Maven assembly plugin of < maven>maven plug-in


It is a standard plug-in for packaging tasks in maven

The main purpose of the Assembly plug-in is to allow users to assemble project output with its dependencies, modules, site documents, and other files into a distributable archive.


Other plug-ins are not easy to use and each has its own short board. For example, you can't make a package based on the last package


1. Define pom plug-in first

                        <!--Corresponding to src/main/resource Create under package buildzip.xml configuration file-->
						<phase>package</phase>  <!--Packaging phase execution -->
							<goal>single</goal>  <!--Execute once -->

2. Define xml

For example: build-jar.xml

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>



Type all the. class files under classess in the build directory into jar packages


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <!-- id Identifier, a suffix added to the name of the build file. If specified id Words,The target file is ${artifactId}-${id}.jar. [as demo-] -->
    <!-- Specifies the packaging format. Supported packaging formats are zip,tar,tar.gz (or tgz),tar.bz2 (or tbz2),jar,dir,war,Multiple packaging formats can be specified at the same time -->
    <!-- Specifies whether the package contains the package layer directory (for example finalName yes demo,Duty is true,All files are in the package demo/Directory, otherwise it will be placed directly in the root directory of the package)-->
    <!-- Specify to print the project dependent package to the specified directory in the package -->
            <useProjectArtifact>true</useProjectArtifact> <!-- Specifies whether to include the self generated jar package -->
            <outputDirectory>WEB-INF/lib</outputDirectory> <!-- Specify to package these dependent packages lib Directory -->
            <scope>runtime</scope> <!-- For managing dependent deployments, runtime Indicates use only at run time -->
    <!-- Specify the file set to include, you can define multiple fileSet -->
            <directory>src/main/script/linux/bin</directory> <!-- Specify the archive file (to be typed jar Package) directory to include (files and folders under) -->
            <outputDirectory>bin</outputDirectory> <!-- Specifies that the current directory(<directory>The directory in the tag is placed in the archive file (to be typed jar Package) bin Directory] -->
                <include>linux</include> <!-- Control exactly what files to include,<exclude>For precise control of files to exclude  -->
            <fileMode>0755</fileMode> <!-- set up file UNIX Property is a read-write permission -->

		<!--take build-jar.xml Taxi jar package copy -->



Reference resources:

Keywords: Maven xml Apache encoding

Added by kenhess on Sat, 16 Nov 2019 21:56:47 +0200