Linear table -- dynamic sequence table


This chapter introduces the storage elements in the data structure - the sequential table in the linear table

Linear table

A linear list is a finite sequence of n data elements with the same characteristics. Linear table is a data structure widely used in practice. Common linear tables: sequential table, linked list, stack, queue, string

A linear table is logically a linear structure, that is, a continuous straight line. However, the physical structure is not necessarily continuous. When a linear table is stored physically, it is usually stored in the form of array and chain structure

Sequence table

  • Sequential table is a linear structure in which data elements are stored in sequence with a storage unit with continuous physical addresses. Generally, array storage is used. Complete the addition, deletion, query and modification of data on the array

  • Static and dynamic sequence tables

  • Static order - uses a fixed length array to store elements

  • Dynamic sequential table - dynamic storage elements

  • Static and dynamic comparison

The static sequence table is only applicable to the scenario where you know how much data needs to be stored. The fixed length array of static sequence table leads to large N and more space
The charge is not enough. Therefore, in reality, dynamic sequential tables are basically used to dynamically allocate space according to needs, so we implement the following steps
Current dynamic sequence table

Dynamic sequence table

Structure declaration

Since dynamic storage elements. Naturally, it is necessary to first determine the maximum capacity of the currently developed memory - capacity and the index for recording effective data to facilitate memory access. Therefore, define the structure:

typedef  int  SLDateType;//It is convenient to modify the element type of the sequence table

typedef struct SeqList//Rename structure to SL

	SLDateType* psl;//psl points to the dynamic application space
	size_t sz;//Number of valid data recorded
	size_t capacity;//Capacity of open space

Initialize structure

  • The array subscript starts from 0, so sz in initialization always points to the subscript of the next element in the array, which is very special!!!! Later, you should pay attention to whether the space currently applied for is full.
void SeqListInit(SL* p)
	p->psl = NULL;
	p->sz = 0;
	p->capacity = 0;

Determine whether the array is full

  • Suppose the maximum capacity of the array is 10, so the array subscript starts from 0, so it is full when sz is equal to capacity.
void SeqListRealloc(SL* p)

	if (p->sz == p->capacity)//When it is equal, it needs to be expanded. Here I will expand it with two compensation
		p->capacity = p->capacity == 0 ? 4 : 2 * p->capacity;
		SLDateType* tmp = (SLDateType*)realloc(p->psl, p->capacity * sizeof(SLDateType));
		if (tmp == NULL)
		p->psl = tmp;

Insert element at specified position

  • Head insertion and tail insertion are just one of them. You can reuse SeqListInsert later

  • Note the array subscript

void SeqListInsert(SL* p, size_t pos, SLDateType x)//At the specified position pos, insert the element.
	assert(pos <= p->sz  && pos>=0);//The sequence table is filled with data in turn, so capacity cannot be compared
	SeqListRealloc(p);//Determine whether capacity expansion is required.
	for (size_t  i = p->sz; i>pos; --i)//size_ Tto consider

		p->psl[i] = p->psl[i-1];
	p->psl[pos] = x;

Header insert element

void SeqListPushFront(SL* p, SLDateType x)//Insert header element
	SeqListInsert(p, 0, x);


Tail insert element

void SeqListPushBack(SL* p, SLDateType x)//Trailing element
	SeqListInsert(p, p->sz, x);

Delete element at specified location

  • Note that deleting an element is not really deleting it, but in the form of sz -. On the one hand, when subsequently adding elements, it is OK to add elements at the corresponding position. On the other hand, the dynamically opened memory is not allowed to release dynamic memory in the middle.
void SeqListErase(SL* p, size_t pos)//The specified position POS (representing array subscript) is deleted
	assert(pos <= p->sz && pos >= 0);
	for (size_t i = pos; i < p->sz - 1; ++i)
		p->psl[i] = p->psl[i + 1];

