Let Python tell you jokes and stories, an interesting Python case


The text and pictures of the article are from the Internet, only for learning and communication, and do not have any commercial use. The copyright belongs to the original author. If you have any questions, please contact us in time for handling.

Author: tomato ha ha

PS: if you need Python learning materials, you can click the link below to get them by yourself


This preparation introduces Python crawler crawling web data, parsing and application in practice, and intends to write several articles, starting with the most basic Python crawler syntax, to introduce the crawler step by step, and finally realize a more complete example.

This series includes:

  • Introduction and application of request Library

  • Introduction and application of beautifulsoup Library

  • Regular expression matching and its application

  • Example of dialogue robot

  • tkinter library making interface and Python program are packed into executable exe file

This article mainly gives a demonstration of exe application that I finally made, the main purpose is to improve the readers' interest in learning.

Finally, the chat robot can crawl the information in the designated website according to the user's input instructions, parse it in the background, and return the results to the interface.

I put this exe application at the end, which can be run directly on the computer. You can download it to play or send it to your friends to show it.

Run the screenshot as follows:

Users can input instructions, such as: "tell me a joke", "tell me a joke", "find me a good night on the Internet", etc. As follows:

The development tool I use is Spyder. In the following articles, I will gradually explain the principle and implementation method of this example.

The code is attached below. Interested students can copy their own running and try it.

