LibGDX Rebuilding Flappy Bird - Packaging Resources

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Modify Android startup icon and name

First, we need to replace the default startup icon for Android projects.There is a special directory named res in the FlappyBird-android project.This directory contains resource files specific to Android projects.
Expand the res directory to see four folders prefixed with drawable:
Drawable-ldpi (low resolution display)
Drawable-mdpi (medium resolution display)
Drawable-hdpi (high resolution display)
Drawable-xdpi (very high resolution display)
These files are used by Android apps to support devices with different sizes of displays and Android uses content based on the screen density of the display.For simplicity, we ignore the difference in device resolution, so here we create a public drawable folder.This allows Android to use the resources in that folder on any resolution device.
The following screenshot is the default startup icon ic_launcher.png for this Android project, which is the Android application startup icon we are currently using:

Now delete the four files and all the icon files named ic_launcher.png.
The following icons are the startup icons we will use:

Name the icon file ic_launcher.png and copy it into the drawable folder.Since we have not changed the name of the startup icon, the project will start without changing anything.Conversely, if you rename the name of the startup icon, don't forget to modify the reference to it in the AndroidManifest.xml file.The AndroidManifest.xml file references the startup icon as follows:

Next we go Open res/value/string.xml file for android project And modify it as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <string name="app_name">Flappy Bird</string>
Create Texture Set
The following screenshot shows all the picture resource files used in this project:

Libgdx has a built-in TexturePacker tool class that makes it easy to create and update texture set content.Since the TexturePacker class is not the core content of LibGDX, you must complete the preparation before using it:
  1. Unzip the extensions/tools/gdx-tools.jar file in the compressed file.
  2. Cut the gdx-tools.jar file into the FlappyBird-desktop/libs subfolder.Next, you must add the extension to Build Path.
  3. In Eclipse, right-click the FlappyBird-desktop project and navigate to Build Path|Configure Build Path|Libraries.
  4. Then click the Add JARs button to open the JAR selection window.
  5. In the list of windows, find the libs subfolder of the FlappyBird-desktop project.
  6. Finally, select the newly added gdx-tools.jar extension file and click the OK button to confirm the selection.
Next, package the texture set resources according to the following steps.
  1. Create the assets-ray folder for the FlappyBird-desktop project.Then add a assets-raw/images subfolder.Copy all picture resources to this folder.
  2. Next, open, the startup class for the FlappyBird-desktop project, and add the following two lines of code:
  3. Then add the following code to the Main class:
    import com.badlogic.gdx.backends.lwjgl.LwjglApplication;
    import com.badlogic.gdx.backends.lwjgl.LwjglApplicationConfiguration;
    public class Main {
    	private static boolean rebuildAtlas = true;
    	private static boolean drawDebugOutline = true;
    	public static void main(String[] args) {
    		if(rebuildAtlas) {
    			Settings settings = new Settings();
    			settings.maxWidth = 1024;
    			settings.maxHeight = 1024;
    			settings.duplicatePadding = false;
    			settings.debug = drawDebugOutline;
    			TexturePacker.process(settings, "assets-raw/images", 
    		LwjglApplicationConfiguration cfg = new LwjglApplicationConfiguration();
    		cfg.title = "FlappyBird";
    		cfg.width = 480;
    		cfg.height = 800;
    		cfg.resizable = false;
    		new LwjglApplication(new FlappyBirdMain(), cfg);
The above code provides the ability to create and update texture sets, which are updated whenever a desktop application runs.The rebuildAtlas variable controls whether the texture set is updated when the application is started.It is very simple to create a texture set using the TexturePacker class, which contains a process() static method that requires an optional Settings parameter and three necessary parameters.The first required parameter is the folder path of the resource.The second is the target path of the output texture set, and the third parameter is the description file name of the output texture set.The configuration parameters for Settings can be viewed in the official documentation.
Run the FlappyBird-desktop project and view the assets/images/flappy-bird.png file under the FlappyBird-android project:

