Mysql day 4 note 01 - common functions


1.Mysql function classification

2. Common mathematical functions

3. String function (key)

4. Date and time functions

5. Process control function

6. Other functions

1.Mysql function classification

(1) Single line function


  • A single line function operates on a single line
  • Each row returns a result. The returned value may be inconsistent with the original parameter data type
  • Single line functions can be written in SELECT, WHERE, ORDER BY clauses
  • Some functions have no parameters, and some functions include one or more parameters
  • Functions can be nested

(2) Multiline function

Features: multiple lines return one result

2. Common mathematical functions

ABS(x): returns the absolute value of X;
SQRT(x): returns the square root of a nonnegative number x;
PI(): return PI;
MOD(x,y) or (x% y): returns the remainder of X divided by Y;
CEIL(x), CEILING(x): returns the minimum integer value greater than or equal to X;
FLOOR(x): returns the maximum integer value less than or equal to X;
ROUND(x,y): returns an integer rounded to the nearest y digits after the decimal point;
TRUNCATE(x,y): returns the number x in Y digits after the discarded decimal point;
RAND(): generate different random numbers each time;
SIGN(x): returns the symbol of the parameter;

POW(x,y) and POWER(x,y): return the result value of the Y power of X;
EXP(x): returns the value after the power of X with e as the base;
LOG(x): returns the natural logarithm of X, the logarithm of X relative to cardinality e;
LOG10(x): returns the logarithm of base 10 of X;
RADIANS(x): convert parameter x from angle to radian;
DEGREES(x): converts the parameter x from radians to degrees.
SIN(x): returns the sine of X, where x is the radian value;
ASIN(x) returns the inverse sine of X, that is, the sine is the value of X;
COS(x): returns the cosine of X;
ACOS(x): returns the X arccosine
TAN(x): returns the tangent of X;
ATAN(x): returns the arctangent of X;


select sqrt(4) from dual;--2
select PI() from dual;--3.141593
select mod(10, 3) , (10 % 3) from dual;--All 1
select ceil(12.8), floor(12.8), round(12.8) from dual;--13 12 13
select pow(2, 3) from dual;--8
select sign(-8), sign(8), sign(0) from dual;--  (-1 1 0)

3. String function (key)

CHAR_LENGTH(str): returns the number of characters contained in the string str;
LENGTH(str): returns the length of the string str;
CONCAT(s1,s2,...): String connection;
CONCAT_WS(x,s1,s2,...): string connection, where x is the separator of other parameters;
INSERT(s1,x,len,s2): returns the string s1 and inserts the string s2 into s1;
LOWER (str)|LCASE (str): convert all strings to lowercase letters;
UPPER(str)|UCASE(str): convert all strings to uppercase letters;
LEFT(s,n): returns the leftmost character of the specified length;
RIGHT(s,n): returns the rightmost character of the specified length;
LPAD(s1,len,s2)| RPAD(s1,len,s2): fill string function;
TRIM(s1 FROM s)|LTRIM(s) | RTRIM(s): delete the space function;
REPEAT(s,n): repeatedly generate string function;
SPACE(n): returns a string consisting of N spaces;
REPLACE (s, s1, s2): string replacement function;
STRCMP(s1,s2): compare string size function;
SUBSTRING(s,n,len): get substring function;
LOCATE(str1,str)|POSITION(str1 IN str)|INSTR(str, str1): function of matching substring start position;
REVERSE(s): reverse the string s;
ELT(N, string 1, string 2, string 3,...): returns the specified position function;


select char_length('my name is 123') from dual;-- 14
select length('tom') from dual;-- 3
select concat('I ', 'love ', 'mysql') from dual;-- The result is'I love mysql'
select concat_ws(' ', 'I', 'am', 'student!') from dual;-- The result is'I am student!'
select insert('Iam', 2, 1, '\'') from dual;-- In the second position, insert the of length 1',The result is I'm
select left('LQH', 2), substring('LQH', 1, 2) from dual;-- The first two characters of the string are extracted, and the result is“ LQ"
select locate('am', 'I am student, I am stupid boy'), position('am' in 'I am student, I am stupid boy'), instr('I am student, I am stupid boy', 'am') from dual;-- Are in the query string“ am"For the first position, the results are 3

