MarkDown basic syntax

Markdown basic syntax

Markdown is a plain text markup language. Through simple markup syntax, it can make ordinary text content have a certain format.

1. Because it is pure text, the same editing effect can be obtained wherever Markdown is supported, which can let the author get rid of the trouble of typesetting and concentrate on writing.
2. Simple operation. For example: WYSIWYG marks a title when editing. Select the content first, and then click the title button on the navigation bar to select several levels of titles. There are three steps. Markdown only needs to add # before the title

1. You need to remember some grammar (of course, it's very simple. Learn it in five minutes).
2. Some platforms do not support Markdown editing mode.

1, Title

Add # in front of the text you want to set as the title
One # is the primary title, the other # is the secondary title, and so on. Six level titles are supported.

Note: the standard grammar usually writes words after # followed by a space. It seems that a simple book can do without a space.

# This is the first level title
## This is the secondary title
### This is a three-level title
#### This is a four level title
##### This is a five level title
###### This is a six level title


This is the first level title

This is the secondary title

This is a three-level title

This is a four level title

This is a five level title
This is a six level title

2, Typeface

  • Bold
    The text to be bold is wrapped with two * marks on the left and right respectively

  • Italics
    The text to be tilted shall be wrapped with an * sign on the left and right respectively

  • Italic bold
    The text to be tilted and bold shall be wrapped with three * marks on the left and right respectively

  • Delete line
    The left and right of the text to be underlined are wrapped with two ~ ~ marks respectively

**This is bold text**
*This is slanted text*`
***This is bold italic text***
~~This is the text with a strikethrough~~


This is bold text
This is slanted text`
This is bold italic text
This is the text with a strikethrough

3, Quote

Add > before the referenced text. References can also be nested, such as adding two > > and three > > >
It seems that it can be added all the time, but it's useless

>This is the quoted content
>>This is the quoted content
>>>>>>>>>>This is the quoted content


This is the quoted content

This is the quoted content

This is the quoted content

4, Split line

Three or more - or * can be.



5, Picture


![picture alt](Picture address ''picture title'')

picture alt Is the text displayed below the picture, which is equivalent to the explanation of the picture content.
picture title Is the title of the picture and the content displayed when the mouse moves over the picture. title You can add it or not
u=702257389,1274025419&fm=27&gp=0.jpg "Blockchain")


6, Hyperlinks


[Hyperlink name](Hyperlink address "Hyperlinks title")
title You can add it or not


[Jian Shu](

Jian Shu

Note: Markdown syntax does not support opening links in new pages. It seems that Jane's book has been processed, which is OK. Other platforms may not work. If you want to open it in a new page, you can use the a tag of html language instead.

<a href="Hyperlink address" target="_blank">Hyperlink name</a>

<a href="https://www.jianshu. com/u/1f5ac0cf6a8b" target="_ Blank "> short book</a>

7, List

Unordered list

The unordered list can be either - + * or

- List content
+ List content
* List content

be careful:- + * There should be a space between and the content

  • List content
  • List content
  • List content

Note: - + * there should be a space between it and the content

Ordered list
Digital dot

1. List content
2. List content
3. List content

Note: there should be a space between the serial number and the content
  1. List content
  2. List content
  3. List content

Note: there should be a space between the serial number and the content

List nesting
Just type three spaces between the upper level and the lower level

  • Primary unordered content
    • Secondary unordered content
    • Secondary unordered content
  1. First order content
    1. Secondary ordered content

8, Forms



The second line splits the header and content.
- Just one. For alignment, add a few more
 Text is left by default
-Plus on both sides: indicates that the text is centered
-Right plus: indicates that the text is on the right
 Note: the native grammar should be used on both sides | wrap up. Omitted here


full name|skill|Ranking
Liu Bei|cry|eldest brother
 Guan Yu|hit|second elder brother
 Fei Zhang|scold|Third brother
full nameskillRanking
Liu Beicryeldest brother
Guan Yuhitsecond elder brother
Fei ZhangscoldThird brother

9, Code

Single line code: the codes are enclosed in an inverted quotation mark

  `Code content`

Code block: the code is enclosed in three backquotes, and the backquotes on both sides occupy a separate line


The effects are as follows:
Single line code:
create database hero;

Code block

    function fun(){
         echo "This is a very awesome code";

10, Flow chart

st=>start: start
op=>operation: My Operation
cond=>condition: Yes or No?

Added by include_me on Fri, 21 Jan 2022 17:16:33 +0200