Learning Notes-Facial Fusion-Poisson Image Editing

1 Difficulties in Face Change

(1) There are obvious differences in the geometric shapes of human faces, and there are some abnormal values.

(2) Illumination makes the skin tone of the face shift.

(3) the influence of head posture;

(4) Skin texture difference.

2 Face Change Scheme

%matplotlib inline
from utils.plot_imgs import *
#from utils.delaunay_triangulation import *
from utils.dlib_face_api import *

import cv2
import glob
import os

2.1 Face Alignment

The target image f(x, y)f^{ast}(x, y)f(x, y)f(y) face area is covered with the source image g(x, y)g(x, y)g(x, y)face area.

# Read sample images
filename_src = "./img/ted_cruz.jpg"
filename_dst = "./img/donald_trump.jpg"

img_src = cv2.imread(filename_src)
img_dst = cv2.imread(filename_dst)
img_dst_warped = np.copy(img_dst)

idx_fig = 1
plot_imgs(idx_fig, [img_src, img_dst])

2.1.1 Facial Key Point Location

(1) Facial Key Point Location (68, dlib)



(2) Deloni triangulation

Key points of facial outline (jaw[1 - 17], right_brow[18 - 22], left_brow[23 - 27])

# Read Key Points
def read_points(str_file_path):
    lst_points = []
    with open(str_file_path) as fr:
        for str_line in fr.readlines():
                [int(item) for item in str_line.strip().split(" ")])
    return lst_points

# Facial key points
points_src = read_points(filename_src + ".txt")
points_dst = read_points(filename_dst + ".txt")

2.1.2 convex hull

convex hull: boundary without depression


# convex hull
hull_pt_src = []
hull_pt_dst = []

hull_pt_indices = cv2.convexHull(np.array(points_dst),
                                 returnPoints = False)
hull_pt_indices = hull_pt_indices.flatten()

for idx_pt in hull_pt_indices:

[16 15 14 13 12 11 10  9  8  7  6  5  4  3  2  1  0 17 18 19 24 25]
[[464, 329], [463, 371], [459, 411], [451, 454], [433, 493], [401, 526], [361, 552], [317, 572], [272, 576], [232, 566], [203, 540], [178, 510], [159, 476], [150, 439], [147, 401], [146, 365], [148, 328], [160, 301], [170, 280], [193, 269], [365, 268], [396, 279]]
[[494, 321], [487, 377], [479, 433], [464, 486], [434, 531], [391, 568], [335, 591], [278, 611], [226, 616], [180, 607], [144, 580], [114, 546], [96, 502], [88, 454], [83, 405], [80, 357], [80, 311], [109, 259], [126, 238], [154, 235], [359, 240], [397, 247]]

2.1.3 Deloni Triangulation


# Whether the checkpoint pt is in rectangular rect
def rect_contains(rect, point):
    if point[0] < rect[0]:
        return False
    elif point[1] < rect[1]:
        return False
    elif point[0] > rect[2]:
        return False
    elif point[1] > rect[3]:
        return False
    return True

def cal_delaunay_tri(rect, points):
    """Computational Dillonian Triangulation"""
    subdiv = cv2.Subdiv2D(rect);

    # Point by point insertion
    for pt in points:
        # subdiv.insert input type: tuple

    lst_tri = subdiv.getTriangleList();

    # Vertex Index of Deloni Triangular Mesh
    lst_delaunay_tri_pt_indices = []

    for tri in lst_tri:
        lst_tri_pts = [(tri[0], tri[1])]
        lst_tri_pts.append((tri[2], tri[3]))
        lst_tri_pts.append((tri[4], tri[5]))
        # Query Vertex Index of Triangular Mesh
        lst_pt_indices = []
        for tri_pt in lst_tri_pts:

            for idx_pt in range(len(points)):

                if (abs(tri_pt[0] - points[idx_pt][0]) < 1) and \
                    (abs(tri_pt[1] - points[idx_pt][1]) < 1):


    return lst_delaunay_tri_pt_indices
# delaunay triangulation
size_img_dst = img_dst.shape
rect = (0, 0, size_img_dst[1], size_img_dst[0])

