Linux Kernel Debugging 3: Translation of QEMU ARM guest support

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QEMU usually has good support for ARM clients. It supports nearly fifty different machines. The reason we support this much is that the ARM hardware is much more variable than the x86 hardware. ARM CPU s are usually built into "on-chip systems" (SoC) designs created by many different companies using different devices, and then these SoCs are built into machines that may change even if they use the same SoC. Even with fifty boards, QEMU cannot cover a small part of the ARM hardware ecosystem.

Because ARM systems differ greatly in basic aspects, operating systems or firmware images that are usually intended to run on one computer cannot run on any other computer. This is often surprising for new users accustomed to the x86 world, as each system looks like a standard PC. (Once the kernel is started, most user space software is less concerned with hardware details.)

The situation with 64-bit ARM is very similar, but we don't implement so many different computers.

In addition to the more common "A-profile" CPUs (which have MMU s and will run Linux), we also support Cortex-M3 and Cortex-M4 "M-profile" CPUs (which are microcontrollers for very embedded circuit boards). We currently only have two motherboards that use the M-profile CPU: "lm3s811evb" and "lm3s6965evb" (both TI Stellaris evaluation boards).

1. Guidelines for Selecting QEMU Machines

1. Exact simulation of existing hardware

If you already have a complete system image that you can run on hardware and want to start using QEMU, check to see if QEMU lists the computer in its'-machine help'output.

If so, that's the best starting point. If not, unfortunately you are unlucky: your image cannot be started on QEMU.

If it's a Linux image and you're most interested in user space software, you can extract the file system and use it with other cores launched on a QEMU-emulated system.

2. Use virt machine to simulate common ARM system

If you don't care about reproducing the characteristics of a particular hardware, such as a small amount of RAM, no PCI or other hard drive, and you just want to run Linux, then the best option is to use:

-M virt

virt is a platform that does not correspond to any real hardware and is designed for use in virtual machines.

It supports PCI, virtio, the latest cpu and a lot of RAM.

For information on running 32-bit ARM Debian Linux on the virt board, see .

For 64-bit ARM,'virt'is also the best option, as seen in the 64-bit ARM Debian Linux settings .

The versatilepb machine used to be a common Linux target too; its disadvantage is that it has a very old CPU with only 256 MB of RAM, but it has at least PCI and SCSI. You can use the Find a description of how to install Debian (the author of the tutorial also provided some pre-built images at: You'd better use "virt"

1. Client Core Configuration for virt Computers

"defconfig" for Linux arm and arm64 should include the correct device drivers for virtio and PCI controllers; Some older kernel versions, especially for 32-bit Arm, do not have everything enabled by default. If you do not see the expected PCI device, check that your guest configuration has:


2. virt computer graphics

Graphics are also available, but unlike x86, the default display device is not enabled: should you start with'-device?' Select from the Display Devices section of. A good choice is to use:

-device virtio-gpu-pci

The following Linux kernel options (and the common "virtio PCI for the virt machine" option listed earlier) are enabled:


In addition, for some reason, from v2. Starting with 12, SDL graphics windows may not open in some cases, so you may need to use other methods, such as VNC:

-vnc :0

Then connect to it by:

vinagre :5900

3. Examples of using canon-a1100 machine

Canon-a1100 machines do not have Linux support - you must use special firmware here, such as "barebox". To build a bare metal image, download a compressed package from A and compile it as follows:

tar -xjf barebox-....tar.bz2
cd barebox-...
cp ./arch/arm/configs/canon-a1100_defconfig .config
make CROSS_PREFIX=arm-linux-gnu- ARCH=arm CC=arm-linux-gnu-gcc \
 LD=arm-linux-gnu-ld OBJCOPY=arm-linux-gnu-objcopy olddefconfig
make CROSS_PREFIX=arm-linux-gnu- ARCH=arm CC=arm-linux-gnu-gcc \
 LD=arm-linux-gnu-ld OBJCOPY=arm-linux-gnu-objcopy -j8

