Building tables and inserting data
-- Building tables -- Student table CREATE TABLE `Student`( `s_id` VARCHAR(20), `s_name` VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `s_birth` VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `s_sex` VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY(`s_id`) ); -- Class Schedule Card CREATE TABLE `Course`( `c_id` VARCHAR(20), `c_name` VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `t_id` VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(`c_id`) ); -- Teacher table CREATE TABLE `Teacher`( `t_id` VARCHAR(20), `t_name` VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY(`t_id`) ); -- Achievement Sheet CREATE TABLE `Score`( `s_id` VARCHAR(20), `c_id` VARCHAR(20), `s_score` INT(3), PRIMARY KEY(`s_id`,`c_id`) ); -- Insert Test Data from Student Table insert into Student values('01' , 'Zhao Lei','1990-01-01','male'); insert into Student values('02' , 'Money and electricity','1990-12-21','male'); insert into Student values('03' , 'Sun Feng','1990-05-20','male'); insert into Student values('04' , 'Li Yun','1990-08-06','male'); insert into Student values('05' , 'Zhou Mei','1991-12-01','female'); insert into Student values('06' , 'Wulan','1992-03-01','female'); insert into Student values('07' , 'Zheng Zhu','1989-07-01','female'); insert into Student values('08' , 'Chrysanthemum','1990-01-20','female'); -- Course schedule test data insert into Course values('01' , 'Chinese' , '02'); insert into Course values('02' , 'Mathematics' , '01'); insert into Course values('03' , 'English' , '03'); -- Teacher table test data insert into Teacher values('01' , 'Zhang San'); insert into Teacher values('02' , 'Li Si'); insert into Teacher values('03' , 'King Five'); -- Achievement Sheet Test Data insert into Score values('01' , '01' , 80); insert into Score values('01' , '02' , 90); insert into Score values('01' , '03' , 99); insert into Score values('02' , '01' , 70); insert into Score values('02' , '02' , 60); insert into Score values('02' , '03' , 80); insert into Score values('03' , '01' , 80); insert into Score values('03' , '02' , 80); insert into Score values('03' , '03' , 80); insert into Score values('04' , '01' , 50); insert into Score values('04' , '02' , 30); insert into Score values('04' , '03' , 20); insert into Score values('05' , '01' , 76); insert into Score values('05' , '02' , 87); insert into Score values('06' , '01' , 31); insert into Score values('06' , '03' , 34); insert into Score values('07' , '02' , 89); insert into Score values('07' , '03' , 98);
Title List
# 01 Query information and course scores of students with higher grades in 01 than 02 # 02 Query information and course scores of students with lower scores in "01" than in "02" (Topic 1 is higher) # 03 Query the student number, name and average score of students whose average score is greater than or equal to 60 # 04 Query the student number and name and average score of students with average score less than 60 (both with and without results) # 05 Query all classmates'student numbers, student names, total number of courses selected, total results of all courses # 06 Query the number of teachers with Li's surname # 07 Query the information of the students who have learned the lessons given by Teacher Zhang San # 08 Find the students who have not studied Teacher Zhang San's course # 09 Query student information for course number 01 and 02 # 10 Query the information of students who have studied 01 but have not studied 02 (note the difference between the above 9 questions) # 11 Query information about classmates who did not complete the course # 12 Query the information of at least one student in the same course as the one with number 01 # 13 Query and 01 classmates'information about the exact same classes # 14 Query the names of students who have not taken any of the courses taught by Teacher Zhang San # 15 Query the number, name and average score of two or more failing classes # 16 Retrieve student information in descending order with 01 course scores less than 60 # 17 Show all students'results and average results for all courses in descending order from high to low average # 18 Query the highest, lowest and average scores of each subject: show in the following