Header deletion element

void SeqListPopFront(SL* p)//Header delete element

	SeqListErase(p, 0);

Tail deletion element

void SeqListPopBack(SL* p)//Tail delete element
	SeqListErase(p, p->sz-1);


Find element

int SeqListFind(SL* p, SLDateType x)//When searching for elements, find the return subscript, otherwise 0; 
	for (size_t i = 0; i < p->sz; ++i)
		if (x == p->psl[i])
			return i;

	return 0;

Print array

void SeqListPrint(SL* p)//Print
	for (size_t i = 0; i < p->sz; ++i)
		printf("%d  ", p->psl[i]);

Destroy the requested space

void SeqLIstDestory(SL* p)//free
	p->psl = NULL;
	p->capacity = 0;
	p->sz = 0;



// Build a dynamic sequence table.
enum whole
void menu()

	printf("***************Static sequence table***********************************\n");
	printf("*********1.Head insert        2.Tail insert 3.Insert at any position*****************\n");
	printf("*********4.Header deletion        5.Tail deletion 6.Delete anywhere*****************\n");
	printf("*********7.Specified element delete 8.Print 0 .Exit  ********************\n");


int main ()
	SL s;
	int input = 0;
	SLDateType x = 0;//If you are an integer, you need to modify scanf
	int Flage = 0;
	size_t pos = 0;//position
	int ret = 0;
		printf("Please enter your choice:");
		scanf("%d", &input);
		switch (input)
		case pushfront:	
			printf("\t Head insert\n");
			printf("Please enter the element you want to insert->,End with 0\n");
			scanf("%d", &x);
			while (x)
				SeqListPushFront(&s, x);
				scanf("%d", &x);


		case pushback:	
			printf("\t Tail insertion\n");
			printf("Please enter the element you want to insert->,End with 0\n");
			scanf("%d", &x);
			while (x)
				SeqListPushBack(&s, x);
				scanf("%d", &x);
		case pushinsert:
			printf("\t Insert at any position\n");
			printf("Please enter the element you want to insert->And location->,End with 0\n");
			scanf("%d%d", &x,&pos);
			while (x)
				SeqListInsert(&s,pos, x);
				scanf("%d%d", &x,&pos);
		case popfront:
			printf("\t Header deletion\n");
			printf("Enter a number. A non-zero number indicates header deletion, and 0 indicates end\n");
			scanf("%d", &Flage);
			while (Flage)
				scanf("%d", &Flage);

		case popback:
			printf("\t Tail deletion\n");
			printf("Enter a number. A non-zero number indicates tail deletion, and 0 indicates end\n");
			scanf("%d", &Flage);
			while (Flage)
				scanf("%d", &Flage);
		case poperase:
			printf("\t Delete anywhere\n");
			printf("Please enter a number to delete anywhere with 1,End with 0 and enter a location\n");
			scanf("%d%d", &Flage,&pos);
			while (Flage)
				scanf("%d%d", &Flage, &pos);

		case popdate:
			printf("\t Specify element deletion\n");
			printf("Enter a number. A non-zero number indicates header deletion, and 0 indicates end,And enter the specified element\n");
			scanf("%d%d", &Flage, &x);
			while (Flage)
				ret = SeqListFind(&s, x);
				if (ret != -1)
					SeqListErase(&s, ret);
					printf("Delete succeeded\n");
					printf("The data does not exist\n");
				scanf("%d%d", &Flage, &x);
		case print:
		case Exit:
			printf("Thanks for using!\n");
		default:printf("Input error, please re-enter");


	} while (input);

	return 0;

Effect display


  • This is to get familiar with the dynamic sequence table. In addition, the menu in the program does not need to be paid special attention. It's right to be able to work out the code functions without bugs.
  • The following describes the linked list in the sequence list - 8 linked list forms, mainly 2 of which are used.

Keywords: data structure linked list

Added by vegnadragon on Mon, 08 Nov 2021 10:18:29 +0200