Then you can run the image like this:

qemu-system-arm -M canon-a1100 -serial stdio -display none -bios

2. Supported Machines

1. qemu-system-arm support machine

akita                Sharp SL-C1000 (Akita) PDA (PXA270)
ast2500-evb          Aspeed AST2500 EVB (ARM1176)
ast2600-evb          Aspeed AST2600 EVB (Cortex-A7)
borzoi               Sharp SL-C3100 (Borzoi) PDA (PXA270)
canon-a1100          Canon PowerShot A1100 IS (ARM946)
cheetah              Palm Tungsten|E aka. Cheetah PDA (OMAP310)
collie               Sharp SL-5500 (Collie) PDA (SA-1110)
connex               Gumstix Connex (PXA255)
cubieboard           cubietech cubieboard (Cortex-A8)
emcraft-sf2          SmartFusion2 SOM kit from Emcraft (M2S010)
fp5280g2-bmc         Inspur FP5280G2 BMC (ARM1176)
fuji-bmc             Facebook Fuji BMC (Cortex-A7)
g220a-bmc            Bytedance G220A BMC (ARM1176)
highbank             Calxeda Highbank (ECX-1000)
imx25-pdk            ARM i.MX25 PDK board (ARM926)
integratorcp         ARM Integrator/CP (ARM926EJ-S)
kudo-bmc             Kudo BMC (Cortex-A9)
kzm                  ARM KZM Emulation Baseboard (ARM1136)
lm3s6965evb          Stellaris LM3S6965EVB (Cortex-M3)
lm3s811evb           Stellaris LM3S811EVB (Cortex-M3)
mainstone            Mainstone II (PXA27x)
mcimx6ul-evk         Freescale i.MX6UL Evaluation Kit (Cortex-A7)
mcimx7d-sabre        Freescale i.MX7 DUAL SABRE (Cortex-A7)
microbit             BBC micro:bit (Cortex-M0)
midway               Calxeda Midway (ECX-2000)
mps2-an385           ARM MPS2 with AN385 FPGA image for Cortex-M3
mps2-an386           ARM MPS2 with AN386 FPGA image for Cortex-M4
mps2-an500           ARM MPS2 with AN500 FPGA image for Cortex-M7
mps2-an505           ARM MPS2 with AN505 FPGA image for Cortex-M33
mps2-an511           ARM MPS2 with AN511 DesignStart FPGA image for Cortex-M3
mps2-an521           ARM MPS2 with AN521 FPGA image for dual Cortex-M33
mps3-an524           ARM MPS3 with AN524 FPGA image for dual Cortex-M33
mps3-an547           ARM MPS3 with AN547 FPGA image for Cortex-M55
musca-a              ARM Musca-A board (dual Cortex-M33)
musca-b1             ARM Musca-B1 board (dual Cortex-M33)
musicpal             Marvell 88w8618 / MusicPal (ARM926EJ-S)
n800                 Nokia N800 tablet aka. RX-34 (OMAP2420)
n810                 Nokia N810 tablet aka. RX-44 (OMAP2420)
netduino2            Netduino 2 Machine (Cortex-M3)
netduinoplus2        Netduino Plus 2 Machine (Cortex-M4)
none                 empty machine
npcm750-evb          Nuvoton NPCM750 Evaluation Board (Cortex-A9)
nuri                 Samsung NURI board (Exynos4210)
orangepi-pc          Orange Pi PC (Cortex-A7)
palmetto-bmc         OpenPOWER Palmetto BMC (ARM926EJ-S)
