Zenty can help you create common gtk + dialog boxes using scripts.
1. Use calendar controls:
szDate=$(zenity --calendar --text "Pick a day" --title "Medical Leave" --day 13 --month 5
--year 2010); echo $szDate
2. Create an Entry dialog:
szAnswer=$(zenity --entry --text "where are you?" --entry-text "at home"); echo $szAnswer
3. Create an error dialog:
zenity --error --text "Installation failed! "
4. Create an Info dialog:
zenity --info --text "Join us at irc.freenode.net #lbe."
5. Create a file selection dialog:
szSavePath=$(zenity --file-selection --save --confirm-overwrite);echo $szSavePath
6. Create a notification dialog:
zenity --notification --window-icon=update.png --text "Please update your system."
7. Create a progress dialog:
gksudo lsof | tee >(zenity --progress --pulsate) >lsof.txt
8. Create a question dialog:
zenity --question --text "Are you sure you want to shutdown?"; echo $?
9. Create a warning dialog:
zenity --warning --text "This will kill, are you sure?";echo $?
10. Create a sliding scale dialog:
ans=$(zenity --scale --text "pick a number" --min-value=2 --max-value=100 --value=2
--step 2);echo $ans
11. Create a text message dialog:
gksudo lsof | zenity --text-info --width 530
12. Create a list dialog:
ans=$(zenity --list --text "Is linux.byexamples.com helpful?" --radiolist --column "Pick"
--column "Opinion" TRUE Amazing FALSE Average FALSE "Difficult to follow" FALSE "Not helpful");
echo $ans
ans=$(zenity --list --text "How linux.byexamples can be improved?" --checklist
--column "Pick" --column "options" TRUE "More pictures" TRUE "More complete post" FALSE "
Includes Installation guidelines" FALSE "Create a forum for question queries"
--separator=":"); echo $ans