forms: course ID, course name, highest, lowest, average, pass rate, medium rate, excellent rate, excellent rate; Pass: >=60, medium: 70-80, excellent: 80-90, excellent: >=90 # 19 Sort by subject and show ranking # 20 Query students'total scores and rank them # 21 Query the average score of different courses taught by different teachers from high to low # 22 Query the information of the students who are ranked 2nd to 3rd in all courses and the results of the course # 23 Count the number of students in each grade of each subject: course number, course name, [100-85], [85-70], [70-60], [0-60] and percentage # 24 Query students'average scores and rankings # 25 Query the top three records of each subject # 26 Query the number of students selected for each course # 27 Query out the number and name of all the students in only two courses # 28 Query the number of male and female students # 29 Query for information about students whose names contain typeface # 30 Query the list of students with the same name and count the number of students with the same name # 31 Query information about students born in 1990 # 32 Query the average results of each course, and the results are in descending order according to the average results; With the same average score, by course number c_id ascending # 33 Query the number, name and average score of all students whose average score is greater than or equal to 85 # 34 Query the names and scores of students with math course names and scores below 60 # 35 Query all students'courses and scores # 36 Query the name, course name and score of any course with a score of more than 70 # 37 Query failed courses # 38 Query the number and name of a student whose course number is 01 and whose course grade is greater than or equal to 80 # 39 Number of students per course # 40 Query the information of the students with the highest scores and their results among the students taking the course given by Teacher Zhang San # 41 Query the student number, the course number, the student's results of the same students in different courses # 42 Query top two for each achievement # 43 Count the number of students taking each course (more than 5 courses are counted). Require output of course number and number of elections, query results are in descending order by number of people, if the number is the same, in ascending order by course number # 44 Retrieve student numbers for at least two courses # 45 Query student information for all courses # 46 Query the age of each student: according to the date of birth, the current month day is less than the month day of birth year, the age is reduced by 1 # 47 Query students for birthdays this week # 48 Query students who have birthdays next week # 49 Query students who passed this month # 50 Query students who pass next month
Query information and course scores of students with higher grades in 01 than 02
essence | Row operations: comparison operations |
Method | 1. Direct comparison: subquery 2. Make it into two columns: self-association (pay attention to explicit joins to speed up queries) |
Remarks | Achievements in any subject are not to be compared |
# 1. Direct comparison: subquery select s.*,sc.s_score from ( select sc1.s_id,sc1.s_score from score sc1 where sc1.c_id='01' and sc1.s_score>(select s_score from score where s_id=sc1.s_id and c_id='02')) sc join student s on sc.s_id=s.s_id # 2. Make two columns: self-association (note explicit joins, speed up queries) select s.*,sc3.s_score from ( select sc1.s_id,sc1.s_score from ( select s_id, s_score from score where c_id = '01' ) sc1 join ( select s_id, s_score from score where c_id = '02' ) sc2 on sc1.s_id = sc2.s_id and sc1.s_score > sc2.s_score ) sc3 join student s on sc3.s_id = s.s_id # 2.2 Direct Autocorrelation select s.*,sc1.s_score from student s join score sc1 on s.s_id=sc1.s_id and sc1.c_id='01' join score sc2 on s.s_id=sc2.s_id and sc2.c_id='02' and sc1.s_score>sc2.s_score
Query information and course scores of students with lower scores in 01 than 02 (Topic 1 is higher)
Query student numbers, names and average scores of students with average scores greater than or equal to 60
essence | Row aggregation, post-having filtering |
Method | Direct aggregation followed by having to filter aggregation functions |
