DML language
Data operation language:
Inserting: insert ing
Modify: update
Delete: delete
1, Insert statement
Mode 1:
insert into table name (column name...)
Values (value 1,...);
Features: it supports inserting multiple rows and querying subsets
SELECT * FROM beauty;
1. The type of the inserted value should be consistent or compatible with the type of the column
INSERT INTO beauty (id, NAME, sex, borndate, phone , photo, boyfriend_id) VALUES(13, 'Tang Yixin', 'female', '1990-4-23', '1898888888' , NULL,2) ;
2. Columns that cannot be nul1 must be inserted with values. How can I insert values for nul1 columns?
INSERT INTO beauty(id, NAME, sex, borndate, phone, photo, boyfriend_id) VALUES(13, 'Tang Yixin', 'female', '1990-4-23', '1898888888' ,NULL,2) ;
INSERT INTO beauty (id, NAME, sex, borndate, phone, boyfriend_id) VALUES(14, 'Venus', 'female', '1990-4-23', '13888888881',9) ;
3. The sequence of columns can be changed and must correspond one by one
INSERT INTO beauty (NAME, sex, id, phone) VALUES('Jiang Xin','female',16, '110') ;
4. The number of columns and values must be the same. If they are inconsistent, an error will be reported
INSERT INTO beauty(NAME, sex, id, phone) VALUES('Guan Xiaotong', 'female',17, '110') ;
5. You can omit the column name, default to all columns, and the column order is the same as that in the table
INSERT INTO beauty VALUES(18, 'Fei Zhang', 'male',NULL, '119' , NULL, NULL) ;
Mode 2:
insert into table name
Value = column name
INSERT INTO beauty SET id=19, NAME='Liu Tao' , phone='999';
2, Modify statement
1. Record of modification sheet
update table name
set column = new value, column = new value
where screening conditions;
2. Modify multi table records [supplement]
sq192 syntax:
update table 1 alias, table 2 alias
set column = value
where connection conditions
and screening conditions;
sq199 syntax:
update table 1 alias
Inner / left / right join table 2 aliases
on connection condition
set column = value
where screening conditions;
1. Record of modification sheet
#Case 1: modify the telephone number of the goddess surnamed Liu in the beauty table to 18666668888
UPDATE beauty SET phone = '18666668888' WHERE NAME like 'Liu%';
#Case 2: modify the name with id 2 in the boys table as Zhang Fei, and the charm value is 10
UPDATE boys SET boyname='Fei Zhang' ,usercp=10 WHERE id=2;
2. Modify multi table records
#Case 1: modify the userCP of Tang Yixin's boyfriend to 100
UPDATE beauty inner join boys on beauty.boyfriend_id = SET userCP = 100 where name = 'Tang Yixin';
#Case 2: modify the boyfriend number of Goddess without boyfriend to be No. 2
UPDATE boys bo RIGHT JOIN beauty b ON SET b. boyfriend_id=2 WHERE IS NULL; SELECT * FROM boys;
3, Delete statement
Method 1: delete
1. Deletion of single table [★]
delete from table name where filter criteria
2. Deletion of multiple tables [supplement]
sq192 syntax:
delete alias of Table 1 / alias of Table 2
from table 1 aliases, table 2 aliases
where connection conditions
and screening conditions;
sq199 syntax:
delete alias of Table 1 / alias of Table 2
from table 1 alias
inner/left/right join table 2 alias on connection conditions
where screening conditions;
Method 2: truncate deletes all contents of the entire table, which is equivalent to emptying
Syntax: truncate table name;
Comparison between delete and truncate
1. where condition can be added to delete but not truncate
2. truncate deletion, high efficiency, one loss
3. If there is a self growing column in the table to be deleted,
If you use delete to delete and then insert data, the value of the growing column starts from the breakpoint (which can be understood as sequence number, where to delete and where to add)
After truncate is deleted, the data is inserted again, and the value of the growth column starts from 1. (add from scratch)
4. There is no return value for truncare deletion, and there is a return value for delete deletion (return the number of deleted rows)
5. truncate deletion cannot be rolled back. delete deletion can be rolled back
Method 1: delete
1. Delete single table
#Delete the goddess information with id=17
DELETE FROM beauty WHERE id = 17;
2. Delete multiple tables
#Delete the goddess information with id=19 in Zhang Fei's girlfriend
delete beauty from boys inner join beauty on beauty.boyfriend_id = where = 19;
#1. Run the following script to create the table my_ employees
CREATE TABLE my_employees ( Id INT(10) , First_name VARCHAR(10) , Last_name VARCHAR(10), Userid VARCHAR(10), Salary DOUBLE (10,2) );
CREATE TABLE users ( id INT, userid VARCHAR(10) , department_id INT );
#2. Display table_ Structure of employees
DESC my_employees;
#3. Report to my_ Insert the following data into the employees table
1 patel Ralph Rpatel 895
2 Dancs Betty Bdancs 860
3 BirI Ben Bbiri 1100
4 Newman Chad Cnewman 750
5 Ropeburn Audrey Aropebur 1550
insert into my_employees value(1,'patel','Ralph','Rpatel','895'), (2,'Dancs','Betty','Bdancs','860'), (3,'BirI','Ben','Bbiri','1100'), (4,'Newman','Chad','Cnewman','750'), (5,'Ropeburn','Audrey','Aropebur','1550');
#4. Insert data into the users table
1 Rpatel 10
2 Bdancs 10
3 Bbiri 20
4 Cnewman 30
5 Aropebur 40
insert into users value(1,'Rpatel',10), (2,'Bdancs',10), (3,'Bbiri',20), (4,'Cnewman',30), (5,'Aropebur',40);
#5. Put the last of employee 3_ Change the name to "drelxer"“
UPDATE my_employees SET last_name='drelxer' WHERE id = 3;
#6. Revise the salary of all employees whose salary is less than 900 to 1000 I
UPDATE my_employees SET SALARY = 1000 WHERE SALARY <900;
#7. The users table with userid as Bbiri and my_ All records in the employees table are deleted
DELETE users,my_employees from users inner join my_employees on users.userid = my_employees.Userid where users.userid = 'Bbiri';
#8. Delete all data
DELETE from users; DELETE from my_employees;
#9. Check the corrections made
select * from users; select * from my_employees;
#10. Empty the table_ employees
TRUNCATE TABLE my_employees;