We found all the resources neatly lined up.Also, we can see that images/flappy-bird.png and images/flappy-bird.pack files are also generated under the assets folder of the FlappyBird-desktop project, but we don't use this path as the target output path for the texture set?It's important to remember that this is actually a function provided by Eclipse, which maintains a copy folder for a target folder, that is, to copy files when the contents of the target folder change Corresponding changes will also occur.Here, the assets folder of the Android project is the target folder, and the assets folder of the Desktop project is the copy folder, so we only need to store the resources needed for the application in the assets folder of the Android project in the future.
Organizational Resources
Now we create our own Assets class to organize and manage our resource files.First, add a String constant to the Constants class.

public class Constants {

	// Viewport width is 20 meters
	public static final float VIEWPORT_WIDTH =  50f;
	// Viewport height is 20 meters
	public static final float VIEWPORT_HEIGHT = 50f;

	// Texture Set Description File Path
	public static final String TEXTURE_ATLAS_OBJECTS = "images/flappy-bird.pack";
Next, create the Assets class and add the following code:

import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx;
import com.badlogic.gdx.assets.AssetDescriptor;
import com.badlogic.gdx.assets.AssetErrorListener;
import com.badlogic.gdx.assets.AssetManager;
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array;
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Disposable;

public class Assets implements Disposable, AssetErrorListener {
	public static final String TAG = Assets.class.getName();
	public static final Assets instance = new Assets();
	private AssetManager assetManager;
	// Singleton classes: Prevent instantiation in other classes
	private Assets () {}
	public void init (AssetManager assetManager) {
		this.assetManager = assetManager;
		// Set Error Handling Object Handle for Resource Manager
		// Load Texture Set
		assetManager.load(Constants.TEXTURE_ATLAS_OBJECTS, TextureAtlas.class);
		// Start loading resources until complete
                // Print resource information, "# of assets loaded: " + assetManager.getAssetNames().size);
		for(String a : assetManager.getAssetNames()) {, "asset: " + a);
	public void error(AssetDescriptor asset, Throwable throwable) {, "Couldn't load asset '" + asset.fileName + "'", (Exception)throwable);
	public void dispose () {
First, this class (Assets) was designed as a singleton.Simply put, a singleton class ensures that there is only one instance object, which makes sense because we don't need to create multiple instance objects that point to the same resource.Singleton classes prevent instances from being created in other classes by defining a private constructor.In fact, the only instance of the Assets class is stored in the instance member variable, and we use the public static final keyword to modify it to ensure that it is read-only and that it is the only way to access the Assets class.This design allows the Assets class to allow access to its contents in any code without passing any reference parameters.
The init() method should be called at the beginning of the game.He will initialize the resource manager to load all the resource files.Loading a resource file using the resource manager requires only a simple call to the load() method.The first parameter of the load() method requires the full path to the resource file to be passed in, and the second parameter requires the class to be created.Next, the finishLoading() method is called to start the load process, which is a blocking method that will wait until all resources are loaded before continuing with subsequent code execution.Next, we print out the number and name of the resources in the console.
The Assets class also implements the Disposable and AssettErrorListener interfaces.We know that a resource must be released in time when it is no longer in use, and we pass the task of releasing the resource to the resource manager by implementing the dispose() method.The error() method is called whenever an error occurs in the resource manager.However, before resource management calls the interface methods we implement, we first need to tell the resource manager what AssetErrorListener interface instances it needs to use through the setErrorListener() method.Here we just printed the error message using the error() method. You can add additional code to handle the error to avoid the application crash.
Next, we can retrieve the subimages (textures) from the texture set that has already been loaded.In general, we can do this through the findRegion() method, which requires a resource name as a parameter.The findRegion() method returns an AtlasRegion object.
Next, we'll implement several smaller internal classes within Assets.These classes allow us to structure (group) the subimage resources in the texture set through logical units and store (cache) references to the results for a long time.