select sc.s_id,s.s_name,round(avg(sc.s_score),0) as score from score sc join student s on sc.s_id=s.s_id group by sc.s_id having score>=60 # Additional questions: students with total score over 200 select sc.s_id,s.s_name,sum(sc.s_score) as score from score sc join student s on sc.s_id=s.s_id group by sc.s_id having score>200
Query the student number and name and average score of students with average scores less than 60 (both with and without results)
Note: Ctrl+R executes SQL statements
essence | Row aggregation, post-having filtering |
Method | Direct aggregation, have filtering after aggregation, note the main table |
Remarks | 1. The main table is the student table, which includes the need for no grades, so left join 2. where can be considered as an aggregate function: null judgement, comparison operation, subquery 3. Use ifnull to handle empty/left join cases |
# null judgment select s.s_id,s.s_name,round(avg(sc.s_score),0) as score from student s left join score sc on s.s_id=sc.s_id group by s.s_id having score is null or score < 60 # ifnull function: more compatible select s.s_id,s.s_name,round(avg(ifnull(sc.s_score,0)),0) as score from student s left join score sc on s.s_id=sc.s_id group by s.s_id having score < 60
Query all classmates'student numbers, names, total number of courses selected, total results of all courses
essence | Row Aggregation |
Method | Direct aggregation, attention to object scope |
Remarks | The main table is the student table. Consider that there are no courses or no grades |
#This topic sql select s.s_id,s.s_name, count(distinct sc.c_id) as c_num, sum(sc.s_score) as score from student s left join score sc on s.s_id=sc.s_id group by s.s_id #If post-aggregation filtering is required, use the if and ifnull functions #If and if NULL are good functions and are very convenient to handle null situations. Note: ifnull is used with the value operation function, and if is used with the count function select s.s_id,s.s_name, if(sc.s_id is null,0,count(distinct sc.c_id)) as c_num, sum(ifnull(sc.s_score,0)) as score from student s left join score sc on s.s_id=sc.s_id group by s.s_id
Query the number of teachers with Li's surname
essence | Row Filter Aggregation |
Method | Filter Count |
Remarks |
#Question: Is like optimal? #like wildcards SELECT count(DISTINCT t_id) as t_num FROM Teacher WHERE t_name like 'plum%' #Truncate last name and judge SELECT count(DISTINCT t_id) as t_num FROM Teacher WHERE SUBSTR(t_name,1,1)='plum'
Query the information of the students who have learnt from Mr. Zhang San
essence | Row Filtering: Level by Level |
Method | Table Associated or Subquery |
Remarks |
# Step by step subqueries for better understanding SELECT s.* FROM Score sc JOIN Student s ON sc.s_id=s.s_id WHERE c_id in(SELECT c_id FROM Course WHERE t_id in(SELECT t_id FROM Teacher WHERE t_name='Zhang San')) # Table Associations select s.* from score sc join course c on c.c_id=sc.c_id join teacher t on t.t_id=c.t_id and t.t_name='Zhang San' join student s on sc.s_id=s.s_id
Find out the students who have not studied Teacher Zhang San's course
essence | Reverse row filtering |
Method | Filter according to what you've learned, and end up with the opposite left join or right join, and is null |
Remarks |
# Table Associations select s.* from score sc join course c on c.c_id=sc.c_id join teacher t on t.t_id=c.t_id and t.t_name='Zhang San' right join student s on sc.s_id=s.s_id where sc.s_id is null # not in, that's a good idea select * from student where s_id not in( select sc.s_id from score sc join course c on c.c_id=sc.c_id join teacher t on t.t_id=c.t_id and t.t_name='Zhang San' )
Query student information for course number 01 and 02
essence | Row Filtering: Take Intersection |
Method | Auto-related or subquery |
Remarks |
# Autocorrelation SELECT s.* FROM Score sc1 JOIN Score sc2 on sc1.s_id=sc2.s_id and sc1.c_id='01' and sc2.c_id='02' JOIN Student s on sc1.s_id=s.s_id # Subquery SELECT s.* FROM Score sc1 JOIN Student s on sc1.s_id=s.s_id WHERE sc1.c_id='01' and sc1.s_id in(SELECT s_id FROM Score sc2 WHERE sc1.s_id=sc2.s_id and sc2.c_id='02')
Query the information of students who have taken course 01 but have not taken course 02 (note the difference between the above 9 questions)
