or prefix the group uri

  3. Create route instances, unify action s into arrays, and do some other settings

  4. If preconditions exist, add to the action array of the route instance

  5. route instance adds where condition

Other Constructions


public function group(array $attributes, $routes)


protected function updateGroupStack(array $attributes)
    if (! empty($this->groupStack)) {
        $attributes = RouteGroup::merge($attributes, end($this->groupStack));

    $this->groupStack[] = $attributes;
protected function loadRoutes($routes)
    if ($routes instanceof Closure) {
        $routes($this);     // Note: Each anonymous function will have a router instance
    } else {
        $router = $this;

        require $routes;


Essentially or essentially by setting a precondition stack ($groupStack) and then applying it to all members of the group


public function resource($name, $controller, array $options = [])
    if ($this->container && $this->container->bound(ResourceRegistrar::class)) {
        $registrar = $this->container->make(ResourceRegistrar::class);
    } else {
        $registrar = new ResourceRegistrar($this);

    $registrar->register($name, $controller, $options);
public function __construct(Router $router)
    $this->router = $router;
public function register($name, $controller, array $options = [])
    if (isset($options['parameters']) && ! isset($this->parameters)) {
        $this->parameters = $options['parameters'];

    if (Str::contains($name, '/')) {
        $this->prefixedResource($name, $controller, $options);


    $base = $this->getResourceWildcard(last(explode('.', $name)));
    // ['index', 'create', 'store', 'show', 'edit', 'update', 'destroy']
    $defaults = $this->resourceDefaults;
    // Generate Routes Under Corresponding Conditions
    foreach ($this->getResourceMethods($defaults, $options) as $m) {
        $this->{'addResource'.ucfirst($m)}($name, $base, $controller, $options);
protected function prefixedResource($name, $controller, array $options)
    list($name, $prefix) = $this->getResourcePrefix($name);
    // $me is a router instance.The essence is to convert a resource request with $name of'xx/yy/zz'into a groupStack append ['prefix'=>'xx/yy'] request within the group, and the corresponding anonymous function is still a resource request with $name of'zz'
    $callback = function ($me) use ($name, $controller, $options) {
        $me->resource($name, $controller, $options);

    return $this->router->group(compact('prefix'), $callback);
protected function getResourcePrefix($name)
    $segments = explode('/', $name);

    $prefix = implode('/', array_slice($segments, 0, -1));
    // Return ['zz','xx/yy'] if $name is'xx/yy/zz']
    return [end($segments), $prefix];
// Prefer values from settings, or generate singular strings and replace the character'-'with''
public function getResourceWildcard($value)
    if (isset($this->parameters[$value])) {
        $value = $this->parameters[$value];
    } elseif (isset(static::$parameterMap[$value])) {
        $value = static::$parameterMap[$value];
    } elseif ($this->parameters === 'singular' || static::$singularParameters) {
        $value = Str::singular($value);

    return str_replace('-', '_', $value);
protected function getResourceMethods($defaults, $options)
    if (isset($options['only'])) {
        return array_intersect($defaults, (array) $options['only']);
    } elseif (isset($options['except'])) {
        return array_diff($defaults, (array) $options['except']);

    return $defaults;
protected function addResourceIndex($name, $base, $controller, $options)
    $uri = $this->getResourceUri($name);

    $action = $this->getResourceAction($name, $controller, 'index', $options);

    return $this->router->get($uri, $action);
public function getResourceUri($resource)
    if (! Str::contains($resource, '.')) {
        return $resource;

    $segments = explode('.', $resource);

    $uri = $this->getNestedResourceUri($segments);
    // 'xx/{xx}/yy/{yy}/zz'
    return str_replace('/{'.$this->getResourceWildcard(end($segments)).'}', '', $uri);
protected function getNestedResourceUri(array $segments)
    // ['xx','yy','zz'] => 'xx/{xx}/yy/{yy}/zz/{zz}'
    return implode('/', array_map(function ($s) {
        return $s.'/{'.$this->getResourceWildcard($s).'}';
    }, $segments));
protected function getResourceAction($resource, $controller, $method, $options)
    $name = $this->getResourceRouteName($resource, $method, $options);

    $action = ['as' => $name, 'uses' => $controller.'@'.$method];

    if (isset($options['middleware'])) {
        $action['middleware'] = $options['middleware'];

    return $action;
protected function getResourceRouteName($resource, $method, $options)
    $name = $resource;
    if (isset($options['names'])) {
        if (is_string($options['names'])) {
            $name = $options['names'];
        } elseif (isset($options['names'][$method])) {
            return $options['names'][$method];

    $prefix = isset($options['as']) ? $options['as'].'.' : '';

    return trim(sprintf('%s%s.%s', $prefix, $name, $method), '.');


Constructions of resource types are actually translated into routes that construct multiple default resources, which are essentially still basic constructs

Keywords: PHP Laravel

Added by cosmos33 on Sun, 14 Jul 2019 22:06:58 +0300