Learn data structure together - linear table 1

Some concepts and definitions

1. Linear table, what is a linear table?
We went to buy milk tea and there was a long line. This is the linear table.
We call the roll in class and the names in the list from top to bottom. This is also a linear table.

2. What is the concept of linear table?
A finite sequence of zero or more data elements.

3. It should be noted that:
1> . is a sequence
2> The first element has no predecessor, the last element has no successor, and the rest have predecessor and successor
3> 3. Limitation
4> Note that zero elements are also linear tables

4. Abstract data type
Concept: a set of mathematical models and a set of operations defined on them

Pseudo code format of the specified abstract data type:

ADT Abstract data type name
	Definition of logical relationship between data elements

Sequential storage structure of linear table

# include<stdio.h>

# define OK 1
# define ERROR 0
# define TRUE 1
# define FALESE 0

// Status is the type of function, and its value is the status code of the function result, such as OK
typedef int status;

Code implementation:

    // Sequential storage structure code of linear table
    const int Maxsize = 20;
    typedef int Elemtype;
    typedef struct
        Elemtype data[Maxsize];
        int length; // Current length of linear table


// getelem function
list The value of the ith element in is returned as e
status Getelem(Sqlist list,int i,Elemtype *e)
    if(list.length == 0 || list.length < i)   
        return ERROR;
    *e = list.data[i - 1];
    return *e;


Algorithm idea:
1. Whether the insertion position is reasonable, continue if it is reasonable, and return an error if it is unreasonable
2. The table moves backward one bit from back to front to the position to be inserted (including the insertion position)
3. Add one to the length of the table

// listinsert function
list Insert the new element e at the ith position in the
status Listinsert(Sqlist *list,int i,Elemtype e)
    int k ;
    if (list->length == Maxsize)
        return ERROR;
    if ( i < 0 || i > list->length + 1)
        return ERROR;
    if ( i <= list->length)
        for ( int k = list->length - 1; k >= i - 1; k --)
            list->data[ k + 1 ] = list->data[k];
    list->data[i - 1] = e; // Insert the new element. Note that the data subscript here is i - 1!

    list->length ++ ; // Don't forget this step!

    return OK; 



Only one is deleted by location
1. Enter the deletion location. If the location is unreasonable, an error will be returned
2. Return the elements of the deleted position to the output, and move all the elements of the subsequent position forward by one bit
3. Subtract one from the length of the watch

status Listdelete (Sqlist *list,int i,Elemtype e)
    if(list->length == 0) // When writing for the first time, the table is empty is not considered
        return ERROR;
    else if (i <= 0 || i > list->length) // Note that these two conditions can be combined
        return ERROR;
    e = list->data[i - 1]; 
    printf("Deleted e!\n");
    for(int k = i - 1; k <= list->length - 1; k ++)
        list->data[k] = list->data[k + 1];
    list->length --;

    return OK;

After reading the insert and delete operations, we can find that the time complexity of the two operations is O(n), but the actual complexity is O(1) when reading or saving.

It can be seen that the sequential storage structure of linear table has the following advantages:
Quickly read the stored element.
The space size cannot be determined. The space size cannot meet the demand, or is wasted or insufficient (the demand may always increase, so the length of the array may always be insufficient)
Inserting and deleting takes time

# include<stdio.h>
# include<stdlib.h>

# define OK 1
# define ERROR 0
# define TRUE 1
# define FALESE 0

// Status is the type of function, and its value is the status code of the function result, such as OK
typedef int status;

// Sequential storage structure code of linear table
const int Maxsize = 20;
typedef int Elemtype;
typedef struct
    Elemtype data[Maxsize];
    int length; // Current length of linear table

// getelem function
list The value of the ith element in is returned as e
status Getelem(Sqlist list,int i,Elemtype *e)
    if(list.length == 0 || list.length < i)   
        return ERROR;
    *e = list.data[i - 1];
    return *e;

// listinsert function
list Insert the new element e at the ith position in the
status Listinsert(Sqlist *list,int i,Elemtype e)
    int k ;
    if (list->length == Maxsize)
        return ERROR;
    if ( i < 0 || i > list->length + 1)
        return ERROR;
    if ( i <= list->length)
        for ( int k = list->length - 1; k >= i - 1; k --)
            list->data[ k + 1 ] = list->data[k];
    list->data[i - 1] = e; // Insert the new element. Note that the data subscript here is i - 1!

    list->length ++ ; // Don't forget this step!

    return OK; 


status Listdelete (Sqlist *list,int i,Elemtype e)
    if(list->length == 0) // When writing for the first time, the table is empty is not considered
        return ERROR;
    else if (i <= 0 || i > list->length) // Note that these two conditions can be combined
        return ERROR;
    e = list->data[i - 1]; 
    printf("Deleted e!\n");
    for(int k = i - 1; k <= list->length - 1; k ++)
        list->data[k] = list->data[k + 1];
    list->length --;

    return OK;

// listprint function
status Listprint(Sqlist *list)
    printf("list: ");
    for(int i = 0; i < list->length; i ++)
        printf("%d ",list->data[i]);
    return OK;

int main()
    printf("hello world!\n");
    printf("|Select menu:\n");
    printf("|1.Insert number\n");
    printf("|2.Delete by location\n");
    printf("Please enter a number:\n");

    //Initialize a list
    Sqlist list ;
    list.length = 0;
    //Input operation
        int option;
        if(option == 1)
            //Enter 1 listinsert
            //Insert element
            int cnt;
            printf("Please enter how many elements will be inserted:\n");
            for(int i = 1; i <= cnt ; i ++)
                int e;
                printf("Please enter the number to insert:\n");
                // printf("i = %d ,e = %d\n",i,e);
        else if (option == 2)
            // Enter 2 listdelete
            printf("Please enter to delete list The number in the\n");
            int deln;
            int e = 0;

    return 0;

Keywords: data structure

Added by MartinGr on Tue, 14 Sep 2021 01:46:19 +0300