essence | Row Filtering: Take Intersection |
Method | Subquery, cannot use self-association, because a cid record cannot be judged with or without |
Remarks |
# Subquery SELECT s.* FROM Score sc1 JOIN Student s on sc1.s_id=s.s_id WHERE sc1.c_id='01' and sc1.s_id not in(SELECT s_id FROM Score sc2 WHERE sc1.s_id=sc2.s_id and sc2.c_id='02')
Query information about classmates who did not complete the course
essence | Row aggregation, post-having filtering |
Method | Direct aggregation, note table object range |
Remarks | where can be seen as an aggregate function: null judgment, comparison operation, subquery |
select s.* from student s left join score sc on sc.s_id=s.s_id group by s.s_id having count(distinct sc.c_id)<(select count(*) from course) #Discovery screening, first select the students of all courses SELECT * FROM Student WHERE s_id not in(SELECT s_id FROM Score GROUP BY s_id HAVING count(c_id)=(SELECT count(*) FROM Course))
Query for information about at least one class that is the same as the class number 01
essence | Row Filtering: Subquery |
Method | 1. No. 01 Course c_ Id01 2, number not equal to 01 and c_id in c_id01 |
Remarks |
select s.* from score sc join student s on sc.s_id=s.s_id and sc.s_id<>'01' where sc.c_id in(select c_id from score where s_id='01') group by s.s_id
Query the information of the same classmates as 01
essence | Row Filtering: Subquery |
Method | 1. Number 01 Course 2, the same course as 01 and the number of courses equals 01 Course Number |
Remarks | The key is the way of thinking |
group_concat() function usage
group_concat([DISTINCT] Field [Order BY ASC/DESC sort field] [Separator 'Separator'])
# Method 1 Lessons of the same number select s.* from score sc join student s on sc.s_id=s.s_id #Equal number of courses where sc.s_id in(SELECT s_id FROM Score WHERE s_id <>'01' GROUP BY s_id HAVING count(distinct c_id)=(select count(distinct c_id) from score where s_id='01')) #Same number of courses and c_id in(select c_id from score where s_id='01') group by s.s_id having count(distinct sc.c_id)=(select count(distinct c_id) from score where s_id='01') # Method 2 uses group_concat() function, if the number of records is large, method 1 is recommended select s.* from student s join score sc on s.s_id=sc.s_id and sc.s_id<>'01' group by s.s_id having group_concat(sc.c_id order by sc.c_id)= (select group_concat(c_id order by c_id) from score where s_id='01' group by s_id)
Query the names of students who have not taken any of the courses taught by Teacher Zhang San
essence | Reverse row filtering |
Method | Teacher Zhang San does not meet the requirements after any course |
Remarks | Note that the table is for all students, and the main table is for students, because for s_id filter, so no longer associated with score |
select s_name from student where s_id not in( select s_id from score where c_id in(select c_id from course where t_id=(select t_id from teacher where t_name='Zhang San')))
Query the number, name and average score of two or more failing classes
essence | Row Filtering and Aggregation |
Method | 1. Row Screening: Pass or Fail 2, Fail Courses 3, Have Screening |
Remarks | If it is repaired, it will pass or fail, so score is the main table |
# Mode 1 select sc.s_id,s.s_name,round(avg(sc.s_score),0) as avg_score from score sc join student s on sc.s_id=s.s_id group by sc.s_id having sum(if(sc.s_score<60,1,0))>=2 # Mode 2 queries smaller tables select sc.s_id,s.s_name,round(avg(sc.s_score),0) as avg_score from score sc join student s on sc.s_id=s.s_id and sc.s_score<60 group by sc.s_id having count(*)>=2
Retrieve student information in descending order with 01 course scores less than 60
essence | Row Filtering and Sorting |
Method | Score <60, descending |
Remarks | Sort Function Difference 1,row_number()over: 123 2,rank()over(): 113 3,dense_rank()over(): 112 |
SELECT s.* FROM Score sc JOIN Student s ON sc.s_id=s.s_id WHERE c_id='01' AND s_score<60 ORDER BY s_score DESC
Show all course results and average results for all students in descending order from high to low average
essence | Table Association and Sorting |
Method | Find the main table, find the sort field |
