MongoDB download, installation and Robot 3T connection


1. Download

Mode 1:

Download address of official website:

Mode 2:

Download address of official website:

(the version with debugsymbols is the debug version, do not download it)

2. Installation (zip version)

(it's too intrusive to install the zip version here.)

The first step is to decompress

After downloading, unzip it to the current directory. The directory structure should be like this. If not, it means that it is wrong.

Step 2: create a new file:

  1. A data folder;

  2. A logs folder;

  3. A Mongo Log file, in the logs folder, the content can be empty;

  4. A Mongo Conf file, the contents are as follows: (fill in the path according to your own path)

    # Database path  
    # Log output file path  
    # The error log adopts the append mode  
    # Enable log file, enabled by default  
    #This option can filter out some useless log information. If you need to debug, please set it to false
    #The default port number is 27017
  5. A startup Bat file, the contents are as follows: (fill in the path according to your own path)

    CALL mongod --dbpath "D:\java\mongodb-win32-x86_64-windows-4.4.5\data"

After all are created, the folder should look like this:

Step 3: set environment variables

New environment variable:

Variable name: MONGODB_HOME

Variable value: D:\java\mongodb-win32-x86_64-windows-4.4.5

(fill in the path according to your own path)

Step 4: specify the configuration

Ctrl+R, enter cmd, call up the console, and enter the following command: (fill in the path according to your own path)

mongod --config "D:\java\mongodb-win32-x86_64-windows-4.4.5\mongo.conf"
# Or - f is short for -- config
mongod -f "D:\java\mongodb-win32-x86_64-windows-4.4.5\mongo.conf"

The results are as follows: the specified configuration is successful and the current window can be closed.

Step 5: start

Double click the startup.exe file created under the previously extracted directory Bat file to start.

(be sure to close the setting window of the previous step and start it again, otherwise it will flash back)

Successful startup interface:

(this interface is the background of mongodb. Close the interface, then close mongodb)

Step 6: console connection

Ctrl + R, enter cmd, open a new console, and enter mongo:

We can enter the following commands to perform some basic operations:

# View the current database
# View all databases (only those with data)
show dbs

# Create a 'myCollection' set, merge and insert a piece of data
db.myCollection.insert({"name" : "ACGkaka", "age" : 25, "hobby" : ["read a book", "watch movie", "Write code"]})
# View all collections in the current database
show collections
# find() - view all data in the 'myCollection' collection
# pretty() - format and display the data (if the amount of data is small, it will not be formatted)

# Delete all data in the 'myCollection' collection
# Delete 'myCollection' collection

# sign out

Execution result:

3.Robot 3T download and connection

Official download address:

The official downloaded compressed package will be bundled with Studio-3T. We only need Robot 3T.

(the installation is very simple, so I won't talk about it.)

Step 1: after startup, a connection window will pop up by default and click "Create"

Step 2: after naming, click "Save" and double-click the connection to open it

Step 3: insert a record to see the data:

# Create a 'myCollection' set, merge and insert a piece of data
db.myCollection.insert({"name" : "ACGkaka", "age" : 25, "hobby" : ["read a book", "watch movie", "Write code"]})

After finishing, sprinkle flowers after finishing~

Keywords: MongoDB

Added by BioBob on Fri, 04 Mar 2022 02:45:05 +0200