[MySQL and database] MySQL & database Chapter 11: process control structure

MySQL and database series article directory

Classification of process control structure

  • Classification:
    • Sequential structure: the program is executed from top to bottom;
    • Branch structure: the program selects one of two or more paths to execute;
    • Loop structure: the program repeatedly executes a piece of code on the basis of meeting certain conditions;

Branching structure

IF function

  • Function: realize simple double branch;

  • Syntax:

    if(Expression 1, expression 2, expression 3);
  • Execution sequence:
    If expression 1 holds, return the value of expression 2; otherwise, return the value of expression 3;

  • Application: anywhere;

CASE function

  • Function: similar to switch statement and if else statement in programming language;

  • characteristic:

    • As an expression, it is nested in other statements and can be placed anywhere, in or outside begin end;
      As an independent statement, it can only be used in begin end;
    • If the value in when satisfies or the condition holds, execute the statement after the corresponding then and end the case;
      If none is satisfied, execute the statement or value in else;
    • else statements can be omitted;
      If the else statement is omitted and all the when conditions are not met, null is returned;
  • As an expression

    • Similar to switch statement

      case expression
      when Value 1 then Value 2
      when Value 2 then Value 2
      else value n
    • Similar to if else statement

      when Condition 1 then Value 1
      when Condition 2 then Value 2
      else value n
  • As a stand-alone statement

    • Similar to switch statement

      case expression
      when Value 1 then Statement 1;
      when Value 2 then Statement 2;
      else sentence n;
      end case;
    • Similar to if else statement

      when Condition 1 then Statement 1;
      when Condition 2 then Statement 2;
      else sentence n;
      end case;

ELSEIF function

  • Function: realize multiple branches;

  • Syntax:

    if Condition 1 then Statement 1;
    elseif Condition 2 then Statement 2;
    else sentence n;
    end if;
  • Application: used in begin end;

  • Note: the last else statement can be omitted;

Cyclic structure

  • Classification: while, loop, repeat;

  • Cycle control:

    • iterate is similar to continue in programming language. End this cycle and execute the next cycle;
    • leave is similar to the break of programming language to end the current recent cycle;
  • Application: all three loop structures are used in begin end;

  • while statement

    • Syntax:

      [Label:] while Cycle condition do
      	Circulatory body;
      end while [Label];
    • while statements similar to programming languages;

  • loop statement

    • Syntax:

      [Label:] loop
      	Circulatory body;
      end loop [Label];
    • It can be used to simulate a simple dead cycle;

  • repeat statement

    • Syntax:

      [Label:] repeat
      	Circulatory body;
      until Conditions for ending the cycle
      end repeat [Label];
    • do while statement similar to programming language;

  • No loop control is added;
    Case 1: batch insert, insert multiple records into the admin table according to the number of times;

    delimiter $
    create procedure pro_while1(in insertCount int) 
    	declare i int default 1;
    	while i <= insertCount do
    		insert into admin(username, `password`)
    		values (concat('Rose', i), 666);
    		set i = i + 1;
    	end while;
    end $
    call pro_while1(100) $
  • Add a leave statement;
    Case 2: batch insert, insert multiple records in admin table according to the number of times, and stop if the number of times is > 20;

    delimiter $
    create procedure pro_while2(in insertCount int) 
    	declare i int default 1;
    	a: while i <= insertCount do
    		insert into admin(username, `password`) 
    		values(concat('xiaohua', i), '000');
    		if i >= 20 then leave a;
    		end if;
    		set i = i + 1;
    	end while a;
    end $
    call pro_while2(100) $	
  • Add iterate statement
    Case 3: batch insert, insert multiple records in admin table according to the number of times, and insert only an even number of times;

    delimiter $
    create procedure pro_while3(in insertCount int)
    	declare i int default 0;
    	a: while i <= insertCount do
    		set i = i + 1;
    		if mod(i, 2) != 0 then iterate a;
    		end if;
    		insert into admin(username, 'password')
    		values (concat('xiaogou', i), '222');
    	end while a;
    end $
    call pro_while3(100) $

Comprehensive case

  • Create a table stringContent, where the fields are id (integer, self growth) and content (string); And inserting a specified number of random strings into the table;
drop table if exists stringContent;
create table stringContent(
	id int primary key auto_increment,
    content varchar(20)

delimiter $
create procedure randstr_insert(in insertCount int)
	declare i int default 1;
	declare str varchar(20) default 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
	declare startIndex int default 1;
	declare len int default 1;
	while i <= insertCount do
		set len = floor(rand() * (20 - startIndex + 1) + 1);
		set startIndex = floor(rand() * 26 + 1);
		insert into stringContent(content)
		values (substr(str, startIndex, len));
		set i = i + 1;
	end while;
end $

call randstr_insert(10) $

select * from stringContent $

Keywords: Database MySQL SQL

Added by therealchuckles on Fri, 29 Oct 2021 02:43:05 +0300