Remarks | How to associate sort fields with other fields is the key point The average score here is the average score for the selected course |
# Vertical table SELECT s.s_name,c.c_name,sc.s_score,sc2.avg_score FROM Student s JOIN Course c LEFT JOIN Score sc ON s.s_id=sc.s_id AND c.c_id=sc.c_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT s_id,ROUND(AVG(s_score),0) AS avg_score FROM Score GROUP BY s_id) sc2 ON s.s_id=sc2.s_id ORDER BY sc2.avg_score DESC #Horizontal table SELECT s.s_name, MAX(CASE sc.c_id WHEN '01' THEN sc.s_score END) AS 'Chinese', MAX(CASE sc.c_id WHEN '02' THEN sc.s_score END) AS 'Mathematics', MAX(CASE sc.c_id WHEN '03' THEN sc.s_score END) AS 'English', sc2.avg_score as 'Average Scores' FROM Student s JOIN Course c LEFT JOIN Score sc ON s.s_id=sc.s_id AND c.c_id=sc.c_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT s_id,ROUND(AVG(s_score),0) AS avg_score FROM Score GROUP BY s_id) sc2 ON s.s_id=sc2.s_id GROUP BY s.s_name,sc2.avg_score ORDER BY sc2.avg_score DESC
Query the highest, lowest and average scores of each subject: show in the following forms: course ID, course name, highest, lowest, average, pass rate, medium rate, excellent rate, excellent rate; Pass: >=60, medium: 70-80, excellent: 80-90, excellent: >=90
essence | Table Association and Aggregation |
Method | Main table course, left join score, maximum, mean, and grouping |
Remarks | Notice the decimal and percentage symbols |
SELECT c.c_id AS 'curriculum id',c.c_name AS 'curriculum name', MAX(sc.s_score) AS 'Top Score', MIN(sc.s_score) AS 'Minimum score', ROUND(AVG(sc.s_score),2) AS 'Average', CONCAT(ROUND(SUM(if(sc.s_score>=60,1,0))/COUNT(sc.s_id)*100,2),'%') AS 'pass rate', CONCAT(ROUND(SUM(if(sc.s_score>=70 AND sc.s_score<80,1,0))/COUNT(sc.s_id)*100,2),'%') AS 'Medium Rate', CONCAT(ROUND(SUM(if(sc.s_score>=80 AND sc.s_score<90,1,0))/COUNT(sc.s_id)*100,2),'%') AS 'Excellent rate', CONCAT(ROUND(SUM(if(sc.s_score>=90,1,0))/COUNT(sc.s_id)*100,2),'%') AS 'Excellence rate' FROM Course c LEFT JOIN Score sc ON c.c_id=sc.c_id GROUP BY c.c_id
Sort by subject and show ranking
essence | Grouping Sort |
Method | Select Sort Base and Rank |
Remarks |
SELECT c.c_name,s.s_name,sc.s_score, ROW_NUMBER()OVER(PARTITION BY c.c_name ORDER BY sc.s_score DESC) AS 'ranking' FROM Score sc JOIN Student s ON sc.s_id=s.s_id JOIN Course c ON sc.c_id=c.c_id
Query and rank students'total results
essence | Sort after row aggregation |
Method | sum, sort |
Remarks |
SELECT s.s_name,SUM(sc.s_score) AS 'Total results', ROW_NUMBER()OVER(ORDER BY SUM(sc.s_score) DESC) AS 'ranking' FROM Student s LEFT JOIN Score sc ON s.s_id=sc.s_id GROUP BY s.s_name
Query the average score of different courses taught by different teachers from high to low
essence | Aggregate reordering after table Association |
Method | The main table is the teacher table and the course Cartesian product of the curriculum table, the left join score, and order by after average |
Remarks |
SELECT t.t_name,c.c_name,ROUND(AVG(sc.s_score),2) AS 'Average' FROM Teacher t JOIN Course c ON t.t_id=c.t_id LEFT JOIN Score sc ON c.c_id=sc.c_id GROUP BY t.t_name,c.c_name ORDER BY AVG(sc.s_score) DESC
Query the information of students who are ranked 2nd to 3rd in all courses and the results of the course
essence | Filter after row sorting |
Method | Top 2 and 3 for all courses |
Remarks |
SELECT r.c_name,r.rank_num,s.s_name,r.s_score FROM (SELECT c.c_name,sc.s_id,sc.s_score, ROW_NUMBER()OVER(PARTITION BY c.c_name ORDER BY sc.s_score DESC) AS rank_num FROM Course c LEFT JOIN Score sc ON c.c_id=sc.c_id)r JOIN Student s ON r.s_id=s.s_id and r.rank_num in(2,3)
Count the number of students in each grade of each subject: course number, course name, [100-85], [85-70], [70-60], [0-60] and percentage
essence | Row Grouping Aggregation |
Method | First basic: subjects, results, then group count |
Remarks |
SELECT sc.c_id,c.c_name, SUM(if(sc.s_score>=85,1,0)) AS '[100-85]Number of people', SUM(if(sc.s_score>=70 AND sc.s_score<85,1,0)) AS '[85-70]Number of people', SUM(if(sc.s_score>=60 AND sc.s_score<70,1,0)) AS '[70-60]Number of people', SUM(if(sc.s_score<60,1,0)) AS '[0-60]Number of people', CONCAT(ROUND(SUM(if(sc.s_score>=85,1,0))/COUNT(*)*100,2),'%') AS '[100-85]Percentage', CONCAT(ROUND(SUM(if(sc.s_score>=70 AND sc.s_score<85,1,0))/COUNT(*)*100,2),'%') AS '[85-70]Percentage', CONCAT(ROUND(SUM(if(sc.s_score>=60 AND sc.s_score<70,1,0))/COUNT(*)*100,2),'%') AS '[70-60]Percentage', CONCAT(ROUND(SUM(if(sc.s_score<60,1,0))/COUNT(*)*100,2),'%') AS '[0-60]Percentage' FROM Score sc JOIN Course c ON sc.c_id=c.c_id GROUP BY sc.c_id
