Learn a little every day: data encapsulation of excel test cases in python

python involves the test case data encapsulation of excel, and there are several third-party libraries. For example, the relationship between lxlwt and xlwt

1. Package excel test case reading function

Encapsulate the operation steps of reading function in excel test case
1. Open workbook
workBook =xlrd. open_ Workbook (file path)
2. Get worksheet
workBook_ sheet1=workBook. get_ Sheet (index)
workBook_sheet2=workBook.sheet_by_name('worksheet name ')
workBook_ sheet3=workBook. sheet_ by_ Index
3. Get the number of whole rows
workBook_ sheet1. row_ Values (line number)

Example 1
import xlrd,pprint
#1. Open the workBook, open the workBook in the file path according to the path, and obtain the [workBook] object
workBook =xlrd.open_workbook(r'C:\Users\hlhs_cqb\Downloads\test-test case V1.2.xls')
#2. Get the [workBook_sheet *] object from the workbook
# workBook_sheet1=workBook.get_sheet(1)
#3. Obtain the whole row of data, and obtain the value or number of rows

2. Call excel to execute the test case

Call excel to execute test case operation steps
1. Read the test cases in excel and return the python list (we encapsulated a function)
2. Copy a new excel
3. Send the request circularly to the read test case list and return the request result in dictionary format (we encapsulated a function)
4. Compare the result returned by the request with the expected result in Excel. If it is consistent, the test passes. If it is inconsistent, the test fails. The comparison result is written back to [copied] excel
5. Save the copied excel

import xlrd,json,time
from xlutils.copy import copy
from lib.caseLib import CaseManage
#1-1 open Excel and get the [workBook] object
workBook=xlrd.open_workbook(r'../../data/test-test case.xls',formatting_info=True)
#1-2 get the [workSheet] object from the workbook
#2 - object instantiation. CaseManage is mainly used to request interfaces.
#3-1 copy a workbook
#3-2 open worksheet
#1-3 cycle the worksheet
for i in range(1,workSheet.nrows):
    # 1-4 get a specific line of data in the cycle
    row = workSheet.row_values(i)
    #1-5 get the values of columns 1, 5, 6, 7 and.
    if row[4]=='add':
        #Get the fifth column of data and convert it into a dictionary
        name=data['name']#Get the use case name attribute from the dictionary
        #Variable of use case name, replaced by timestamp
        #Call case add interface
        dictBody = cm.add(name, data['desc'], data['display_idx'])
        test = json.loads(row[6])
        if (dictBody["retcode"]==test["code"]):
            print(">>>>>Test passed, case No.:",row[4],row[0])
            print(">>>>>Test failed, case No.:",row[4], row[0],dictBody["reason"])
            workSheetNew.write(i, 7, 'FAIL')
            # workSheetNew.write(i, 8, dictBody['reason'])
    elif row[4]=='delete':
        data = json.loads(row[5])
        dictBody = cm.delete(data['id'])
        test = json.loads(row[6])
        if (dictBody["retcode"] == test["code"]):
            print(">>>>>Test passed, case No.:",row[4], row[0])
            workSheetNew.write(i, 7, 'PASS')
            print(">>>>>Test failed, case No.:",row[4], row[0])
            workSheetNew.write(i, 7, 'FAIL')
    elif row[4]=='list':
        # Get the fifth column of data and convert it into a dictionary
        #Parameters in excel

        #Get the seventh column data assertion
            print(">>>>>Test passed, case No.:",row[4], row[0])
            workSheetNew.write(i, 7, 'PASS')
            print(">>>>>Test failed, case No.:",row[4], row[0])
            workSheetNew.write(i, 7, 'FAIL')
            # workSheetNew.write(i, 8, dictBody['reason'])
    elif row[4] == 'modify':

workBookNew.save(r'../../report/test result.xls')

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Keywords: Python software testing Testing

Added by alan007 on Wed, 05 Jan 2022 12:36:45 +0200