Manjaro(Arch Linux) solution collection

Manjaro(Arch Linux) collection

1, Sogou input method problem

1. sogou input method installation error: sogou Pinyin exception, please try to delete SogouPY and restart

After various analysis, the main means adopted is to judge the file missing problem through Sogou qimpanel. It can be confirmed that it has a great relationship with fcitx and involves GTK, which is not well understood at present.

The trial solution seems to be something of fcitx. Record it as follows:

yay -S fcitx-qt4

2. wps software cannot input Chinese

It involves the setting of environment variables and needs to be edited xprofile file

Add the following:

export GTK_IM_MODULE=fcitx
export QT_IM_MODULE=fcitx
export XMODIFIERS="@im=fcitx"

3. Common software

The status bar shows the plug-in of network speed: Simple net speed (gnome available)

nslookup and other IP query tool plug-ins: net tools dnsutils inetutils iproute2, etc

2, Network problems involved in Manjaro Linux

1. Solutions to slow access and download speed of github

Locate github and an IP address related to the website, and forcibly add parsing in the hosts file (supplementary)

2. Command line action to flush DNS cache

sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager.service

3. Shortcut key to stop ping: Ctrl C

3, Beautification summary of manjaro system (gnome desktop)

1. Search for resources

It mainly includes the collection of icons, themes, shell s and other resources. It is best to keep local backups

2. Installation of resources

Mainly visit github, which generally has detailed instructions. Read the readme document and you can This website As an example, and archlinux official website . (user software warehouse)

With common command lines

sudo mv /*** /***            //Move files somewhere
sudo cp (-r) /*** /***        //Copy a file (folder) somewhere
chmod XXX                    //Handling permissions issues
sh -c XXX                    //It allows bash to execute a string as a complete command

4, manjaro system usage problem

1. Shortcut key problem

Alt+F2: appears to restart the gnome desktop (display the run command prompt)

Alt+Tab: switch tasks, 3D effects can be achieved through plug-ins, and app stores can search

Super+D: return to the desktop and have a name in manjaro: hide all normal windows and add shortcut keys by yourself.

5, Driving problem

1. manjaro switching prime closed source driver

Search for related installation packages NVIDIA prime

6, Software problems

1. In dde desktop environment, the desktop icon of wps document is abnormal

Solutions for viewing official documents:

After wps is installed, the Microsoft Office file format of the system will be recognized as zip and cannot be associated with wps. You can modify the format recognition by deleting the mime file under / usr/share/mime/packages /

sudo rm /usr/share/mime/packages/wps-office-*.xml
sudo update-mime-database /usr/share/mime

2. DPI scaling setting of wine series software

The software commonly used is the deepin version, so use the wine that deepin brings, open the winecfg command, then adjust the zoom.

env WINEPREFIX="$HOME/.deepinwine/Deepin-TIM" winecfg

Then take effect.

3. On the switching of Manjaro's package management GUI tool

Since the KDE desktop was first used and the package management tool was Octopi, I felt that the operation was cumbersome for a period of time, so I always wanted to switch back to pamac. Because I didn't know the full package name of pamac, I searched the Internet for a long time and installed the code of pamac management tool:

sudo pacman -Syu pamac-gtk

4. Configure oh my zsh

It is mainly a summary of various plug-ins

  • Install the autojump plug-in
sudo pacman -S autojump			//This plug-in is not necessary. autosuggestions can replace it
echo "./usr/share/autojump/autojump.zsh" >> ${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.zshrc
source ~/.zshrc
  • Install the Zsh syntax highlighting syntax highlighting plug-in
git clone $ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting
echo "source $ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting/zsh-syntax-highlighting.zsh" >> ${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.zshrc
source ~/.zshrc
  • Install the Zsh autosuggestions syntax history plug-in
git clone $ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions 
echo "source $ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions/zsh-autosuggestions.zsh" >> ${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.zshrc 
source ~/.zshrc
  • Install the auto completion plug-in incr
cd $ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins
mkdir incr 
cd incr 
echo "source $ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins/incr/incr*.zsh" >> ${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.zshrc 
source ~/.zshrc

5. Netease cloud music song search under Arch (manjaro) system cannot input Chinese

First install qcef this package

sudo pacman -S qcef

Edit Netease cloud music Bash file

sudo gedit /opt/netease/netease-cloud-music/netease-cloud-music.bash


#!/bin/shHERE="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "${0}")")"export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/libexport QT_PLUGIN_PATH="${HERE}"/pluginsexport QT_QPA_PLATFORM_PLUGIN_PATH="${HERE}"/plugins/platformsexec "${HERE}"/netease-cloud-music $@

Finally, install vlc

sudo pacman -S vlc

6. Automatic connection of Bluetooth mouse (keyboard) under dual system (Windows, Manjaro)

The principle is that the information generation of the mouse on the two OS S is inconsistent, resulting in frequent switching of the connection. The solution is as follows:

  • First pair under Windows. After pairing, Bluetooth device related information will be generated under the registry
  • Connect your Bluetooth device to Manjaro, and then we can get the relevant parameters under Linux

cd /var/lib/bluetooth 

ls -alF

cd XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX  Enter Bluetooth device address

ls -alF

cd XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX #Address of your Bluetooth device

cat info

Copy the info file you obtained separately, enter the Windows operating system, and Toolset PSTools Change the registry information, execute and enter

psexec.exe -s -i regedit

Find the mac address corresponding to your Bluetooth device and compare it with the mac information you obtained under Manjaro. It is found that there will be different information (mainly the last bit). Change the mac information of the Bluetooth device in two places:


After modification, enter the column in keys and compare the information in info:

  • Copy the hexadecimal form of IdentityResolvingKey to IRK (this key is binary in the registry. It is recommended to enter it manually one by one. I don't know why I can't copy it)
  • Copy the hexadecimal of LongTermKey to LTK
  • Copy EDIV to EDIV in decimal
  • Copy RAND to ERAND in hexadecimal


7. About installing the latest fcitx5 input method framework on Manjaro

To install the Fcitx5 package:

sudo pacman -S fcitx5-chinese-addons fcitx5-git fcitx5-gtk fcitx5-qt fcitx5-pinyin-zhwiki kcm-fcitx5
  • fcitx5: main program of input method basic framework

  • Fcitx5 Chinese addons: support for simplified Chinese input, cloud Pinyin

  • Fcitx5 GTK: GTK program support

  • Citx5 QT: Qt5 program support

  • Fcitx5 Pinyin zh Wiki: wiki million thesaurus produced by netizens

  • kcm-fcitx5: KDE desktop environment support

to configure:

Modify environment variables

Modify the input method environment variable so that the application can call the Fcitx5 input method

Paste the following into ~ / pam_environment




The Fcitx5 input method is enabled by default after system login

Paste the following into ~ / xprofile

fcitx5 &

Configure theme:
You can use the theme fcitx5 material color

sudo pacman -S fcitx5-material-color

Keywords: Linux

Added by ecxzqute on Sun, 16 Jan 2022 04:43:17 +0200