Query students'average scores and rankings
essence | Sort after row aggregation |
Method | Average results, post-order |
Remarks |
SELECT s.s_name,ROUND(AVG(sc.s_score),2) AS 'Total results', ROW_NUMBER()OVER(ORDER BY AVG(sc.s_score) DESC) AS 'ranking' FROM Student s LEFT JOIN Score sc ON s.s_id=sc.s_id GROUP BY s.s_name
Query the top three records of each subject
essence | Filter after row sorting |
Method | Ranking of Achievements in Subjects, Top 3 |
Remarks |
SELECT r.c_name,r.rank_num,s.s_name,r.s_score FROM (SELECT c.c_name,sc.s_id,sc.s_score, ROW_NUMBER()OVER(PARTITION BY c.c_name ORDER BY sc.s_score DESC) AS rank_num FROM Course c LEFT JOIN Score sc ON c.c_id=sc.c_id)r JOIN Student s ON r.s_id=s.s_id and r.rank_num<=3
Query the number of students selected for each course
essence | Row Aggregation |
Method | Achievement Sheet s_by Subject ID count |
Remarks |
SELECT c.c_name,COUNT(DISTINCT sc.s_id) AS s_num FROM Score sc JOIN Course c ON sc.c_id=c.c_id GROUP BY c.c_name
Query the number and name of all the students in only two courses
essence | Row Aggregation |
Method | C_by Student ID count |
Remarks |
SELECT s.s_id,s.s_name FROM Score sc JOIN Student s ON sc.s_id=s.s_id GROUP BY s.s_id HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT sc.c_id)=2
Query the number of male and female students
essence | Row Filter Aggregation |
Method | Student table student counts by gender |
Remarks |
SELECT s_sex,COUNT(DISTINCT s_id) AS 'Number of people' FROM Student GROUP BY s_sex
Query for information about students whose names contain typeface
essence | Fuzzy Filtering |
Method | |
Remarks |
SELECT * FROM Student WHERE s_name LIKE '%wind%'
Query the list of students with the same name and count the number of students with the same name
essence | Grouping Aggregation |
Method | having filter after grouping count |
Remarks |
SELECT s1.s_name,s1.s_sex,s2.num AS 'Number of people of the same name' FROM Student s1 JOIN (SELECT s_name,COUNT(*) AS num FROM Student GROUP BY s_name HAVING COUNT(*)>=2)s2 ON s1.s_name=s2.s_name GROUP BY s1.s_name,s1.s_sex HAVING COUNT(*)>=2
Query information about students born in 1990
essence | Row Filtering |
Method | Get birth year and filter |
Remarks | DATE() converts varchar to date The YEAR() function returns a yearly value from a specified date or time, ranging from 1000 to 9999, and the YEAR() function returns 0 if the date is zero |
SELECT * FROM Student WHERE YEAR(DATE(s_birth))=1990
Query the average results of each course, and the results are sorted in descending order according to the average results. With the same average score, by course number c_id ascending
essence | Sort after row aggregation |
Method | Average courses, then sort them |
Remarks | Possible aggregate functions after order by |
SELECT c.c_name,ROUND(AVG(sc.s_score),2) AS 'Average' FROM Score sc JOIN Course c ON sc.c_id=c.c_id GROUP BY c.c_id ORDER BY AVG(sc.s_score) DESC,c.c_id ASC
Query the number, name, and average score of all students whose average score is greater than or equal to 85
essence | Row Aggregation Post-Filtering |
Method | Average student performance, then filter |
Remarks |
SELECT s.s_id,s.s_name,ROUND(AVG(sc.s_score),2) AS 'Average Scores' FROM Score sc JOIN Student s ON sc.s_id=s.s_id GROUP BY s.s_id HAVING AVG(sc.s_score)>=85
Query the names and scores of students with math course names and scores below 60
essence | Row Filtering |
Method | Filter on demand, use subqueries |
Remarks |
SELECT s.s_name,sc.s_score FROM Score sc JOIN Student s ON sc.s_id=s.s_id WHERE c_id=(SELECT c_id FROM Course WHERE c_name='Mathematics') AND s_score<60
Query all students'courses and scores
essence | Table post-association aggregation |
Method | The Cartesian product of the student and curriculum tables, which captures all students and all courses, then associates the result tables to get results, and finally aggregates them Note: The report form is narrow, so the outer layer needs aggregation |
