My front end day

  • Software installation
  • software configuration
  • terminal installation
  • Auxiliary tools
  • Start writing code

Let's have a cup of health tea first

Software installation

Previously: Zero configuration front-end development environment - Mac

Installation approach

  1. The app store downloads some commonly used free software, even if it is not connected for more than 10s
  2. MacWk Five star recommendation
  3. Tencent lemon (for reference)

28 commonly used software

  1. Download 12 from the app store or Baidu search official website:
  • Google browser, Firefox, wechat, QQ, enterprise wechat, Tencent conference, vscode, wechat developer tool, HBuilderX
  • Robo 3T, a classic and easy-to-use mongodb database viewing tool
  • Sunflower remote control, can remotely control other windows or mac computers, stable and reliable, high quality
  • ApiPost, a simple and easy-to-use interface document tool, is Chinese friendly, simple to operate, with few steps, and automatically generates good-looking online interface documents

Analogy with Swagger, Apizza, YApi, see the cloud, Showdoc, Postman

  1. Download 16 models on MacWk platform:
  • Axure, Ps, Microsoft Word suite, Sourcetree, SnailSVN, iTerm2, Charles
  • PPDuck image fidelity compression, ColorSnapper2 color suction, iShot screenshot, CheatSheet view shortcut command
  • XMind
  • Sketch
  • SwitchHosts - modify host
  • RDM - redis database viewing tool
  • Navicat Premium - viewing various databases

Don't use Baidu online disk. Choose Tianyi cloud disk to download quickly

software configuration

Google browser configuration

Bookmarks: Download bookmarks from the original computer and then transfer them to the new computer, or log in and synchronize the account

Google browser extensions: forage QR code, Vue.js devtools, React Developer Tools, Proxy SwitchyOmega, Google access assistant (Baidu search corresponding extensions if the app store is not connected)

vscode configuration

Previously: VS Code usage guide

  1. 26 plug-ins installed

Chinese Language Pack for VS Code - Chinese language pack

Monokai Theme - color theme

Vscode icons - icon plugin

Debugger for Chrome - debug JavaScript code running in Google Chrome from vscode

EditorConfig for Visual Studio Code - overwrite vscode configuration

File size - displays the current file size in the status bar. After clicking, you can also see the detailed creation and modification time

Import Cost - calculates the size of the imported file

Image Preview - displays a preview of the image in space and on hover

Path Intellisense - autofill file name

Auto Rename Tag - automatically completes the synchronous modification of the tag on the other side

Code Runner shortcut to run code

koroFileHeader - a plug-in used in vscode to generate file header comments and function comments

HTML Snippets - complete HTML code tips, including HTML5

JavaScript (ES6) snippets - ES6 syntax, smart tips, and quick input

Apollo graphql - highlight Apollo graphql

Vetur - vue syntax highlighting, IntelliSense, Emmet, etc

Prettify JSON - Format json

JSON Tools - JSON formatting tools

JSON Viewer - JSON viewing

ESLint - check javascript syntax errors and prompts

Prettier code formatter - format code tool

Minify - compress the current HTML, CSS and JS to generate. min files

Open in Browser - opens the file in the browser

Todo tree - annotation tags such as todo and FIXME

View Node Package - use this extension to quickly view the Node package source, allowing you to open the Node package warehouse / document directly from vscode.

Sass/Less/Stylus/Pug/Jade/Typescript/Javascript Compile Hero Pro

  1. Adjust settings

Open a new file instead of overwriting the Workbench enablePreview - true

Selected files do not automatically expand Auto Reveal - false

comd + n file format when creating a new file defaultLanguage - html

Trim Trailing Whitespace - true when saving files

Fix the problem that git.exe uses too much memory caused by vscode
git.enabled: false
git.autorefresh: false

Collapse empty folders Compact Folders - false

Trigger Expansion On Tab - true

includeLanguages - "javascript": "javascriptreact"

Other settings

  Auto Save - onFocusChange
  Tab Size - 2
  Cursor Blinking - smooth
  Cursor Style - line-thin
  Word Wrap - on
  Auto Indent - advanced Paste retention format
  Folding Strategy - indentation Indent by space
  Highlight Active Indent Guide - false
  Match Brackets - never Highlight matching parentheses
  Max Tokenization Line Length - 100000
  Render Control Characters - true
  Render Whitespace - none

  Tree: Indent - 10
  Tree: Render Indent Guides - none
  Initial Indent - true
  Use Tabs - true

  Minimap: Enabled - false
  Update Imports On File Move: Enabled - never
  Surveys: Enabled - false
  Breadcrumbs: Enabled - true
  Enable Crash Reporter - false
  Enable Telemetry - false
  Eslint: Enable - false