import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx;
import com.badlogic.gdx.assets.AssetDescriptor;
import com.badlogic.gdx.assets.AssetErrorListener;
import com.badlogic.gdx.assets.AssetManager;
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array;
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Disposable;

public class Assets implements Disposable, AssetErrorListener {
	public static final String TAG = Assets.class.getName();
	public static final Assets instance = new Assets();
	TextureAtlas atlas;
	private AssetManager assetManager;
	public AssetFonts fonts;
	public AssetBird bird;
	public AssetPipe pipe;
	public AssetLand land;
	public AssetUI assetUI;
	public AssetNumber number;
	public AssetSounds sounds;
	public AssetDecoration decoration;
	// Singleton classes: Prevent instantiation in other classes
	private Assets () {}
	public void init (AssetManager assetManager) {
		this.assetManager = assetManager;
		// Set Error Handling Object Handle for Resource Manager
		// Load Texture Set
		assetManager.load(Constants.TEXTURE_ATLAS_OBJECTS, TextureAtlas.class);
		// Load sound file
		assetManager.load("sounds/sfx_die.ogg", Sound.class);
		assetManager.load("sounds/sfx_hit.ogg", Sound.class);
		assetManager.load("sounds/sfx_point.ogg", Sound.class);
		assetManager.load("sounds/sfx_swooshing.ogg", Sound.class);
		assetManager.load("sounds/sfx_wing.ogg", Sound.class);
		// Print resource information, "# of assets loaded: " + assetManager.getAssetNames().size);
		for(String a : assetManager.getAssetNames()) {, "asset: " + a);
		atlas = assetManager.get(Constants.TEXTURE_ATLAS_OBJECTS, TextureAtlas.class);
		fonts = new AssetFonts();
		bird = new AssetBird(atlas);
		pipe = new AssetPipe(atlas);
		land = new AssetLand(atlas);
		number = new AssetNumber(atlas);
		assetUI = new AssetUI(atlas);
		sounds = new AssetSounds(assetManager);
		decoration = new AssetDecoration(atlas);
	public void error(AssetDescriptor asset, Throwable throwable) {, "Couldn't load asset '" + asset.fileName + "'", (Exception)throwable);
	public void dispose () {
	public class AssetBird {
		public final Array<AtlasRegion> bird0;
		public final Array<AtlasRegion> bird1;
		public final Array<AtlasRegion> bird2;
		public AssetBird (TextureAtlas atlas) {
			bird0 = atlas.findRegions("bird0");
			bird1 = atlas.findRegions("bird1");
			bird2 = atlas.findRegions("bird2");
	public class AssetPipe {
		public final AtlasRegion pipeUpGreen;
		public final AtlasRegion pipeUpBrown;
		public final AtlasRegion pipeDownGreen;		
		public final AtlasRegion pipeDownBrown;
		public AssetPipe (TextureAtlas atlas) {
			pipeUpGreen = atlas.findRegion("pipe_up");
			pipeDownGreen = atlas.findRegion("pipe_down");
			pipeUpBrown = atlas.findRegion("pipe2_up");
			pipeDownBrown = atlas.findRegion("pipe2_down");
	public class AssetLand {
		public final AtlasRegion land;
		public AssetLand (TextureAtlas atlas) {
			land = atlas.findRegion("land");
	public class AssetNumber {
		public final Array<AtlasRegion> numbers_score;
		public final Array<AtlasRegion> numbers_context;
		public final Array<AtlasRegion> numbers_font;
		public AssetNumber(TextureAtlas atlas) {
			numbers_score = atlas.findRegions("number_score");
			numbers_context = atlas.findRegions("number_context");
			numbers_font = atlas.findRegions("font");
	public class AssetUI {
		public final AtlasRegion textGameOver;
		public final AtlasRegion scorePanel;
		public final AtlasRegion buttonMenu;
		public final AtlasRegion buttonOk;
		public final AtlasRegion buttonPause;
		public final AtlasRegion buttonPlay;
		public final AtlasRegion buttonRate;
		public final AtlasRegion buttonResume;
		public final AtlasRegion buttonScore;
		public final AtlasRegion buttonShare;
		public final AtlasRegion tutorial;
		public final AtlasRegion textReady;
		public final AtlasRegion textTitle;
		public final AtlasRegion copyRight;
		public final Array<AtlasRegion> medals;
		public AssetUI(TextureAtlas atlas) {
			textGameOver = atlas.findRegion("text_game_over");
			scorePanel = atlas.findRegion("score_panel");
			buttonMenu = atlas.findRegion("button_menu");
			buttonOk = atlas.findRegion("button_ok");
			buttonPause = atlas.findRegion("button_pause");
			buttonPlay = atlas.findRegion("button_play");
			buttonRate = atlas.findRegion("button_rate");