quanta-gbs-bmc       Quanta GBS (Cortex-A9)
quanta-gsj           Quanta GSJ (Cortex-A9)
quanta-q71l-bmc      Quanta-Q71l BMC (ARM926EJ-S)
rainier-bmc          IBM Rainier BMC (Cortex-A7)
raspi0               Raspberry Pi Zero (revision 1.2)
raspi1ap             Raspberry Pi A+ (revision 1.1)
raspi2b              Raspberry Pi 2B (revision 1.1)
realview-eb          ARM RealView Emulation Baseboard (ARM926EJ-S)
realview-eb-mpcore   ARM RealView Emulation Baseboard (ARM11MPCore)
realview-pb-a8       ARM RealView Platform Baseboard for Cortex-A8
realview-pbx-a9      ARM RealView Platform Baseboard Explore for Cortex-A9
romulus-bmc          OpenPOWER Romulus BMC (ARM1176)
sabrelite            Freescale i.MX6 Quad SABRE Lite Board (Cortex-A9)
smdkc210             Samsung SMDKC210 board (Exynos4210)
sonorapass-bmc       OCP SonoraPass BMC (ARM1176)
spitz                Sharp SL-C3000 (Spitz) PDA (PXA270)
stm32vldiscovery     ST STM32VLDISCOVERY (Cortex-M3)
supermicrox11-bmc    Supermicro X11 BMC (ARM926EJ-S)
swift-bmc            OpenPOWER Swift BMC (ARM1176) (deprecated)
sx1                  Siemens SX1 (OMAP310) V2
sx1-v1               Siemens SX1 (OMAP310) V1
tacoma-bmc           OpenPOWER Tacoma BMC (Cortex-A7)
terrier              Sharp SL-C3200 (Terrier) PDA (PXA270)
tosa                 Sharp SL-6000 (Tosa) PDA (PXA255)
verdex               Gumstix Verdex (PXA270)
versatileab          ARM Versatile/AB (ARM926EJ-S)
versatilepb          ARM Versatile/PB (ARM926EJ-S)
vexpress-a15         ARM Versatile Express for Cortex-A15
vexpress-a9          ARM Versatile Express for Cortex-A9
virt-2.10            QEMU 2.10 ARM Virtual Machine
virt-2.11            QEMU 2.11 ARM Virtual Machine
virt-2.12            QEMU 2.12 ARM Virtual Machine
virt-2.6             QEMU 2.6 ARM Virtual Machine
virt-2.7             QEMU 2.7 ARM Virtual Machine
virt-2.8             QEMU 2.8 ARM Virtual Machine
virt-2.9             QEMU 2.9 ARM Virtual Machine
virt-3.0             QEMU 3.0 ARM Virtual Machine
virt-3.1             QEMU 3.1 ARM Virtual Machine
virt-4.0             QEMU 4.0 ARM Virtual Machine
virt-4.1             QEMU 4.1 ARM Virtual Machine
virt-4.2             QEMU 4.2 ARM Virtual Machine
virt-5.0             QEMU 5.0 ARM Virtual Machine
virt-5.1             QEMU 5.1 ARM Virtual Machine
virt-5.2             QEMU 5.2 ARM Virtual Machine
virt-6.0             QEMU 6.0 ARM Virtual Machine
virt-6.1             QEMU 6.1 ARM Virtual Machine
virt                 QEMU 6.2 ARM Virtual Machine (alias of virt-6.2)
virt-6.2             QEMU 6.2 ARM Virtual Machine
witherspoon-bmc      OpenPOWER Witherspoon BMC (ARM1176)
xilinx-zynq-a9       Xilinx Zynq Platform Baseboard for Cortex-A9
z2                   Zipit Z2 (PXA27x)

