Multiple linear regression -- case analysis and python practice

Regression analysis -- multiple regression

Introduce the statistics in multiple regression analysis

  • Total observed value
  • Total independent variable
  • Freedom: return degrees of freedom, residual degrees of freedom
  • Sum of total square of SST
  • Sum of squares of SSR regression
  • Sum of squares of SSE residuals
  • MSR mean square regression
  • MSE mean square residual
  • Determination coefficient R ﹣ square
  • Adjusted? R? Square
  • Multiple? R
  • Standard error of estimation
  • F-test statistics
  • Standard error of sampling distribution of regression coefficient
  • t-test statistics of regression coefficients
  • Confidence interval of each regression coefficient
  • log likelihood



  • AIC guidelines
  • BIC guidelines

Case analysis and python practice

# Import related packages
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import math
import scipy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.stats import t
# Building data
columns = {'A':"Branch number", 'B':"Non-performing Loan(Billion yuan)", 'C':"Loan balance(Billion yuan)", 'D':"Accumulated loans receivable(Billion yuan)", 'E':"Number of loan items", 'F':"Fixed assets investment(Billion yuan)"}

df = pd.DataFrame(data)
X = df[["C", "D", "E", "F"]]
Y = df[["B"]]
# Building multiple linear regression model
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
lreg = LinearRegression(), Y)

x = X
y_pred = lreg.predict(X)
y_true = np.array(Y).reshape(-1,1)

coef = lreg.coef_[0]
intercept = lreg.intercept_[0]
# Custom function
def log_like(y_true, y_pred):
    y_true: True value
    y_pred: predicted value
    sig = np.sqrt(sum((y_true - y_pred)**2)[0] / len(y_pred)) # Residual standard deviation δ
    y_sig = np.exp(-(y_true - y_pred) ** 2 / (2 * sig ** 2)) / (math.sqrt(2 * math.pi) * sig)
    loglik = sum(np.log(y_sig))
    return loglik

def param_var(x):
    x:Only independent variable wide table
    n = len(x)
    beta0 = np.ones((n,1))
    df_to_matrix = x.as_matrix()
    concat_matrix = np.hstack((beta0, df_to_matrix))         # Matrix merging
    transpose_matrix = np.transpose(concat_matrix)           # Matrix transposition
    dot_matrix =, concat_matrix)     # (X.T X)^(-1)
    inv_matrix = np.linalg.inv(dot_matrix)                   # Find (X.T X)^(-1) inverse matrix
    diag = np.diag(inv_matrix)                               # Obtain the diagonal of the matrix, i.e. the variance of each parameter
    return diag

def param_test_stat(x, Se, intercept, coef, alpha=0.05):
    n = len(x)
    k = len(x.columns)
    beta_array = param_var(x)
    beta_k = beta_array.shape[0]
    coef = [intercept] + list(coef)
    std_err = []
    t_Stat = []
    P_value = []
    t_intv = []
    coefLower = []
    coefupper = []
    for i in range(beta_k):
        se_belta = np.sqrt(Se**2 * beta_array[i])            # Sampling standard error of regression coefficient
        t = coef[i] / se_belta                               # T statistic used to test regression coefficient, i.e. test statistic t
        p_value = scipy.stats.t.sf(np.abs(t), n-k-1)*2       # P value used to test regression coefficient
        t_score = scipy.stats.t.isf(alpha/2, df = n-k-1)     # t critical value
        coef_lower = coef[i] - t_score * se_belta            # Lower confidence interval limit of regression coefficient (slope)
        coef_upper = coef[i] + t_score * se_belta            # Upper limit of confidence interval of regression coefficient (slope)
        std_err.append(round(se_belta, 3))
    dict_ = {"coefficients":list(map(lambda x:round(x, 4), coef)), 
             't critical value':t_intv, 
    index = ["intercept"] + list(x.columns)
    stat = pd.DataFrame(dict_, index=index)
    return stat
# Custom function (calculate and output statistics of regression analysis)
def get_lr_stats(x, y_true, y_pred, coef, intercept, alpha=0.05):
    n   = len(x)
    k   = len(x.columns)
    ssr = sum((y_pred - np.mean(y_true))**2)[0]  # Regression square sum SSR
    sse = sum((y_true - y_pred)**2)[0]           # Sum of squared residuals SSE
    sst = ssr + sse                              # Total square sum SST
    msr = ssr / k                                # Mean square regression MSR
    mse = sse / (n-k-1)                          # Mean square residual MSE
    R_square = ssr / sst                                   # Determination coefficient R^2
    Adjusted_R_square = 1-(1-R_square)*((n-1) / (n-k-1))   # Determination coefficient of adjustment
    Multiple_R = np.sqrt(R_square)                         # Complex correlation coefficient   
    Se = np.sqrt(sse/(n - k - 1))                          # Standard error of estimation
    loglike = log_like(y_true, y_pred)[0]
    AIC = 2*(k+1) - 2 * loglike                  # (k+1) represents k regression parameters or coefficients and 1 intercept parameter
    BIC = -2*loglike + (k+1)*np.log(n)  
    # Significance test of linear relationship
    F  = (ssr / k) / (sse / ( n - k - 1 ))            # Test statistic F (test of linear relationship)
    pf = scipy.stats.f.sf(F, k, n-k-1)                # Significance F for test, i.e. significance F
    Fa = scipy.stats.f.isf(alpha, dfn=k, dfd=n-k-1)   # F critical value
    # Significance test of regression coefficient
    stat = param_test_stat(x, Se, intercept, coef, alpha=alpha)
    # Output statistics of regression analysis
    print('df_Model:{}  df_Residuals:{}'.format(k, n-k-1), '\n')
    print('loglike:{}  AIC:{}  BIC:{}'.format(round(loglike,3), round(AIC,1), round(BIC,1)), '\n')
    print('SST:{}  SSR:{}  SSE:{}  MSR:{}  MSE:{}  Se:{}'.format(round(sst,4),
                                                                 round(Se,4)), '\n')
    print('Multiple_R:{}  R_square:{}  Adjusted_R_square:{}'.format(round(Multiple_R,4),
                                                                    round(Adjusted_R_square,4)), '\n')
    print('F:{}  pf:{}  Fa:{}'.format(round(F,4), pf, round(Fa,4)))
    return 0

The output results are as follows:

Compared with ols results under statsmodels:


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Keywords: Python Lambda

Added by .-INSANE-. on Mon, 03 Feb 2020 17:07:34 +0200