Manual data guide

I have a problem. How to make data for it?

Part 1: preparation

First, you should have a standard procedure, that is \ (\ texttt{std} \), so that you can generate a correct output data for your input data.

Then, you should have a program to generate data, that is \ (\ texttt{gen} \), see Part 2 for details.

Part 2: write a gen

Most of the principles of \ (\ texttt{gen} \) are generated randomly, and \ (\ texttt{gen} \) can be typed according to the template, such as randomly generating a sequence:

//The preparation before operation is run in the console (i.e. the pop-up black box):

srand(time(NULL));            //To generate a random number, this line must be added
int n, maxa;
cin >> n >> maxa;             //Read in the maximum values of n and a

freopen("","w",stdout);   //Output your input data to HHC In file

cout << n << endl;             //The first line of the input data of the topic may be an n. when creating the input data, you should find the input format for output
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i ++) cout << rand()%maxa+1 << ' ';  //Randomly generate n integers and output

Run this program, and then pop up a window. After entering the maximum value maxa of sequence length \ (n \) and sequence \ (a \), it will be displayed in exe file in the same directory to generate a file named hhhhc In, which contains a sequence of numbers with a length of \ (n \) and no more than \ (maxa \).

Generate a \ (\ texttt{gen} \) of \ (1\sim n \) permutation (random data) as follows:

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

int p[100005];           //Generated permutation
int main()
	int n;
	cin >> n;            //Enter the arrangement length
//	freopen("","w",stdout);
	for (int i = 1; i <= n; i ++)
		int x = -1;     //subscript
		while (x==-1 || p[x]) x = rand() % n + 1;  //If this number has been generated, it should be regenerated in order to avoid duplicate numbers
        p[x] = i;                     //The current number is stored in the spread
	for (int i = 1; i <= n; i ++)
		cout << p[i] << ' ';
	return 0;

Method of generating a random interval:

//Method 1: randomly generate l in [1,n], and then randomly generate r in [l + 1,n]
int l = rand() % n + 1;
int r = rand() % (n-l+1) + l;

//Method 2 (recommended): randomly generate two numbers l,r in [1,n]. If R < L, exchange l,r
int l = rand() % n + 1, r = rand() % n + 1;
if (r < l) swap(l,r);

There are many ways to generate many different data, which depends on your own thinking(

There are also some \ (\ texttt{gen} \) that make hack data, such as

//P7996 No answer! gen of the situation
cout << 114514;              
for (int i = 1; i <= 114514; i ++) cout << 1 << ' ';

Show me the \ (\ texttt{gen} \) of P7996:

using namespace std;

int main()

	long long n,k,a,b;
	cout<<"Please enter n,k,ai Upper and lower values of:";
	freopen("", "w", stdout);

	cout<<n<<" "<<k<<'\n';
	for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
		cout<<rand()%(b-a+1)+a<<' ';
//		if(i<50000) cout<<2500;
//		else cout<<3500;
//		cout<<' ';
//		cout <<"7000000 "; 

//		cout << i+a << ' ';
	return 0;

Part 3: manufacturing input data

Your \ (\ texttt{std,gen} \) must be in the same directory.

Just use your \ (\ texttt{gen} \) to create input data.

For example, the \ (\ texttt{gen} \) of P7996 above only needs to run and generate 1 In, put 1 In manually changed to 2 in, \ (... \) and then run them separately to generate these input data.

If you need to generate hack data halfway, just change your \ (\ texttt{gen} \).

Part 4: manufacturing output data

Create an output. Net file in the directory where the data is stored Cpp file, enter:

int main()
	for(int i=1; i<=n; ++i)             //n is the number of your data sets
		printf("std < > %d.out\n",i,i);
	return 0;

Then, do not add freopen to your \ (\ texttt{std} \) and run the output Exe, and then you will find a run. Exe in your directory Bat file, run this file and wait for the pop-up window to close, and you will find that your output data has been created.

Part 5: attention!

  1. The name of your \ (\ texttt{std,gen} \) must be std.cpp, gen.cpp and std.exe, gen.exe, otherwise an error will occur when generating output data.
  2. Your data name should preferably be 1 in 2. In \ (... \) x.In and 1 out 2. Out \ (... \) x.out, otherwise you need to change your output cpp.
  3. When uploading data, you need to compress the file into a folder, preferably named data Zip. Don't put anything in it except input data and output data. (if you want to make a special evaluation, you can insert files such as checker.cpp)

Part 6: pay more attention!

Click a like before you go \ (\ sim \)

If there is something inappropriate, you can put forward oh \ (\ sim \)

\[\large\texttt{The End} \]

Added by wadearnold on Sat, 22 Jan 2022 12:37:06 +0200