Learning notes - locate memory address

And and or instructions

0 stands for false and 1 for true.

and instruction

Logic and instruction, and operation by bit. False is false.

0&0=0 , 0&1=0 , 1&1=1

The corresponding bit of the operation object can be set to 0 through the and instruction, and other bits remain unchanged.

and al,11011111b   take al Set bit 5 of to 0

or instruction

Logic or instruction that performs or operations by bit. If it is true, it is true.

0|0=0 , 0|1=1 , 1|1=1

The corresponding of the operation object can be set to 1 through the or instruction, and other bits remain unchanged.

or al,00100000b   take al Set bit 5 of to 1

ASCII code

The process of text editing includes encoding and decoding according to ASCII encoding rules. Press the a key of the keyboard, the computer encodes the information of the key with the rule of ASCII code, and stores its conversion bit 61H in the specified space of the memory.

Data given in character form

In the assembler, use '...' to indicate that the data is given in character form, and the compiler converts them into corresponding ASCII code.

toggle case

The case of the same letter is 20 different from the hexadecimal of ASCII code. The ASCII code of a is 01000001, and the ASCII code of a is 0110001. The difference between case and case lies in the fifth digit. Changing the fifth digit can convert case.

assume cs:code,ds:data
data segment
	db 'MuSic'
data ends
code segment
	start:	mov ax,data
			mov ds,ax
			mov bx,0
			mov cx,5
	x:		mov al,[bx]
			and al,11011111b ;Change the 5th bit binary code to
			mov [bx],al		 ;0
			inc bx
			loop x
			mov ax,4c00h
			int 21h
code ends
end start


**[bx] can be used to indicate a memory unit, and [bx+idata] * * can also be used to represent a memory unit with an offset address of (bx)+idata.

mov ax,[bx+200]

Send the contents of a memory cell into ax. The segment address of the memory cell is in ds, and the offset address is the value in bx plus 200.


It can also be written as

mov ax,[200+bx]
mov ax,200[bx]
mov ax,[bx].200

Handle arrays as [bx+idata]

Convert 'MuSiC' and 'ReMiX' to uppercase and lowercase.

assume cs:code,ds:data
data segment
	db 'MuSiC'
	db 'ReMiX'
data ends
code segment	
	start:	mov ax,data
			mov ds,ax
			mov bx,0
			mov cx,5
	x:		mov al,[bx] ;Characters in the first string
			and al,11011111b
			mov [bx],al
			mov al,[bx+5] ;Characters in the second string
			or al,00100000b
			mov [bx+5],al
			inc bx
			loop x

			mov ax,4c00h
			int 21h
code ends
end start

SI and DI

si and di are registers with similar functions to bx in 8086 CPU. si and di cannot be divided into two 8-bit registers.

mov bx,0
mov ax,[bx]

mov si,0
mov ax,[si]

mov di,0
mov ax,[di] ;The functions of the three groups of instructions are the same

si and di can also be added with idata.

[bx+si] and [bx+di]

si and di can be represented by offset addresses.

[bx+si] and [bx+di] have similar meanings.

[bx+si] represents a memory unit with an offset address of (bx)+(si).

The contents of a memory unit are sent to ax. The length of the memory unit is 2 bytes and stores a word. The offset address is the value in bx plus the value in si, and the segment address is in ds.


It can also be used

mov ax,[bx][si]

To show.

[bx+si+idata] and [bx+si+idata]

[bx+si+idata] and [bx+si+idata] have similar meanings.

[bx+si+idata] represents a memory unit whose offset address is (bx)+(si)+idata.

The contents of a memory unit are sent to ax, the offset address is the value in bx plus the value in si plus idata, and the segment address is in ds.


It can also be described in the following format

mov ax,[bx+200+si]
mov ax,[200+bx+si]
mov ax,200[bx][si]
mov ax,[bx].200[si]
mov ax,[bx][si].200

Flexible application of different addressing modes

Several methods of locating memory addresses.

  1. [idata] use a constant to represent the address, which can be used to directly locate a memory unit.
  2. [bx] uses a variable to represent the memory address, which can be used to indirectly locate a memory unit.
  3. [bx+idata] a variable and constant are used to represent the address, and a memory unit can be located indirectly with a variable based on a starting address.
  4. [bx+si] the address is represented by two variables.
  5. [bx+si+idata] the address is represented by two variables and a constant.

When the program needs to use nested loops, the memory unit or stack is used to save the cx value of the outer loop. When the memory loop ends, the value is returned.

assume cs:code,ds:data,ss:stack
data segment
	db 'ibm             '
	db 'dec             '
	db 'dos             '
	db 'vax             '
data ends
stack segment
	dw 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0  ;Define stack segments
stack ends
code segment
	start:	mov ax,stack
			mov ss,ax
			mov sp,10h
			mov ax,data
			mov ds,ax
			mov bx,0
			mov cx,4
	x0:		push cx   ;Define line cx 4 in stack
			mov si,0
			mov cx,3
	x:		mov al,[bx+si] ;Circular column definition
			and al,11011111b
			mov [bx+si],al
			inc si
			loop x

			pop cx  ;4 Out of the stack, loop the rows
			add bx,10h
			loop x0

			mov ax,4c00h
			int 21h
code ends
end start

Added by shab620 on Tue, 04 Jan 2022 09:04:02 +0200