select repeat('.', '6'), space(6) from dual;-- Here, repeat Repeat the output 6 times“.",and space Return 6 spaces
select strcmp('a', 'B'), strcmp('a', 'A'), strcmp('z', 'G') from dual;-- Compare the string size because the former is smaller than the latter-1,Equal returns 0, otherwise 1;The result is -1 0 1
select reverse('I miss you') from dual;-- String reversal with result“ uoy ssim I"
select elt(2, '123', 'abc', 'hhh', 'ddd') from dual;-- Returns the second string with the result abc"
select lpad(123, 6, '*'), rpad(123, 6, '*') from dual;-- The left and right fills are not enough. Fill with the specified character and the result is“***123" And "123"***"
select upper('i love mysql'), lower('I loVE MysQL') from dual;-- Turn large and small, and the result is“ I LOVE MYSQL","i love mysql"

4. Date and time functions

Current() and CURRENT_DATE(): get the current date function;
NOW(): returns the current date and time of the server;
CURTIME(): returns the current time, including only hours, minutes and seconds;
UTC_DATE(): function that returns the world standard time and date;
UTC_TIME(): returns the world standard time function;
TIMEDIFF(expr1, expr2): returns the time difference between two dates;
DATEDIFF(expr1, expr2): returns the number of days after subtracting two dates;
DATE_ADD(date,INTERVAL expr type): date plus a time interval value;
DATE_SUB(date,INTERVAL expr type): subtract a time interval value from the date;
DATE(date), TIME(date), YEAR (date): select each part of date and time:
EXTRACT(unit FROM date): extract an individual part or combination FROM the date;
DAYOFWEEK(date), DAYOFMONTH(date), DAYOFYEAR(date): returns the day of the week, month, or year
DAYNAME, MONTHNAME: returns the name of the week and month of the date;
DATE_FORMAT(date,format): format the date;
TIME_ Format (time, format): format the time;
Timestamp diff (unit, datetime_expr1, datetime_expr2): calculate the date time difference

(1) Where, DATE_ADD(date,INTERVAL expr type) function and date_ The following values can be selected for the type parameter of the sub (date, interval expr type) function:

YEAR_MONTHYear and month
DAY_HOURDate and hour
DAY_MINUTEDays and minutes
DAY_SECONDDays and seconds
HOUR_MINUTEHours and minutes
HOUR_SECONDHours and seconds
MINUTE_SECONDMinutes and seconds

(2) Where, DATE_FORMAT(date,format) and time_ For the parameter format of format (time, format) function, you can select the following parameters:

%aSunday name
%bMonth name
%cMonth, value
%DDays of the month with English prefix
%dDay of the month, value (00-31)
%eDay of the month, value (0-31)
%HHours (00-23)
%hHours (01-12)
%IHours (01-12)
%iMinutes, value (00-59)
%jDays of the year (001-366)
%kHours (0-23)
%MMonth name
%mMonth, value (00-12)
%pAM or PM
%rTime, 12 hours (hh:mm:ss AM or PM)
%SSeconds (00-59)
%sSeconds (00-59)
%TTime, 24 hours (hh:mm:ss)
%UWeek (0-53), Sunday is the first day of the week
%uWeek (00-53), Monday is the first day of the week
%VWeek (01-53), Sunday is the first day of the week, used with% X
%vWeek (01-53), Monday is the first day of the week, used with% x
%WSunday name
%wDays of the week (0 = Sunday, 6 = Saturday)
%XYear, where Sunday is the first day of the week, 4 digits, used with% V
%xIn, Monday is the first day of the state, 4 digits, used with% v
%YYear, 4
%yYear, 2

