Middle School Student Status Management System

Middle School Student Status Management System

Secondary school student status management system mysql database version source code:

Super Administrator Table Creation Statement is as follows:

create table t_admin(
	id int primary key auto_increment comment 'Primary key',
	username varchar(100) comment 'Super Administrator Account',
	password varchar(100) comment 'Super Administrator Password'
) comment 'Super Administrator';
insert into t_admin(username,password) values('admin','123456');

The shopping cart table creation statement is as follows:

create table t_shopcar(
	id int primary key auto_increment comment 'Primary key',
	productId int comment 'product',
	kcNum int comment 'Inventory quantity',
	insertDate datetime comment 'date'
) comment 'Shopping Cart';

The job table creation statement is as follows:

create table t_zuoye(
	id int primary key auto_increment comment 'Primary key',
	customerId int comment 'I',
	toCustomerId int comment 'Other party',
	customerId int comment 'user',
	content varchar(100) comment 'Explain',
	fileUrl varchar(100) comment 'Enclosure',
	insertDate datetime comment 'date',
	back varchar(100) comment 'Reply'
) comment 'task';

The inventory table creation statement is as follows:

create table t_kc(
	id int primary key auto_increment comment 'Primary key',
	pf int comment 'score',
	status varchar(100) comment 'state',
	productId int comment 'product'
) comment 'Stock';

The concern table creation statement is as follows:

create table t_gz(
	id int primary key auto_increment comment 'Primary key',
	num int comment 'Number',
	customerId int comment ''
) comment 'follow';

Secondary school student status management system oracle database version source code:

Super Administrator Table Creation Statement is as follows:

create table t_admin(
	id integer,
	username varchar(100),
	password varchar(100)
insert into t_admin(id,username,password) values(1,'admin','123456');
--Super Administrator Field Annotated
comment on column t_admin.id is 'Primary key';
comment on column t_admin.username is 'Super Administrator Account';
comment on column t_admin.password is 'Super Administrator Password';
--Super Administrator Table Annotated
comment on table t_admin is 'Super Administrator';

The shopping cart table creation statement is as follows:

create table t_shopcar(
	id integer,
	productId int,
	kcNum int,
	insertDate datetime
--Comments on shopping cart fields
comment on column t_shopcar.id is 'Primary key';
comment on column t_shopcar.productId is 'product';
comment on column t_shopcar.kcNum is 'Inventory quantity';
comment on column t_shopcar.insertDate is 'date';
--Comments on shopping cart list
comment on table t_shopcar is 'Shopping Cart';

The job table creation statement is as follows:

create table t_zuoye(
	id integer,
	customerId int,
	toCustomerId int,
	customerId int,
	content varchar(100),
	fileUrl varchar(100),
	insertDate datetime,
	back varchar(100)
--Annotation of job field
comment on column t_zuoye.id is 'Primary key';
comment on column t_zuoye.customerId is 'I';
comment on column t_zuoye.toCustomerId is 'Other party';
comment on column t_zuoye.customerId is 'user';
comment on column t_zuoye.content is 'Explain';
comment on column t_zuoye.fileUrl is 'Enclosure';
comment on column t_zuoye.insertDate is 'date';
comment on column t_zuoye.back is 'Reply';
--Notes on the homework table
comment on table t_zuoye is 'task';

The inventory table creation statement is as follows:

create table t_kc(
	id integer,
	pf int,
	status varchar(100),
	productId int
--Annotation of Inventory Field
comment on column t_kc.id is 'Primary key';
comment on column t_kc.pf is 'score';
comment on column t_kc.status is 'state';
comment on column t_kc.productId is 'product';
--Notes to Inventory Statement
comment on table t_kc is 'Stock';

The concern table creation statement is as follows:

create table t_gz(
	id integer,
	num int,
	customerId int
--Note fields of interest
comment on column t_gz.id is 'Primary key';
comment on column t_gz.num is 'Number';
comment on column t_gz.customerId is '';
--Notes to the attention table
comment on table t_gz is 'follow';

oracle is unique, and the corresponding sequence is as follows:

create sequence s_t_shopcar;
create sequence s_t_zuoye;
create sequence s_t_kc;
create sequence s_t_gz;

Secondary school student status management system SQL Server database version source code:

The super administrator table creation statement is as follows:

--Super Administrator
create table t_admin(
	id int identity(1,1) primary key not null,--Primary key
	username varchar(100),--Super Administrator Account
	password varchar(100)--Super Administrator Password
insert into t_admin(username,password) values('admin','123456');

The shopping cart table creation statement is as follows:

--Comments on shopping cart list
create table t_shopcar(
	id int identity(1,1) primary key not null,--Primary key
	productId int,--product
	kcNum int,--Inventory quantity
	insertDate datetime--date

The job table creation statement is as follows:

--Notes to homework sheets
create table t_zuoye(
	id int identity(1,1) primary key not null,--Primary key
	customerId int,--I
	toCustomerId int,--Other party
	customerId int,--user
	content varchar(100),--Explain
	fileUrl varchar(100),--Enclosure
	insertDate datetime,--date
	back varchar(100)--Reply

The inventory table creation statement is as follows:

--Notes to Inventory Statement
create table t_kc(
	id int identity(1,1) primary key not null,--Primary key
	pf int,--score
	status varchar(100),--state
	productId int--product

The concern table creation statement is as follows:

--Notes to the Attention Table
create table t_gz(
	id int identity(1,1) primary key not null,--Primary key
	num int,--Number
	customerId int--

Keywords: Database Oracle MySQL SQL

Added by bleh on Tue, 08 Oct 2019 17:05:47 +0300