  Max Column - 40
  Activity Bar: Visible - true
  Side Bar: Location - left
  Confirm Delete - false
  Confirm Drag And Drop - false
  Integrated: Split Cwd - initial
  Page Size - 0
  Show Scan Mode Button - false
  Package Manager - yarn
  Autorefresh - false
  Validate: Scripts - false
  Prettier: Semi - false
  Prettier: Single Quote - true
  Quote Style - single
  Default Formatter: HTML - prettyhtml
  Default Formatter: JS - prettier-eslint
  Save File Before Run - true
  Ignore Project Warning - true
  Dont Show New Version Message - true
  JS Official - true

terminal installation

  1. Homebrew installation
Allow all access: sudo spctl --master-disable

Terminal execution /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
If the network connection fails, change the domestic address /bin/zsh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
View version brew -v

switch brew Download source to improve download speed
    cd "$(brew --repo)"
    git remote set-url origin
    cd "$(brew --repo)/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-core"
    git remote set-url origin
  replace Homebrew Bottles source
    cd ~
    echo 'export HOMEBREW_BOTTLE_DOMAIN=' >> ~/.bash_profile
    source ~/.bash_profile

brew install git
brew install nginx
  1. Xcode select installation
xcode-select --install Download and install
xcode-select -p View installation directory
xcode-select -v View version

delete xcode-select
sudo rm -rf $(xcode-select --print-path)
rm -rf /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools
  1. nvm installation
wget -qO- | bash

touch ~/.bash_profile

vim ~/.bash_profile Three lines of input prompt
  export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
  [ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/"  # This loads nvm
  [ -s "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion"  # This loads nvm bash_completion

source ~/.bash_profile

nvm Source change: export NVM_NODEJS_ORG_MIRROR=

**New computers are installed globally by default v16 Version, uninstall it first**

nvm install v12.22.6         Install the specified version
nvm use v12.22.6             switch node edition
nvm alias default v12.22.6   Set default version

install cnpm
  npm install -g cnpm --registry=
  cnpm config get registry // View cnpm source
  cnpm set registry / / use Taobao

download pm2
  cnpm install -g pm2
  1. zsh installing oh my zsh plug-in
zsh After installation, exit the current session and reopen a terminal window
wget -O - | sh
  1. Global variable settings

. bashrc: read by non logged in user

.bash_profile: it can only be read by the logged in user. After modification, execute source ~/.bash_profile takes effect

. zshrc: both login and non login users can read, modify the environment variables, save the modifications and restart the terminal of Mac OS X actually runs "login shell" instead of "non login shell". It calls. Bash by default_ Profile instead of. bashrc

After omyzsh is installed on Mac, terminal init will not execute ~ /. bash_profile, ~ /. bashrc and other scripts. The default startup and execution script is changed to ~ /. zshrc

For unified management, make the following settings:

Add this code source ~ /. Bash to the last line of. zshrc_ profile

Then all variables are added to. Bash_ In profile

.bash_profile variable reference:

# nvm path
export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/"  # This loads nvm
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion"  # This loads nvm bash_completion

# deno path
export DENO_PATH="/Users/qianduanyiguozhu/.deno"
export PATH="$DENO_PATH/bin:$PATH"

# mongodb path
export PATH="/usr/local/mongodb/bin:$PATH"

# redis path
export PATH="/usr/local/opt/redis/bin:$PATH"

# homebrew

# Previously: Mac Set startup
# mongod start, stop, restart alias
alias mongod.start='launchctl load -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/org.mongodb.mongod.plist'
alias mongod.stop='launchctl unload -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/org.mongodb.mongod.plist'
alias mongod.restart='mongod.stop && mongod.start'

# redis start, stop and restart alias
alias redis.start='launchctl load -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/org.redis.plist'
alias redis.stop='launchctl unload -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/org.redis.plist'
alias redis.restart='redis.stop && redis.start'

# nginx start, stop, restart alias
alias nginx.start='launchctl load -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/org.nginx.plist'
alias nginx.stop='launchctl unload -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/org.nginx.plist'
alias redis.restart='nginx.stop && nginx.start'

Auxiliary tools

If a worker wants to be good at his work, he must first sharpen his tools

  1. NATAPP ip mapping tool, back-end temporary domain name, front-end temporary domain name
  2. JSBench Code testing tool
  3. Debugging mobile web pages with Chrome browser

  4. outline page element all border tool

    javascript: (function() {     var elements = document.body.getElementsByTagName('*');     var items = [];     for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {         if (elements[i].innerHTML.indexOf('html * { outline: 1px solid #F9CC9D }') != -1) {             items.push(elements[i]);         }     }     if (items.length > 0) {         for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {             items[i].innerHTML = '';         }     } else {         document.body.innerHTML +=             '<style>html * { outline: 1px solid #F9CC9D }</style>';     } })();

  5. Flying book: a multi machine cross platform (mobile phone, computer) file transmission tool
  6. Turn to the bottom, regularly update the free music recommendation, and relieve the fatigue of code writing

Start writing code

Clean Code

Start with README

A good project must start with README and start from here

  1. Project introduction
  2. file structure
  3. Quick start
  4. Code description and buried point
  5. Project content
  6. Git submission specification
  7. Development notes, versions and documents

Keywords: Front-end Vue.js

Added by NoviceJ on Sat, 04 Dec 2021 22:04:02 +0200