2. qemu-system-aarch64 Support Machine

akita                Sharp SL-C1000 (Akita) PDA (PXA270)
ast2500-evb          Aspeed AST2500 EVB (ARM1176)
ast2600-evb          Aspeed AST2600 EVB (Cortex-A7)
borzoi               Sharp SL-C3100 (Borzoi) PDA (PXA270)
canon-a1100          Canon PowerShot A1100 IS (ARM946)
cheetah              Palm Tungsten|E aka. Cheetah PDA (OMAP310)
collie               Sharp SL-5500 (Collie) PDA (SA-1110)
connex               Gumstix Connex (PXA255)
cubieboard           cubietech cubieboard (Cortex-A8)
emcraft-sf2          SmartFusion2 SOM kit from Emcraft (M2S010)
fp5280g2-bmc         Inspur FP5280G2 BMC (ARM1176)
fuji-bmc             Facebook Fuji BMC (Cortex-A7)
g220a-bmc            Bytedance G220A BMC (ARM1176)
highbank             Calxeda Highbank (ECX-1000)
imx25-pdk            ARM i.MX25 PDK board (ARM926)
integratorcp         ARM Integrator/CP (ARM926EJ-S)
kudo-bmc             Kudo BMC (Cortex-A9)
kzm                  ARM KZM Emulation Baseboard (ARM1136)
lm3s6965evb          Stellaris LM3S6965EVB (Cortex-M3)
lm3s811evb           Stellaris LM3S811EVB (Cortex-M3)
mainstone            Mainstone II (PXA27x)
mcimx6ul-evk         Freescale i.MX6UL Evaluation Kit (Cortex-A7)
mcimx7d-sabre        Freescale i.MX7 DUAL SABRE (Cortex-A7)
microbit             BBC micro:bit (Cortex-M0)
midway               Calxeda Midway (ECX-2000)
mps2-an385           ARM MPS2 with AN385 FPGA image for Cortex-M3
mps2-an386           ARM MPS2 with AN386 FPGA image for Cortex-M4
mps2-an500           ARM MPS2 with AN500 FPGA image for Cortex-M7
mps2-an505           ARM MPS2 with AN505 FPGA image for Cortex-M33
mps2-an511           ARM MPS2 with AN511 DesignStart FPGA image for Cortex-M3
mps2-an521           ARM MPS2 with AN521 FPGA image for dual Cortex-M33
mps3-an524           ARM MPS3 with AN524 FPGA image for dual Cortex-M33
mps3-an547           ARM MPS3 with AN547 FPGA image for Cortex-M55
musca-a              ARM Musca-A board (dual Cortex-M33)
musca-b1             ARM Musca-B1 board (dual Cortex-M33)
musicpal             Marvell 88w8618 / MusicPal (ARM926EJ-S)
n800                 Nokia N800 tablet aka. RX-34 (OMAP2420)
n810                 Nokia N810 tablet aka. RX-44 (OMAP2420)
netduino2            Netduino 2 Machine (Cortex-M3)
netduinoplus2        Netduino Plus 2 Machine (Cortex-M4)
none                 empty machine
npcm750-evb          Nuvoton NPCM750 Evaluation Board (Cortex-A9)
nuri                 Samsung NURI board (Exynos4210)
orangepi-pc          Orange Pi PC (Cortex-A7)
palmetto-bmc         OpenPOWER Palmetto BMC (ARM926EJ-S)
quanta-gbs-bmc       Quanta GBS (Cortex-A9)
quanta-gsj           Quanta GSJ (Cortex-A9)
quanta-q71l-bmc      Quanta-Q71l BMC (ARM926EJ-S)
rainier-bmc          IBM Rainier BMC (Cortex-A7)
raspi0               Raspberry Pi Zero (revision 1.2)
raspi1ap             Raspberry Pi A+ (revision 1.1)
raspi2b              Raspberry Pi 2B (revision 1.1)
raspi3ap             Raspberry Pi 3A+ (revision 1.0)
raspi3b              Raspberry Pi 3B (revision 1.2)
realview-eb          ARM RealView Emulation Baseboard (ARM926EJ-S)
realview-eb-mpcore   ARM RealView Emulation Baseboard (ARM11MPCore)
realview-pb-a8       ARM RealView Platform Baseboard for Cortex-A8
realview-pbx-a9      ARM RealView Platform Baseboard Explore for Cortex-A9
romulus-bmc          OpenPOWER Romulus BMC (ARM1176)
sabrelite            Freescale i.MX6 Quad SABRE Lite Board (Cortex-A9)
