Mongo Document Database (Bson = JSON binarization on Gridfs disks)
Features: The internal execution engine is a JS interpreter. Documents are stored in a bson structure. When querying, they are converted into json objects and can be manipulated by familiarizing themselves with JS grammar.
2. The biggest difference between mongo and traditional databases is:
1. Traditional database: Structured database, defined table structure, each row of data is the same, column data type is the same.
2. Document database: Each document under the table has no fixed structure and can be its own unique attributes and values.
III. Installation
Unzip: tar-zxvf mongodb-linux-x86_64-2.4.8.tgz
No compilation: copy to / usr/local/
Directory Introduction: bin
bsondump derives bson structure
mongo client
mongod server
mongodump Overall Database Export (Binary)
mongoexport exports json and csv structures
mongorestore Overall Database Import (Binary)
mongos router
Start service: / usr / local / mongodb / bin / mongod -- dbpath = / data / mongod17 / logpath = / data / mongod17 / mongod17. log -- fork -- smallfiles -- port 27017 --dbpath=/data/mongodb --logpath=/data/mongodb/logs/mongodb.log --auth access password -- port=27017 access port fork Backend Running smallfiles run at a minimum of 400M Du-h View Space, which takes up 3-4G of Disk Space killall mogon delete process
Common orders
show dbs; view the current database
Use database Name; select database
show collections; view the current data table; see help
How to create libraries (implicit creation, insertion without creation) db.createCollection('user'); Insert Document Table db.user.insert({_id:1,name:'lisi',age:22}); db.user.insert({_id:2,name:'wangbaojian',hobby:['computer','study']}); db.user.find(); Delete libraries and tables db.dbname.drop(); delete data tables db.dropDatabase(); To delete the database, you need to switch first.
5. Detailed Command CURD
Add a document
Adding multiple documents db.user.insert([ {_id:1,name:'zhangsan',sex:'1',xueli:'dazhuan'}, {_id:2,name:'lisi',sex:'1',xueli:'dazhuan'}, {_id:3,name:'wangwu',sex:'0',xueli:'benke'} ]); remove document db.user.remove(); Note: 1. Query expressions are still json objects; 2. Matching lines of query expressions are deleted. 3. If there is no query expression, all documents in collections are deleted. db.user.remove({sex:'1'},true/false); if the second parameter is true, only one line is deleted. Modify Documents db.user.update({name:'zhansan'},{name:'zhangsantongxue'}); in addition to ID, the old document replaces the new document. db.user.update({name:'lisi'},{$set:{name:'lisitongxue'}}); db.user.update{{name:'lisi'},$set:{},$unset:{},$rename:{},$incr:{}} Set modifies the value of a column > db. user. update ({name:'lisi'}, {set:{name:'lisitongxue'}, true); when it modifies, it hits multiple lines and changes only one line, unless the third parameter is true. $unset deletes a column > db.stu.update ({id:3}, {unset:{shcool:"zhejiang"}); Rename renames a column > db.stu.update ({id:3}, {rename:{name:'xname'}); incr increases the value of a column > db. stu. update ({id:4}, {inc:{sex:10}); > db.user.update ({name:'lisi'}, {set:{name:'lisitongxue'}, {upsert: true}); if there are modifications, no additions are made. setOnInsert can add some fields when the modification value is successful consult your documentation db.user.find(); query all rows db.user.find({}, {}) query expression, query column value 0/1
6. Query expression;
> comparison operator Commodities with 13 primary keys{goods_id:13}); All commodities not part 3 ($ne){goods_id:{$ne:3}},{goods_id:1,_id:0,goods_name:1}) Other judgement keywords $ne is not equal to More than $gt Less than $lt $gte is greater than or equal to $lte is less than or equal to Included values $in in{goods_id:{$in:[10,11]}},{_id:0,goods_id:1,goods_name:1}) Numbers not included $nin not in{goods_id:{$nin:[1,3]}},{_id:0,goods_id:1,goods_name:1}); All values of exponential group $all db.user.find({hobby:{$all:[1]}},{_id:0,name:1,passwd:1,$hobby:1}); Logical Operator > and $and and{$and:[ {goods_id:{$gte:1}}, {goods_id:{$lte:10}} ]},{_id:0,goods_id:1,goods_name:1}){$and:[ {goods_id:{$ne:1}}, {goods_id:{$ne:3}} ]},{_id:0,goods_id:1,goods_name:1}) or $or or{$or:[ {goods_id:12}, {goods_id:1} ]},{_id:0,goods_id:1,goods_name:1}) wrong $not not All enumeration conditions are not true $nor{$nor:[ {goods_id:12}, {goods_id:1} ]},{_id:0,goods_id:1,goods_name:1}) The existence of a column is true $exists {goods_id:{$exists:1}}, {_id:0,goods_id:1,goods_name:1}) Full Remainder Conditions Are True $mod{goods_id: {$mod:[5,0]} },{_id:0,goods_id:1,goods_name:1}) Data is true for a certain type $type{goods_name: {$type:2} },{_id:0,goods_id:1,goods_name:1})
7. Cursor operation
insert data
for(var i=0;i<10000;i++){{_id:i,title:'hellow',content:'word'+i})};
declare cursor var mycusor ={_id:{$lte:5}}); print(; while Printing case while(mycusor.hasNext()){ printjson(; } for loop for(var mycusor ={_id:{$lte:5}});;){ printjson(; } forEach loop,callback var mycusor = db.stu.find(); mycusor.forEach(function(obj){printjson(obj)}); //Paging application skip() limit() //n rows per page, current page page, skip (page-1) * rows var mycusor = db.stu.find().skip(800).limit(10); while(mycusor.hasNext()){ printjson(; } //Return results directly (resource-intensive) var mycusor = db.stu.find().skip(800).limit(10); mycusor.toArray();
VII. Index Operation
Explain the implementation plan
db.find(query).explain(); >>db.stu.find().skip(0).limit(10).explain();
"cursor": "Basic cursor", no index column
"Nscanned Objects": 10, theoretical scan line
View the current index
Create an index Db.stu.ensureIndex ({title:1}); -/+1 positive/reverse order Delete index db.stu.dropIndex({title:1}); delete the specified db.stu.dropIndexes(); delete all Multi-column index db.stu.ensureIndex({a:1,b:1...}); Subdocument Index and Query db.user.insert({_id:3,name:'lili',hobby:{yundong:'yumaoqiu',yule:'kandianshi'}}) db.user.find({'hobby.yule':'kandianshi'}); query subdocuments db.stu.ensureIndex('hobby.yule':1); Indexing nature Normal index (including null values) unique index db.user.ensureIndex({name:1},{unique:true}); Sparse index (not empty) db.user.ensureIndex({name:1},{sparse:true}); Hash index (theoretical 1 hit, but not suitable for scope. 2.4 added functionality) db.user.ensureIndex({name:'hashed'}); Reconstructing the index (multiple modifications create holes) db.stu.reindex; Delete index db.stu.dropIndexes(); delete all
VIII. User Management
1,switch to admin data base use admin 2,Add Super Administrator db.addUser('sa','shunjian','false');User name, password, read-only or not //Adding users to other libraries requires switching to other libraries using administrator identity db.addUser('web','123456','false'); 3,Close all processes killall mongod 4,Authentication of privileges--auth /usr/local/mongodb/bin/mongod --dbpath=/data/mongod17/ --logpath=/data/mongod17/mongod17.log --auth --port=27017 --fork --smallfiles 5,Login Authentication use admin db.auth('sa','shunjian'); 6,Modify user password db.changeUserPassword('sa','newpasswd'); 7,Modify user password db.removeUser('sa'); 8,User Rights (Segmented Role Management),dba Work already)
9. Import and Export
Derived parameters
- h host
- port Port
- u username
- p password
Mongoexport-d [library]-c [table]-f column 1, column 2-Q [condition]-o. / stu.json - d library name - c Table Name - f column name - q condition - o Path - cvs export csv format (easy to exchange data with traditional databases) Export json ./mongoexport -h -port 27017 -u www -p 321 -d test -c stu -f _id,title,content -q '{_id:{$lte:1000}}' --json -o ./stu.json > Import json ./mongoimport -h -port 27017 -u www -p 321 -d test -c stu --type json --file ./stu.json Derived csv ./mongoexport -h -port 27017 -u www -p 321 -d test -c stu -f _id,title,content -q '{_id:{$lte:1000}}' --csv -o ./stu.csv Import csv ./mongoimport -h -port 27017 -u www -p 321 -d test -c stu -f _id,title,content --headerline --type csv --file ./stu.csv Derived binary ./mongodump -h -port 27017 -u www -p 321 -d test -c stu -o ./ Import binary ./mongorestore -d test -c stu --directoryperdb /usr/local/mongodb/bin/test/
