MongoDB Original Life Order CURD

Learning excerpt from MongoDB Authoritative Guide


Use insert method

  • This action document automatically generates a'_id'key

>{"bar" : "baz"})

Batch insert, using batchInsert function

>[{ "_id" : 0 } , { "_id" : 1 } , { "_id" : 2 }])

The maximum message length currently acceptable to mongodb is 48MB, and if a document insert fails during a bulk insert, all documents before that document will be successfully inserted into the collection, and all documents after that document will fail to insert.


Using the remove method

//Delete all documents from the foo collection

//Delete the specified query document as an optional parameter
>db.mailing.list.remove( { "opt-out" : true } )

Using drop() is faster than deleting the collection directly



Document replacement

  "_id": ObjectId("..."),
  "name": "joe",
  "friends": 32,
  "enemies": 2

Now you need to update the fields "friends" and "enemies" to the "relationships" subdocument

>var joe = db.users.findOne({"name":joe});
>joe.relationships = {"friends":joe.friends,"enemies":joe.enemies};
>joe.username =;
>delete joe.friends;
>delete joe.enemies;

Updated Documents


A common error is when a query matches multiple documents and then updates with duplicate'_id'values due to the presence of the second parameter, in which case the'_id' value is used to query

Use Modifier

  • '$inc'modifier uses

When someone visits a page, they find it in the url and use the'$inc'modifier to increase the value of'pagerviews'

>{"url":""},{"$inc" : {"pagerviews" : 1}})

Note that when using the modifier,'_id'does not change, and document replacement does

  • '$set'modifier uses

>db.user.update({"_id":ObjectId(...)},{"$set" : {"favorite book" : "War and Peace"}})

The updated document then has the "favorite book" key, if you want to proceed with the modification:

>db.user.update({"_id":ObjectId(...)},{"$set" : {"favorite book" : "Green Eggs and Ham"}})

You can also change to the type of array

  • Use'$unset'to delete this key completely:

>db.user.update({"name":joe},{"$unset" : {"favorite book" : 1}})
  • '$push'modifier uses

    If the array exists,'$push'adds an element to the end of the existing array and creates a new one if the array is not changed

  "title":"A blog post",
>db.blogs.posts.update({"title" : "A blog post"},{"$push" : {
    "comments" : {"name" : "joe","email" : "","content":"nice post."}
  "title":"A blog post",
  "comments": [
      "content":"nice post"

Note that'$push'creates an array type that can be used to dynamically add data

  • Add more than one data at a time with'$push'and use'$each'

  "$push" : {"hourly" : { "$each" : [
  • Use'$slice'to fix the maximum length of the array

>db.movies.find({"genre" : "horror"},{
  "$push" : { "top10" : {
      "$each" : ["Nightmare on Elm Street" , "Saw"],
      "$slice" : -10,
      "$sort" : {"rating" : -1}

Note that the value of'$slice'should be a negative integer,'$sort' can be used to sort all objects in the array, not only'$slice'or'$sort' with'$push', but also'$each'.

  • Use'$ne'to make the array a data collection

>db.paper.update({"authors cited" : {"$ne" : "Richie"},
  {"$push" : {"authors cited" : "Richie"}}
  • A combination of'$addToSet'and'$each' has the same effect as'$ne', but can be used to insert multiple pieces of data at once

>db.users.update({"_id" : ObjectId("...")}, {"$addToSet" :
  {"emails" : {"$each" :
  • Delete the array element {'$pop'using'$pop': {key': 1}} from the end of the array, {'$pop': {key': -1}} from the head of the array

  • Use'$pull'to delete elements

>db.lists.update({},{"$pull" : {"todo" : "laundry"}})

Use upsert

upsert is a special update. If no document matches the update criteria, it will be updated with the criteria
Create a new document based on the document.

>{"url" : "/blog"} , {"$inc" : {"pageviews" : 1}} ,true)
  • Sometimes you need to create a field and assign values to it at the same time you create a document, but the value of that field will not change in all subsequent updates.Use'$setOnInsert'at this point

>db.users.update({} , {"$setOnInsert" : {"createdAt" new Date()}},true)

Update multiple documents

The specific operation values are:


Return results



find Getting Started

  • Query all documents under this collection

  • Query documents with specific values to add multiple conditions at the same time

>db.users.find({"age" : 20})
>db.users.find({"age" : 20 , "name" : "lgy"})
//Specify the key to return
>db.users.find({} , {"username" : 1,"email" : 1})
//Return results
  • By query, the key'_id'is returned by default, and if you want no other key to appear, use the following:

>db.users.find({},{"username" : 1,"_id" : 0})
//Return results

query criteria

  • Query criteria:

"$lt", $lte", $gt", $gte"are all comparison operators, corresponding to <, <=, >=

//Query 18 to 30 year old users:
>db.users.find({"age" : {"$gte" : 18 , "$lte" : 30}})

'$ne'means not equal to a specific value

//Query all users whose username is not "lgy"
>db.users.find({"username" : {"$ne" : "lgy"}})
  • OR Query:

OR query with'$in'and'$or'

>db.raffle.find({"ticket_no" : {"$in" : [725,542,390]}})

'$nin'is the opposite of'$in'

>db.raffle.find({"$or" : [{"ticket_no" : 725},{"winner" : true}]})
  • Combining the two:

>db.raffle.find({"$or" : [{"ticket_no" : {"$in" : [725,542,300]}},{"winner" : true}]})


'$not'is a meta-conditional sentence, that is, it can be above any other condition.

'$mod'passes in two parameters, the first being used as a divisor and the second to determine if the remainder is this number
>db.user.find({"id_num" : {"$not" : {"$mod" : [5,1]}}})

Specific types of queries

  • null

Null not only matches documents with a null value for a key, it also matches documents without that key

>db.c.find({"z" : null})

If you only want to match documents with null key values, you can use the'$exists'condition:

>db.c.find({"z" : {"$in" : [null], "$exists" : true}})
  • regular expression

>db.users.find({"name" : /joey?/i})
  • Query Array

$all, which can be used to match arrays of multiple elements

//This allows you to find documents that match two elements that exist at the same time
>{"fruit" : {"$all" : ["people","banana"]}})

$size is used to query arrays of a specific length

>{"furit" : {"$size" : 3}})

$slice is used to return a subset of a matching array element

//Return to the first ten comments, and if you change 10 to -10, the last ten
>,{"comments" : {"$slice" : 10}})

//This operation skips the first 23 elements and returns the 24-33 elements
>,{"comments" : {"$slice" : [23,10]}})

Returns a matching array element

>{"" : "bob"}, {"comments.$" : 1})
//Return results
  "id" : ObjectId("..."),
  "comments" : [
      "name" : "bob",
      "email" : "",
      "content" : "good post"
//Only the first comment will be returned
  • Query embedded documents

There is now such data

  "name": {

Queries on embedded documents

//Use dot notation to express the meaning of "going inside an embedded document"
>db.people.find({"name.first" : "joe" ,"name.last" : "Schmoe"})

To correctly specify a set of conditions without specifying each key, you need to use'$elematch'

>{"comments" : {$elematch" : {"author" : "joe", "score" : {"$gte" : 5}}}})


  • Specific operations for cursor queries:

>for(i = 0; i <100; i ++) {
  db.collection.insert({x : i});

>var cursor = db.collection.find();

>while(cursor.hasNext()) {
  obj =;
  //Output View

###limit,skip, and sort



Keywords: node.js MongoDB PHP Python

Added by Skepsis on Mon, 15 Jul 2019 20:06:20 +0300