			buttonResume = atlas.findRegion("button_resume");
			buttonScore = atlas.findRegion("button_score");
			buttonShare = atlas.findRegion("button_share");
			tutorial = atlas.findRegion("tutorial");
			medals = atlas.findRegions("medals");
			textReady = atlas.findRegion("text_ready");
			textTitle = atlas.findRegion("title");
			copyRight = atlas.findRegion("brand_copyright");
	public class AssetSounds { 
		public final Sound die;
		public final Sound hit;
		public final Sound point;
		public final Sound swooshing;
		public final Sound wing;
		public AssetSounds(AssetManager am) {
			die = am.get("sounds/sfx_die.ogg", Sound.class);
			hit = am.get("sounds/sfx_hit.ogg", Sound.class);
			point = am.get("sounds/sfx_point.ogg", Sound.class);
			swooshing = am.get("sounds/sfx_swooshing.ogg", Sound.class);
			wing = am.get("sounds/sfx_wing.ogg", Sound.class);
	public class AssetDecoration {
		public final Array<AtlasRegion> bg;
		public final AtlasRegion white;
		public AssetDecoration (TextureAtlas atlas) {
			bg = new Array<AtlasRegion>();
			white = atlas.findRegion("white");
	public class AssetFonts {
		public final BitmapFont defaultSmall;
		public final BitmapFont defaultNormal;
		public final BitmapFont defaultBig;
		public AssetFonts() {
			// Create three fonts using a libgdx 15px bitmap font file
			defaultSmall = new BitmapFont(
					Gdx.files.internal("images/arial-15.fnt"), true);
			defaultNormal = new BitmapFont(
					Gdx.files.internal("images/arial-15.fnt"), true);
			defaultBig = new BitmapFont(
					Gdx.files.internal("images/arial-15.fnt"), true);
			// Set font size
			// Set font filtering mode to linear smoothing
					TextureFilter.Linear, TextureFilter.Linear);
					TextureFilter.Linear, TextureFilter.Linear);
					TextureFilter.Linear, TextureFilter.Linear);
Here we've added sound and font resources, and finally Android's assets folder directory is as follows:
images store the texture set resources flappy-bird.pack and flappy-bird that we packaged earlier, as well as the font resources arial-15.fnt and arial-15.png.
Because there is a lot of code added, we will explain the above code in detail:
First, we created eight internal classes: AssetBird, AssetPipe, AssetLand, AssetNumber, AssetUI, AssetSounds, AssetDecoration, AssetFonts, which we used to organize all resource objects.The first three AssetBird, AssetPipe, and AssetLand prepare resources for each of the three game objects.AssetSounds has all the sound resources ready.The AssetFonts resource is designed to allow us to display information on the GUI, but it can't be. You can look for additional information about font creation.The remaining internal classes are created for UI interfaces, backgrounds, and so on.
lower The face describes several of the methods involved above:
  1. AssetManager.get(): This method requires two parameters, the first is the full path name of the resource to be obtained, and the second is the class object of the resource type.
  2. TextureAtlas.findRegions(): This method returns a sequence of textual regions, requiring only a string parameter that must be a series of file names with the same prefix.For example, if our resource contains three pictures, bird0_0.png, bird0_1.png, and bird0_2.png, then bird0 is the parameter of this function, and the method then returns an Array<AtlasRegion>instance with three texture domains in the list.
  3. TextureAtlas.findRegion(): This party requires a resource name without a file extension as an argument, and the result returns an AtlasRegion object.
  4. Texture.setFilter(): This method sets the filtering mode for textures with enlargement and reduction, respectively. TextureFilter.Linear stands for smooth filtering, which eliminates aliasing.
Finally, for convenience, we created the following member variables for Assets:
public AssetFonts fonts;
public AssetBird bird;
public AssetPipe pipe;
public AssetLand land;
public AssetUI assetUI;
public AssetNumber number;
public AssetSounds sounds;
public AssetDecoration decoration;
Each member variable is then instantiated in the init() method, and then we can access the fonts directly from Assets.instance.fonts.defaultSmall anywhere else, as well as other resources.

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Keywords: Android xml Eclipse encoding

Added by danielhalawi on Wed, 11 Sep 2019 00:41:52 +0300