Remarks |
SELECT s.s_name, SUM(CASE c.c_name WHEN 'Chinese' THEN sc.s_score ELSE 0 END) AS 'Chinese', SUM(CASE c.c_name WHEN 'Mathematics' THEN sc.s_score ELSE 0 END) AS 'Mathematics', SUM(CASE c.c_name WHEN 'English' THEN sc.s_score ELSE 0 END) AS 'English', SUM(sc.s_score) AS 'Total score' FROM Student s JOIN Course c LEFT JOIN Score sc ON s.s_id=sc.s_id AND c.c_id=sc.c_id GROUP BY s.s_name
Query the name, course name, and score of any course with a score of more than 70
essence | Row Filtering |
Method | Score Screening>70 |
Remarks |
SELECT s.s_name,c.c_name,sc.s_score FROM Score sc JOIN Student s ON sc.s_id=s.s_id JOIN Course c ON sc.s_id=c.c_id WHERE s_score>70
Query failed courses
essence | Row Filtering |
Method | |
Remarks |
SELECT sc.c_id,c.c_name,sc.s_score FROM Score sc JOIN Course c ON sc.c_id=c.c_id WHERE sc.s_score<60
Query the number and name of a student whose course number is 01 and whose course grade is greater than or equal to 80
essence | Row Filtering |
Method | |
Remarks |
SELECT s.s_id,s.s_name FROM Score sc JOIN Student s ON sc.s_id=s.s_id WHERE c_id='01' AND s_score>=80
Number of students per course
essence | Row Aggregation |
Method | |
Remarks |
SELECT c.c_name,count(DISTINCT sc.s_id) AS 'Number of people' FROM Score sc JOIN Course c ON sc.c_id=c.c_id GROUP BY c.c_name
Query the information of the students with the highest scores and their results among the students taking the course given by Teacher Zhang San
essence | Row Filtered Aggregation |
Method | The students with the highest scores (max, order by, row_number()over) in the course given by Mr. Zhang San 1. max requires associated table matching 2. order by and limit 1 are recommended 3. row_number()over requires outer table restriction rank_num=1 |
Remarks |
SELECT s.*,s_score FROM Score sc JOIN Student s ON sc.s_id=s.s_id WHERE c_id=(SELECT c_id FROM Course WHERE t_id=(SELECT t_id FROM Teacher WHERE t_name='Zhang San')) ORDER BY s_score DESC LIMIT 1
Query student numbers, course numbers, student results of students with the same results in different courses
essence | Row Filtering |
Method | Qualified Achievements: Grouped by Achievements, Counted by Course id and >2 |
Remarks |
SELECT * FROM Score WHERE s_score in(SELECT s_score FROM Score GROUP BY s_score HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT c_id)>=2)
Query the top two for each course
essence | Filter after row sorting |
Method | The first two are grouped here, requiring the window function row_number()over |
Remarks |
SELECT r.* FROM( SELECT c_name,s_id,s_score, ROW_NUMBER()OVER(PARTITION BY c_name ORDER BY s_score DESC) as rank_num FROM Score sc JOIN Course c ON sc.c_id=c.c_id)r WHERE r.rank_num<=2
Count the number of students taking each course (more than 5 courses are counted). Require output of course number and number of elections, query results are in descending order by number of people, if the number is the same, in ascending order by course number
essence | Sort after row aggregation |
Method | |
Remarks |
SELECT c_id,COUNT(DISTINCT s_id) AS 'Number of people' FROM Score GROUP BY c_id ORDER BY 'Number of people' DESC,c_id ASC
Retrieve student numbers for at least two courses
essence | Row Aggregation Post-Filtering |
Method | |
Remarks |
Query student information for all courses
essence | Row Aggregation Post-Filtering |
Method | |
Remarks |
SELECT s.* FROM Score sc JOIN Student s ON sc.s_id=s.s_id GROUP BY s.s_id HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT c_id)=(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Course)
Query the age of each student: according to the date of birth, the current month day is less than the month day of birth year, the age is reduced by 1
essence | Row Filtering: Date-Year-Month-Day |
Method | year(), month(), day() |
Remarks |
Query students for birthdays this week
essence | Row Filtering: Date-Week |
Method | week() |
Remarks |
Query students for birthdays next week
essence | Row Filtering: Date-Week |
Method | week() |
Remarks |
Query students who have passed this month
essence | Row Filtering: Date-Month |
Method | |
Remarks |
Query the students who passed the next month
essence | Row Filtering: Date-Month |
Method | |
Remarks |