# The Deloni triangular index corresponds to the convex hull vertex index, which is different from the facial key point index.
lst_delaunay_tri_pt_indices = cal_delaunay_tri(rect, hull_pt_dst)
[[4, 6, 20], [6, 4, 5], [1, 20, 21], [20, 1, 2], [2, 4, 20], [4, 2, 3], [0, 1, 21], [7, 13, 6], [13, 7, 12], [8, 10, 7], [10, 8, 9], [7, 10, 12], [12, 10, 11], [6, 13, 20], [20, 13, 14], [20, 14, 19], [19, 14, 15], [16, 19, 15], [19, 16, 17], [19, 17, 18]]

2.1.4 Triangular Affine Deformation

The triangle of g(x,y)g(x,y)g(x,y) facial region is affined to the target image f (x,y) f ^ {ast} (x,y) f (x,y) facial region.

def warp_affine(img_src, tri_src, tri_dst, size):

    # Affine Matrix
    mat_warp = cv2.getAffineTransform(np.float32(tri_src), np.float32(tri_dst))

    # affine transformation
    img_dst = cv2.warpAffine(img_src, mat_warp, (size[0], size[1]), None,

    return img_dst

def warp_tri(img_src, img_dst, tri_src, tri_dst, alpha=1) :
    """Affine triangulation, source image to target image"""

    # Triangular area frame
    rect_src = cv2.boundingRect(np.array(tri_src))
    rect_dst = cv2.boundingRect(np.array(tri_dst))
    # The migration of triangle vertex relative to triangle region frame
    tri_src_to_rect = [(item[0] - rect_src[0], item[1] - rect_src[1])
                       for item in tri_src]
    tri_dst_to_rect = [(item[0] - rect_dst[0], item[1] - rect_dst[1])
                       for item in tri_dst]
    # mask
    mask = np.zeros((rect_dst[3], rect_dst[2], 3), dtype = np.float32)
    cv2.fillConvexPoly(mask, np.array(tri_dst_to_rect), (1, 1, 1), 16, 0)
    # Intercepting the source image in the triangular region box
    img_src_rect = img_src[rect_src[1] : rect_src[1] + rect_src[3],
                           rect_src[0] : rect_src[0] + rect_src[2]]
    size = (rect_dst[2], rect_dst[3])
    # Triangular region frame affine
    img_src_rect_warpped = warp_affine(img_src_rect, tri_src_to_rect, tri_dst_to_rect, size)
    # Mask * Transparency
    mask *= alpha
    # Target image = target image * (1 - mask) + source image * mask
    img_dst[rect_dst[1] : rect_dst[1] + rect_dst[3],
            rect_dst[0] : rect_dst[0] + rect_dst[2]] = \
        img_dst[rect_dst[1] : rect_dst[1] + rect_dst[3],
                rect_dst[0] : rect_dst[0] + rect_dst[2]] * (1 - mask) + \
        img_src_rect_warpped * mask
# Deloni triangulation affine
for tri_pt_indices in lst_delaunay_tri_pt_indices:
    # Triangular vertex coordinates of source image and target image
    tri_src = [hull_pt_src[tri_pt_indices[idx]] for idx in range(3)]
    tri_dst = [hull_pt_dst[tri_pt_indices[idx]] for idx in range(3)]

    warp_tri(img_src, img_dst_warped, tri_src, tri_dst, 1)
idx_fig += 1
plot_imgs(idx_fig, [img_dst_warped])

2.2 Seamless Fusion

Eliminate skin color differences

  • Seamless fusion: cv2. seamless Clone ()

  • Mask: cv2.fillConvexPoly()

mask = np.zeros(img_dst.shape, dtype=img_dst.dtype)
cv2.fillConvexPoly(mask, np.array(hull_pt_dst), (255, 255, 255))

rect = cv2.boundingRect(np.float32([hull_pt_dst]))

center = (rect[0] + rect[2] // 2, rect[1] + rect[3] // 2)

img_dst_src_grad = cv2.seamlessClone(img_dst_warped, img_dst,
                                     mask, center, cv2.NORMAL_CLONE)
img_dst_mix_grad = cv2.seamlessClone(img_dst_warped, img_dst,
                                     mask, center, cv2.MIXED_CLONE)
img_dst_mono_grad = cv2.seamlessClone(img_dst_warped, img_dst,
                                     mask, center, cv2.MONOCHROME_TRANSFER)

idx_fig += 1
plot_imgs(idx_fig, [img_src, img_dst, img_dst_warped, img_dst_src_grad, img_dst_mix_grad, img_dst_mono_grad])

Added by scheinarts on Sat, 05 Oct 2019 09:46:02 +0300