LC-3 interruption experiment

Experiments described:

Indicates that interrupt-driven input and output can interrupt a running program, execute an interrupt service program, return the interrupted program, and continue execution from the next address in the interrupted location (as if nothing had happened).In the experiment, I used the keyboard as an input device to interrupt the running program.

A. User Programs

1. Your user program will contain ICS that continuously alternate vertically and horizontally, and output two different lines alternately, as follows:
ICS     ICS     ICS     ICS     ICS     ICS      
    ICS     ICS     ICS     ICS     ICS           
ICS     ICS     ICS     ICS     ICS     ICS      
    ICS     ICS     ICS     ICS     ICS        
ICS     ICS     ICS     ICS     ICS     ICS      
    ICS     ICS     ICS     ICS     ICS           
ICS     ICS     ICS     ICS     ICS     ICS      
    ICS     ICS     ICS     ICS     ICS 
2. Make sure your output is not too fast for the naked eye to notice.User programs should include counts between each line in small pieces of code, with intervals of countdown output from 2500 on the screen.

B. Keyboard interrupt service program

1. Keyboard interrupt service programs will simply write on the screen ten times, with the user randomly entering characters and ending with Enter (x0A).
2. Perhaps you do not use the TRAP command in your interrupt service program.If a character is displayed on the screen, you must detect the DSR register and write it into the DDR register, or you may not be able to call TRAP x21(OUT) or other TRAP programs.

C. Operating system supported code

1. Normally, the operating system will install some stack space first, so PC and PSR can be put on the stack when interrupts occur (as you know, when a program executes RTI, both PC and PSR will be ejected from the stack, and the processor will return to the program being interrupted). Since there is no operating system, initialize R6 to x3000 first, indicating an empty stack.
2. Normally, the operating system creates an interrupt vector table that contains the starting address of the corresponding interrupt service program. You must first create an interrupt vector table for keyboard interrupts.The starting address of the break vector table is x0100, and the break vector of the keyboard break is x80.You must provide an entry in the Interrupt Vector Table for this experiment.

Interrupt Drive I/O Diagram:
The interrupt-driven I/O execution process follows.In this experiment, if we enter a character on the keyboard, the I/O device requests service, and the priority is higher than that of the user program, the service will be interrupted until the end of the input carriage return (x000A).

User Program Flow Chart:

Interrupt Service Flow Chart:

Experimental results:

When a character is randomly entered, an interruption occurs, and the ICS is no longer looped until the Enter key is pressed.You can see that the input character is output 10 times (the red line part), and then the dead cycle continues.

Code implementation:

User Program lab4_ID_user_program

; The code is designed by Li Mingzhao.
; User program to print ICS checkerboard in an infinite loop.
        .ORIG    x3000

;initialize the stack pointer 
        LD       R6,STACK

;set up the keyboard interrupt vector table entry
        LD       R1,INKB     ; x0180
        LD       R2,ADDER    ; x2000
        STR      R2,R1,#0
;enable keyboard interrupts  
        LD       R3,IEE      ; x4000. set 1 to the Interrupt Enable(14th bit)
        STI      R3,KBSR   
;start of actual user program to print ICS checkerboard
REPUT   LEA      R0,ICS1 
        TRAP     x22         ; output the string
        JSR      DELAY

        LEA      R0,ICS2    
        TRAP     x22         ; output the string
        JSR      DELAY
        BRnzp    REPUT

        TRAP     x25

; delay output.
DELAY   ST        R1,SaveR1
        LD        R1,COUNT   ; #2500
REP     ADD       R1,R1,#-1
        BRp       REP
        LD        R1,SaveR1

COUNT   .FILL     #25000
SaveR1  .BLKW     1
IEE     .FILL     x4000
STACK   .FILL     x3000
ADDER   .FILL     x2000
INKB    .FILL     x0180      ;INTV
KBSR    .FILL     xFE00
ICS1    .STRINGZ  "ICS   ICS   ICS   ICS   ICS   ICS   \n"
ICS2    .STRINGZ  "   ICS   ICS   ICS   ICS   ICS   ICS\n"


Interrupt service program lab4_interrupt_service_routine

; The code is desgined by Li Mingzhao.
; The interrupt service routine to output character you input 10 times.
; The interrupt service End with Enter(x000A).
        .ORIG    x2000         ; Start at x2000
        ADD      R6,R6,#-1     ; Store the data at a stack.
	STR      R0,R6,#0
	ADD      R6,R6,#-1
	STR      R1,R6,#0
	ADD      R6,R6,#-1
	STR      R2,R6,#0
	ADD      R6,R6,#-1
	STR      R3,R6,#0

LOOP    ST       R0,SaveR0
STAR    LDI      R1,KBSR       ; Check the keyboard state.
        BRzp     STAR
        LDI      R0,KBDR
        LD       R2,NEWLINE    ; -x000A
        ADD      R2,R2,R0    
        BRnp     LOOP

        AND      R3,R3,#0
        ADD      R3,R3,#10
AGAIN   LD       R0,SaveR0
START   LDI      R1,DSR        ; Check the display state.
        BRzp     START
        STI      R0,DDR
        ADD      R3,R3,#-1
        BRp      AGAIN

	LDR      R3,R6,#0      ; Restore register.
	ADD      R6,R6,#1
	LDR      R2,R6,#0
	ADD      R6,R6,#1
	LDR      R1,R6,#0
	ADD      R6,R6,#1
	LDR      R0,R6,#0
	ADD      R6,R6,#1
        RTI                    ; Return to the user program.

KBSR   .FILL     xFE00
KBDR   .FILL     xFE02
DSR    .FILL     xFE04
DDR    .FILL     xFE06
FIRST  .FILL     x4000
SaveR0  .FILL    0

Added by graham on Fri, 21 Jun 2019 21:31:22 +0300