  1 from tkinter import *
  2 import time
  3 import requests
  4 from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
  5 import bs4
  6 import random
  7 import re 
  8 def getHTMLText(url):
  9     try:
 10         r = requests.get(url, timeout=30)
 11         r.raise_for_status()
 12         #r.encoding = r.apparent_encoding
 13         return r.text
 14     except:
 15         print("faile")
 16         return ""
 17  18 def fillUnivList(ulist, html):
 19     soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser")
 20     for tr in soup.find_all('article'):
 21         if isinstance(tr, bs4.element.Tag):
 22             tds = tr('a')
 23             ulist.append([tds[0].string, tds[1].string, tds[2].string])
 24 def printUnivList(ulist,k):
 25     return ulist[k][0]
 26  27 def getduanzi():
 28     uinfo = []
 29     k=1
 30     u = 'http://duanziwang.com/category/%E4%B8%80%E5%8F%A5%E8%AF%9D%E6%AE%B5%E5%AD%90/'
 31     i=random.randint(1,49)
 32     url=u+str(i)+'/'
 33     html = getHTMLText(url)
 34     fillUnivList(uinfo, html)
 35     k=random.randint(0,9)
 36     return printUnivList(uinfo,k)
 37 def fill2(ulist,html):
 38     soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser")
 39     for tr in soup.find_all('div','article block untagged mb15 typs_hot'):
 40         if isinstance(tr, bs4.element.Tag):
 41             tds = tr.find('div','content')
 42             tdss=tds('span')         
 43             reg = re.compile('<[^>]*>')
 44             text=reg.sub('',str(tdss))
 45             regg = re.compile('\\[|\\]|\\n')
 46             text=regg.sub('',text)
 47             ulist.append(text)
 48 def getjoke():
 49     ulist=[]
 50     u='https://www.qiushibaike.com/text/page/'
 51     i=random.randint(1,13)
 52     url=u+str(i)+'/'
 53     html=getHTMLText(url)
 54     fill2(ulist,html)
 55     k=random.randint(0,16)
 56     #print(str(ulist[k]))
 57     return str(ulist[k])
 58 def getHTMLText2(url):
 59     try:
 60         r = requests.get(url, timeout=30)
 61         r.raise_for_status()
 62         r.encoding = r.apparent_encoding
 63         return r.text
 64     except:
 65         return ""
 66 def geturl(url,text):
 67     html=getHTMLText2(url)
 68     soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser")
 69     for tds in soup.find_all('a'):
 70         #print(tds.string)
 71         if str(tds.string) in text:
 72             #print(tds.attrs['href'])
 73             return tds.attrs['href']
 74     return ''
 75 def getmoreurl(url):
 76     html=getHTMLText2(url)
 77     soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser")
 78     try:
 79         li=soup.find_all('li',attrs={'class':'articleTitle fl'})
 80         k=random.randint(0,len(li)-1)
 81         return li[k]('a')[0].attrs['href']
 82     except:
 83         return ''
 84 def getsen(url):
 85     html=getHTMLText2(url)
 86     soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser")
 87     try:
 88         li=soup.find('p')
 89         reg = re.compile('<p>.*')      
 90         l=reg.findall(str(li))
 91         #print(l)
 92         k=random.randint(0,len(l)-1)
 93         text=re.findall('[\u4e00-\u9fa5]+',l[k])
 94         x=''
 95         if len(text):
 96             for t in text[:-2]:
 97                 x=x+t+','
 98             return x+text[-1]+'. '
 99         else:
100             return "Sorry, there is a little problem, please try again!"
101     except:
102         return "Sorry, I didn't find what you wanted"
103 def getsentance(text):
104     start_url = 'http://www.siandian.com'
105     urll='http://www.siandian.com/tags.html'
106     end1=geturl(urll,text)
107     if end1=='':
108         return "Sorry, I can't find what you want."
109     else:
110         end2=getmoreurl(start_url+end1)
111         if end2=='':
112             return "Sorry, I can't find what you want."
113         else:
114             #print(start_url+end2)
115             return getsen(start_url+end2)
116 def xiaotang(s):
117     sign=1;
118     while(sign):
119         if 'Duan Zi' in s:
120             while('Duan Zi' in s or 'Continue' in s or 'Again' in s or s==''):
121                 return getduanzi()
122         elif 'joke' in s:
123             while('joke' in s or 'Continue' in s or 'Again' in s or s==''):
124                 return getjoke()
125         elif 'sentence' in s or 'word' in s:
126                 return getsentance(s)  
127         elif 'Fool' in s or 'grass' in s or 'day' in s:
128             return 'It's a swearing. You can't say it'
129         elif 'Two' in s or 'garbage' in s or 'Idiot' in s:
130             t='Are you the devil?'
131             x=''
132             for i in range(10):
133                 x=x+t+' !'+'\n'
134             return x
135         else:
136             return "I don't seem to understand\n"
137 def main():
138   def start():
139       strMsg = 'Small sugar:' + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
140                                   time.localtime()) + '\n '
141       txtget.insert(END, strMsg, 'redcolor')
142       txtget.insert(END, 'Hello, what can I do for you?')
143   def sendMsg():#send message
144     t=txtMsg.get('0.0', END)
145     txtMsg.delete('0.0', END)
146     strMsg = 'I:' + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
147                                   time.localtime()) + '\n '
148     for i in range(int(txtget.index(END).split(".")[0])-int(txtMsgList.index(END).split(".")[0])+1):
149         txtMsgList.insert(END, '\n')
150     txtMsgList.insert(END, strMsg, 'greencolor')
151     txtMsgList.insert(END, t)
152     txtMsgList.see(END)
153     for i in range(int(txtMsgList.index(END).split(".")[0])-int(txtget.index(END).split(".")[0])+1):
154         txtget.insert(END, '\n')
155         txtget.see(END)
156 157 158 159     strMsg = 'Small sugar:' + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
160                                   time.localtime()) + '\n '
161     for i in range(int(txtMsgList.index(END).split(".")[0])-int(txtget.index(END).split(".")[0])+1):
162         txtget.insert(END, '\n')
163     txtget.insert(END, strMsg, 'redcolor')
164     txtget.insert(END, xiaotang(t))
165     txtget.see(END)
166     for i in range(int(txtget.index(END).split(".")[0])-int(txtMsgList.index(END).split(".")[0])+1):
167         txtMsgList.insert(END, '\n')
168         txtMsgList.see(END)
169 170 171   def cancelMsg():#Cancel message
172     txtMsg.delete('0.0', END)
173 174   def sendMsgEvent(event): #Send message event
175       sendMsg()
176 177   #create a window 
178   t = Tk()
179   t.title('Little sugar assistant')
180 181   #Establish frame container
182   frmLT = Frame(width=500, height=320, bg='#F19C8B')
183   frmLC = Frame(width=500, height=150, bg='#F19C8B')
184   frmLB = Frame(width=500, height=30,bg='white')
185   frmRT = Frame(width=200, height=500,bg='#F19C8B')
186 187   #Create controls
188   txtMsgList = Text(frmLT,width=40,bd=0)
189   txtMsgList.tag_config('greencolor', foreground='#008C00')#Establish tag
190   txtMsg = Text(frmLC)
191   txtget = Text(frmLT,width=40,bd=0)
192   txtget.tag_config('redcolor', foreground='#DC143C')#Establish tag
193   start()
194   #txtMsg.bind("", sendMsgEvent)
195   txtMsg.bind('<Return>',sendMsgEvent)
196   btnSend = Button(frmLB, text='Send out', width = 8, command=sendMsg,bg='#E88384',bd=0)
197   btnCancel = Button(frmLB, text='cancel', width = 8, command=cancelMsg,bg='#F3ADA0',bd=0)
198   scollor=Scrollbar(bg='white')
199   scollor.config(command=txtget.yview)
200   scollor.config(command=txtMsgList.yview)
201   txtget.config(yscrollcommand=scollor.set)
202   txtMsgList.config(yscrollcommand=scollor.set)
203   imgInfo = PhotoImage(file = "aa.png")
204   lblImage = Label(frmRT, image = imgInfo)
205   lblImage.image = imgInfo
206 207   #Window layout
208   frmLT.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=2, padx=0, pady=0)
209   frmLC.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=2, padx=0, pady=0)
210   frmLB.grid(row=2, column=0, columnspan=2,padx=0)
211   scollor.grid(row=0,column=2,sticky=N+S)
212   frmRT.grid(row=0, column=3, rowspan=3, padx=0, pady=0)
213   #Fixed size
214   frmLT.grid_propagate(0)
215   frmLC.grid_propagate(0)
216   frmLB.grid_propagate(0)
217   frmRT.grid_propagate(0)
218 219   btnSend.grid(row=2, column=0)
220   btnCancel.grid(row=2, column=1)
221   lblImage.grid()
222   txtget.grid(row=0,column=0)
223 224   txtMsgList.grid(row=0,column=1)
225 226   txtMsg.grid()
227 228   #Main event cycle
229   t.mainloop()
230 231 if __name__ == '__main__':
232     main()

Keywords: Python encoding

Added by JCScoobyRS on Mon, 11 Nov 2019 14:45:12 +0200