MongoDB learning notes (this is enough for beginners)

MongoDB learning notes

1, What is MongoDB?

1.1 introduction to mongodb

MongoDB is written in C + + language. It is an open source database system based on distributed file storage. It aims to provide scalable high-performance data storage solutions for WEB applications.

Baidu Encyclopedia introduction

As can be seen from the above description

  • MangoDB is written in c + +, and its running efficiency is naturally not low
  • Distributed file storage system
  • Open source database system, anyone can use

1.2 characteristics of mongodb

Here are only the features that I think are more useful. There are many online features about MangoDB, so I won't list them one by one.

  • MongoDB is a document storage oriented database, which is relatively simple and easy to operate.
  • The file storage format is BSON (an extension of JSON), which supports the nesting of documents and arrays.
  • Mongo supports rich query expressions. The query instruction uses JSON tags, which can easily query the embedded objects and arrays in the document.
  • MongoDB supports various programming languages: RUBY, PYTHON, JAVA, C + +, PHP, c# and other languages
  • wait

1.3 introduction to mongodb related terms

1.3.1 database

One MongoDB can establish multiple databases The default database of MongoDB is "db", which is stored in the data directory

1.3.2 Document

A document is a set of key value pairs (i.e. BSON). MongoDB documents do not need to set the same fields, and the same fields do not need the same data types, which is very different from relational databases, and it is also a very prominent feature of MongoDB.

Here is a simple document example

{"site": "", "name":"CodingGorit"}

Terms corresponding to RDBMS and MongoDB







that 's ok




Table Union

embed document

Primary key

Primary key (MangoDB provides a key of _id)

1.3.3 assembly

A set is a MongoDB document group, similar to a table in RDBMS (Relational Database Management System).

The collection exists in the database and has no fixed structure, which means that you can insert data of different formats and types into the collection, but usually the data we insert into the collection will have a certain correlation.

For example, we can insert documents with the following different data structures into the collection

{"site": ""}
{"site": "", "name":"CodingGorit"}
{"site": "", "name":"CodingGorit","age":5}

When the first document is inserted, the collection is created

  • Collection names cannot be empty strings
  • The collection name cannot contain the \ 0 character (null character), which represents the end of the collection name.
  • Collection names cannot start with 'system.' this is a reserved prefix for system collections.
  • User created collection names cannot contain reserved characters. Some drivers do support including this character in collection names because some system generated collections contain this character. Do not appear $, unless you want to access such system created collections.

1.3.4 list

SQL terminology and concepts

MongoDB terminology and concepts

Explanation / explanation






Database tables / sets



Data record line / document



Data field / field




primary key

primary key

Primary key MongoDB automatically sets the _id field as the primary key

1.4 MongoDB data type

The following lists the common data types in MangoDB (from the rookie tutorial)

data type



String, a common data class used to store data. Only UTF-8 encoded string in mangoDB is legal


Integer value is used to store the value. It can be divided into 64 bits and 32 bits according to the server you adopt.


Boolean values, storing Boolean values (true and false)


Double precision floating-point value, used to store floating-point values

Min,Max keys

Compare a value with the lowest and highest values of BSON (binary JSON) elements


Used to store multiple values of an array or list as a key


Timestamp, which records the specific time when a document is modified or added


For embedded documents


Used to create null values


Date and time: use UNIX time format to store the current date or time. You can specify your own date and time, create a date object, and pass in the year, month and day information

. .

2, What can MongoDB do?

Let's see where online enterprises are and what mangoDB does

  • Archive billions of records using MongoDB on Craiglist.
  • FourSquare, a location-based social networking site, uses MongoDB to share data on Amazon EC2 servers.
  • Shutterfly, an Internet-based social and personal publishing service, uses MongoDB's various persistent data storage requirements.
  •, a Web-based URL shortening service, uses MongoDB to store its own data.
  •, an affiliate of MTV network, uses MongoDB's.
  • Intuit, a software and service provider for small businesses and individuals, uses MongoDB to track user data for small businesses.
  •, the resource website to find, create and publish open source software for free, using MongoDB's back-end storage.
  •, a website for buying and selling handmade items, uses MongoDB. The New York Times, one of the leading online news portals, uses MongoDB.
  • The data of CERN, the famous Institute of particle physics and the Large Hadron Collider of the European Center for nuclear research use MongoDB.