10. replication set
1. Multiple servers maintain the same copy
2. schematic diagram|
| | | |
secondary(read) <–> secondary(read)
3,Create directories(Data, Logs) rm -rf /data/mongodb* && mkdir -p /data/mongodb17 /data/mongodb18 /data/mongodb19 /data/mongodb17/logs/ /data/mongodb18/logs/ /data/mongodb19/logs/ 4,Start three instances(Declare that an instance belongs to a replicate set)--replset /usr/local/mongodb/bin/mongod --dbpath=/data/mongodb17 --logpath=/data/mongodb17/logs/mongodb17.log --port=27017 --fork --smallfiles --replSet rs2 /usr/local/mongodb/bin/mongod --dbpath=/data/mongodb18 --logpath=/data/mongodb18/logs/mongodb18.log --port=27018 --fork --smallfiles --replSet rs2 /usr/local/mongodb/bin/mongod --dbpath=/data/mongodb19 --logpath=/data/mongodb19/logs/mongodb19.log --port=27019 --fork --smallfiles --replSet rs2 5,To configure var rsconf = { _id:'rs2', members:[ { _id:0, host:'' }, { _id:1, host:'' }, { _id:2, host:'' } ]} 6,Initialization according to configuration rs.initiate(rsconf); 5,View status rs.status(); 8,Delete Nodes rs.remove(''); 9,Adding Nodes //Configuration (Execution Step 5) rs.reconfig(rsconf); 10,Make the slave server readable rs.slaveOk(); 11,Close the server db.shutdownServer(); 12,Gang Group; 13,Script #!/bin/bash NA="rs2" IP="" if [ "$1" == "reset" ]; then killall mongod rm -rf /data/m* mkdir -p /data/mongodb17 /data/mongodb18 /data/mongodb19 /data/mongodb17/logs/ /data/mongodb18/logs/ /data/mongodb19/logs/ elif [ "$1" == "install" ]; then /usr/local/mongodb/bin/mongod --dbpath=/data/mongodb17 --logpath=/data/mongodb17/logs/mongodb17.log --port=27017 --fork --smallfiles --replSet ${NA} /usr/local/mongodb/bin/mongod --dbpath=/data/mongodb18 --logpath=/data/mongodb18/logs/mongodb18.log --port=27018 --fork --smallfiles --replSet ${NA} /usr/local/mongodb/bin/mongod --dbpath=/data/mongodb19 --logpath=/data/mongodb19/logs/mongodb19.log --port=27019 --fork --smallfiles --replSet ${NA} /usr/local/mongodb/bin/mongo << EOF use admin var rsconf = { _id:"rs2", members:[ {_id:0,host:"${IP}:27017"}, {_id:1,host:"${IP}:27018"}, {_id:2,host:"${IP}:27019"} ]} rs.initiate(rsconf); EOF else echo "this is error" fi
11. Data shard Fragmentation (mongos)
>>Schematic diagram shard1(Piece 1) mongos configsvr //Router (not storing data, storing slice information on data) shard2(Piece two) >>Explain 1,need N And N>=2 individual mongod Service Chip Node. 2,need configsvr Maintain mata Original information. 3,To start mongos Routing. 4,To set the rules of data fragmentation(configsvr Ability to maintain). 5,Go first shard Insert data, move when unbalanced chunk,Causes disks IO Increase. #!/bin/bash IP="" if [ "$1" == "reset" ]; then killall mongod rm -rf /data/m* mkdir -p /data/mongodb17/logs /data/mongodb18/logs /data/mongodb99/logs /data/mongodb30000/logs elif [ "$1" == "install" ]; then /usr/local/mongodb/bin/mongod --dbpath=/data/mongodb17 --logpath=/data/mongodb17/logs/mongodb17.log --port 27017 --smallfiles --fork /usr/local/mongodb/bin/mongod --dbpath=/data/mongodb18 --logpath=/data/mongodb18/logs/mongodb18.log --port 27018 --smallfiles --fork /usr/local/mongodb/bin/mongod --dbpath=/data/mongodb99 --logpath=/data/mongodb99/logs/mongodb99.log --port 27099 --smallfiles --configsvr --fork /usr/local/mongodb/bin/mongos --logpath=/data/mongodb30000/logs/mongodb30000.log --port 30000 --fork --configdb ${IP}:27099 /usr/local/mongodb/bin/mongo -port 30000 << EOF sh.addShard("${IP}:27017") sh.addShard("${IP}:27018") sh.enableSharding('test') sh.shardCollection('test.user',{userid:1}) use config{_id:'chunksize',value:2}) EOF else echo "this is error" fi 5,Add rules to fragment sh.enableSharding("test") sh.shardCollection("test.user",{userid:1}) 6,modify chunk The default size is 64 m use config db.settings.find();{_id:'chunksize',value:1})
Twelve. Manual Partitioning
for(var i=1;i<=79;i++){ sh.splitAt('test.user',{userid:i*1000}) }
Eighth Day Course
I. Combination of Reproduction Set and Fragmentation
B replication set RS3 C replication set RS4
27017 >>27017
27018 27018
27019 27019