sbsa-ref             QEMU 'SBSA Reference' ARM Virtual Machine
smdkc210             Samsung SMDKC210 board (Exynos4210)
sonorapass-bmc       OCP SonoraPass BMC (ARM1176)
spitz                Sharp SL-C3000 (Spitz) PDA (PXA270)
stm32vldiscovery     ST STM32VLDISCOVERY (Cortex-M3)
supermicrox11-bmc    Supermicro X11 BMC (ARM926EJ-S)
swift-bmc            OpenPOWER Swift BMC (ARM1176) (deprecated)
sx1                  Siemens SX1 (OMAP310) V2
sx1-v1               Siemens SX1 (OMAP310) V1
tacoma-bmc           OpenPOWER Tacoma BMC (Cortex-A7)
terrier              Sharp SL-C3200 (Terrier) PDA (PXA270)
tosa                 Sharp SL-6000 (Tosa) PDA (PXA255)
verdex               Gumstix Verdex (PXA270)
versatileab          ARM Versatile/AB (ARM926EJ-S)
versatilepb          ARM Versatile/PB (ARM926EJ-S)
vexpress-a15         ARM Versatile Express for Cortex-A15
vexpress-a9          ARM Versatile Express for Cortex-A9
virt-2.10            QEMU 2.10 ARM Virtual Machine
virt-2.11            QEMU 2.11 ARM Virtual Machine
virt-2.12            QEMU 2.12 ARM Virtual Machine
virt-2.6             QEMU 2.6 ARM Virtual Machine
virt-2.7             QEMU 2.7 ARM Virtual Machine
virt-2.8             QEMU 2.8 ARM Virtual Machine
virt-2.9             QEMU 2.9 ARM Virtual Machine
virt-3.0             QEMU 3.0 ARM Virtual Machine
virt-3.1             QEMU 3.1 ARM Virtual Machine
virt-4.0             QEMU 4.0 ARM Virtual Machine
virt-4.1             QEMU 4.1 ARM Virtual Machine
virt-4.2             QEMU 4.2 ARM Virtual Machine
virt-5.0             QEMU 5.0 ARM Virtual Machine
virt-5.1             QEMU 5.1 ARM Virtual Machine
virt-5.2             QEMU 5.2 ARM Virtual Machine
virt-6.0             QEMU 6.0 ARM Virtual Machine
virt-6.1             QEMU 6.1 ARM Virtual Machine
virt                 QEMU 6.2 ARM Virtual Machine (alias of virt-6.2)
virt-6.2             QEMU 6.2 ARM Virtual Machine
witherspoon-bmc      OpenPOWER Witherspoon BMC (ARM1176)
xilinx-zynq-a9       Xilinx Zynq Platform Baseboard for Cortex-A9
xlnx-versal-virt     Xilinx Versal Virtual development board
xlnx-zcu102          Xilinx ZynqMP ZCU102 board with 4xA53s and 2xR5Fs based on the value of smp
z2                   Zipit Z2 (PXA27x)

3. Skills

To view the printouts of all supported computers, use:

qemu-system-arm -M help


 qemu-system-aarch64 -M help

4. Direction of Construction

 ./configure --target-list=arm-softmmu,aarch64-softmmu && make

5. Recommended command line

Using virtio-mmio (and virt machine)

 qemu-system-aarch64 -m <memory size> -M virt -drive if=none,file=<hard drive file name>,id=hd0 -device virtio-blk-device,drive=hd0 -netdev type=tap,id=net0 -device virtio-net-device,netdev=net0

However, for more powerful clients, discoverable buses are recommended. For example, the same as above, but now uses a PCI bus on which an SCSI controller with block devices and network cards is placed (this time using a user space network). Transport is still virtio

 qemu-system-aarch64 -m <memory size> -M virt -device virtio-scsi-pci -device scsi-hd,drive=hd0 -blockdev node-name=hd0,filename=<hard drive file name> -netdev user,id=unet -device virtio-net-pci,netdev=unet

Similar command lines can be used for qemu-system-arm as long as the kernel supports VIRTIO, GENERIC_PCI and SCSI_VIRTIO function.

6. Pictures

See original

7. Links

Keywords: Linux

Added by elfyn on Tue, 25 Jan 2022 19:56:13 +0200