(3) Examples

SELECT now(),date(now()); -- date
SELECT now(),time(now()); -- time
SELECT now(),year(now()); -- year
SELECT now(),quarter(now()); -- quarter
SELECT now(),month(now()); -- month
SELECT now(),week(now()); -- week
SELECT now(),day(now()); -- day
SELECT now(),hour(now()); -- hour
SELECT now(),minute(now()); -- minute
SELECT now(),second(now()); -- second
SELECT now(),microsecond(now()); -- Microsecond

-- EXTRACT(unit  FROM  date): Extract a single part or combination from a date
SELECT now(),extract(YEAR FROM now()); -- year
SELECT now(),extract(QUARTER FROM now()); -- quarter
SELECT now(),extract(MONTH FROM now()); -- month
SELECT now(),extract(WEEK FROM now()); -- week
SELECT now(),extract(DAY FROM now()); -- day
SELECT now(),extract(HOUR FROM now()); -- hour
SELECT now(),extract(MINUTE FROM now()); -- minute
SELECT now(),extract(SECOND FROM now()); -- second
SELECT now(),extract(YEAR_MONTH FROM now()); -- years
SELECT now(),extract(HOUR_MINUTE FROM now()); -- time

SELECT dayname('2022-01-01') from dual;-- Saturday
SELECT timestampdiff(month, '2020-05-22' ,'2021-12-01') from dual;-- Subtract the previous date from the later date and the result is 18
SELECT date_add('2022-01-01', interval 1 month) from dual;-- Plus January, the result is 2022-02-01
SELECT date_sub('2022-01-01', interval 1 month) from dual;-- Minus January, the result is 2021-12-01
SELECT date_format('2022-01-31', '%Y/%m/%d') from dual;-- Format the output and the result is 2022/01/31

5. Process control function


① Syntax:

CASE value 
WHEN [compare-value] THEN result 
[WHEN [compare-value] THEN result ...] 
[ELSE result] 


WHEN [condition] THEN result 
[WHEN [condition] THEN result ...] 
[ELSE result] 

② example:

case 'C'
when 'A' then 'Very Good!'
when 'B' then 'Good!'
when 'C' then 'Normal!'
when 'D' then 'Bad!'
else 'Worse!'
from dual;-- The result is Normal!

when sal < 1000 then 'D'
when sal < 3000 then 'C'
when sal < 5000 then 'B'
when sal < 6000 then 'A'
from t_emp;-- Output when employee salary is less than 1000 D,Less than 3000 output C,Less than 5000 output B,Less than 6000 output A


① Syntax:


② Example:

select if(1 < 0, 'true', 'false') from dual;
-- similar java When the first parameter is true, the second value is displayed; Displays the third value when false


① Syntax:


② Example:

select ifnull(null, 'Not empty') from dual;
-- If the first parameter is empty, the second parameter is returned; otherwise, the first parameter is returned
-- amount to coalesce Function, the result is "not empty"
select coalesce(null, 'Not empty') from dual;


① Syntax:


② Example:

select nullif(10, 10) from dual;-- The result is null
-- Returns if the first parameter is equal to the second parameter null;Otherwise, the first parameter is returned

6. Other functions

Database(): returns the default (current) database name using the utf8 character set

Version(): returns a string indicating the MySQL server version.

User(): returns the current MySQL user name and host name

Inet_aton(): give a point address representation of a network address as a string, and return an integer representing the address value.

Inet_ntoa(): given a digital network address, returns the point address representation of the address as a string.

Password(str): calculates and returns the password string from the original password str, and returns NULL when the parameter is NULL.  

Md5(str): calculate an MD5 128 bit check sum for the string.


select database() from dual;-- myshop
select version() from dual;-- 8.0.27
select user() from dual;-- root@localhost
select Inet_aton(''), inet_ntoa('3232300547') from dual;-- 3232300547
select md5('123456') from dual; -- e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e

Keywords: MySQL

Added by darknuke on Sun, 02 Jan 2022 01:17:16 +0200