3, Basic use of MongoDB

3.1 downloading and configuring MongoDB

MongoDB thunderbolt network disk Extraction code: 2JOq

MongoDB Baidu cloud disk Extraction code: g9lu

I will omit the specific installation process. There are many tutorials on the Internet, which I won't show here

After downloading and installing, remember to configure environment variables

  • D:\Program Files\mangoDB\bin

Remember to create a data folder in the root path, and our data files will be stored here

3.2 MongoDB common commands

3.2.1 database related operations

mangoDB command

Command function

Execution effect

show dbs

Displays a list of all data



Displays the current database or collection


use xxx (xxx is the database name)

You can connect to a specified database. If the database does not exist, it will be created



To delete a database, you must use use use xxx to enter the database and then delete it


3.2.2 collection operation

  1. Create collection

MongoDB command

Command function

Execution effect

db.createCollection(name, options)

Create collection


show collections & show tables

View collection


Create a fixed collection mycol. The size of the entire collection space is 6142800 KB, and the maximum number of documents is 10000.

db.createCollection("mycol", { capped : true, autoIndexId : true, size : 
   6142800, max : 10000 } )
{ "ok" : 1 }
  1. Delete collection
  • db.collection.drop()
  • Collection is the name of the collection

3.2.3 document operation

1 insert document
show dbs; // view the database

use test; // If the test database does not exist, test is created

// Insert a record. If the set does not exist, first create the set and insert data

// Insert multiple records at once

// Insert multiple at once

Insert document and

  • db.collection_name.insertOne()
  • db.collection_name.insertMany()
2. Update documents


     upsert: <boolean>,
     multi: <boolean>,
     writeConcern: <document>

Parameter Description:

  • Query: query criteria of update, similar to the query criteria after where in sql update query.
  • Update: update object and some Update Operators (such as

inc...) can also be understood as the data after the set in the sql update query

  • upsert: optional. This parameter means whether to insert objnew if there is no update record. True means insert. The default is false and not insert.
  • multi: optional. mongodb is false by default. Only the first record found will be updated. If this parameter is true, all the records found by conditions will be updated.
  • writeConcern: optional, the level of exception thrown.
// Add test data
db.user.insert({"id":"5","name":"Gorit ","age":16},);

// Modify data
    {$set:{"name":"Zhang San","age":17}}
// This will only modify the first condition record with the same name. If you want to batch modify records with the same name, you can do so
    {$set:{"name":"Zhang San","age":17}},

// More condition modifications

Update only the first record:
db.col.update( { "count" : { $gt : 1 } } , { $set : { "test2" : "OK"} } );

Update all:
db.col.update( { "count" : { $gt : 3 } } , { $set : { "test2" : "OK"} },false,true );

Add only the first:
db.col.update( { "count" : { $gt : 4 } } , { $set : { "test5" : "OK"} },true,false );

Add all:
db.col.update( { "count" : { $gt : 5 } } , { $set : { "test5" : "OK"} },true,true );

Update all:
db.col.update( { "count" : { $gt : 15 } } , { $inc : { "count" : 1} },false,true );

Update only the first record:
db.col.update( { "count" : { $gt : 10 } } , { $inc : { "count" : 1} },false,false );
3. Delete document

// mangoDB version is after version 2.6
     justOne: <boolean>,
     writeConcern: <document>


// Delete all data
db.collection_ name.remove({})

// Deletes the record for the specified field

// Delete the first entry of the specified record

// The new version deletes all collections

// Delete multiple with status A in the new version
db.collection_name.deleteMany({ status : "A" })

// The new version deletes a collection with status D
db.inventory.deleteOne( { status: "D" } )
4. Query documents
4.1 query criteria

Corresponding to where condition query




Corresponding statements in RDBMS

be equal to

{ key:value }


where age = 17

less than

{ key : { $lt : value } }


where age < 20

Less than or equal to

{ key : { $lte : value }


where age <= 20

greater than

{ key : { $gt : value }


where age > 16

Greater than or equal to

{ key : { $gte : value }


where age >=16

Not equal to

{ key : { $ne : value }

db.user.find({"age":{$ne: 16}})

where age <> 16

//View all document records

// Query a document

// Condition query
// Condition query==
db.user.find({"name":"Gorit111"})  // where name = "Zhang San" all match

// Condition query is less than
db.user.find({"age":{$lt:17}}); // where age < 17

// Condition query is less than or equal to
db.user.find({"age":{$lte:20}}); // where age <= 20

// Condition query greater than
db.user.find({"age":{$gt:16}}); // where age > 10

// Condition query is greater than or equal to
db.user.find({"age":{$gte:16}}); // where age >= 16

// Condition query is not equal to
db.user.find({"age":{$ne: 16}})
4.2 logical query
// Logic and query

// Logical or query
        $or: [

// Combined query exercise
where age <=20 or (name in ("Zhang San","Gorit111")
        "age": {$lte: 20},
        $or: [
            "name": "Zhang San"
            "name": "Gorit111"
4.3 paging query
  1. Paging parameter Limit()

// Query three records in the database. If the database does not specify limit(), query all data by default
  1. Use skip() to skip a specified amount of data
// Skip the first record and query the next three records
4.4 sorting

In MangoDB, the sort() method is used to sort the data. The sort() method can specify the sorting fields through parameters, and use 1 and - 1 to determine the sorting method. 1 represents ascending sequence and - 1 represents descending sequence

// Ascending by age

// In descending order of age
4.5 polymerization

Aggregation in MangoDB is mainly used to process data (such as average, sum, etc.) and return the calculated results

However, it seems that my version does not support aggregate query, so I won't hide it here.

3.3 connect MangoDB with database connection tool

There are many tools that can be connected. I use the database connection software provided by Jetbrains: DataGrid

Of course, you can also use the one provided by idea

Or use other tools

4, Java connection MangoDB

As a java developer, how can we connect mangoDB without Java?

Next, enter the actual combat part

4.1 SpringBoot integration MongoDB

SpringBoot integration MongoDB integration

  1. Dependency import
  1. Configuration file writing

For the convenience of testing, I'm here

# Application service WEB access port
  port: 8080
# apply name
    name: demo
  resources: # spring static resource scanning path
    static-locations: classpath:/static/
      database: test  # Database to connect to
      host: localhost  # Database address
      port: 27017 # port
      #authentication-database: admin       # Verify login information base
      #username: # Account connected to the database
      #password: # Password to connect to the library
  1. actual combat

Writing entity classes

package cn.gorit.entity;

 * @Classname Book
 * @Description TODO
 * @Date 2020/11/9 21:48
 * @Created by CodingGorit
 * @Version 1.0
public class Book {
    private Integer id;
    private String name;
    private String author;

	// getter setter constructor omitted

Write BookDao

package cn.gorit.dao;

import cn.gorit.entity.Book;

import java.util.List;

 * @Classname BookDao
 * @Description TODO
 * @Date 2020/11/9 21:48
 * @Created by CodingGorit
 * @Version 1.0
public interface BookDao extends MongoRepository<Book,Integer> {
    List<Book> findAllByAuthor(String author);

    Book findByNameEquals(String name);

Write BookController

package cn.gorit.controller;

import cn.gorit.dao.BookDao;
import cn.gorit.entity.Book;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

 * @Classname BookController
 * @Description TODO
 * @Date 2020/11/9 21:51
 * @Created by CodingGorit
 * @Version 1.0
public class BookController {

    // baseMongo provided by practical internal teeth
    BookDao dao;
    // Practical built-in template
    MongoTemplate template;

    public void test1() {
        List<Book> books = new ArrayList<>();
        books.add(new Book(1,"years","ls"));
        books.add(new Book(2,"Lou Ji","ls"));
        List<Book> b1 = dao.findAllByAuthor("ls");
        System.out.println(dao.findByNameEquals("Lou Ji"));

    public void test2() {
        List<Book> books = new ArrayList<>();
        books.add(new Book(3,"A Town Besieged","Qian Zhongshu"));
        books.add(new Book(4,"Selected notes of Song Poetry","Qian Zhongshu"));

        List<Book> list = template.findAll(Book.class);
        Book book = template.findById(3,Book.class);

Interface test

Added by egorig on Wed, 08 Dec 2021 22:22:15 +0200