Things to be determined before inquiry
- Query several tables
- Link condition of query
- Fields used in query
- Query criteria
1, Cross connect query
The results of multi table query and cross join query will produce Cartesian product, which can not be used
The result of the query is to multiply the data of the two tables
select * from category,products; --Cross connect query
2, Internal link query
Features: match the contents of two tables by specifying conditions, and those that do not match will not be displayed
Implicit inner connection
Syntax format: select field from left table, right table where link condition
Explicit inner join
Syntax format: select field from left table [inner] join right table on link condition
inner can be omitted
1# query all commodity information and corresponding classification information
--Implicit connection query select * from products,category where category_id = cid; --Explicit inner connection query select * from products inner join category on category_id = cid;
2# query the commodity name, price and commodity classification information in the commodity table
--Implicit inner connection select p.pname, p.price, c.cname from products p,category c where p.category_id=c.cid; --Explicit inner join select p.pname, p.price, c.cname from product p inner join category c on p.category_id = c.cid;
3# query under which category does the grid air conditioner belong
--Implicit inner connection select p.pname, c.cname from products p,category c where p.category_id=c.cid AND p.pname='Gree air conditioner'; --Show internal connections select p.pname, c.cname from products p inner join category c on p.category_id=c.cid;
4# query the name and price of goods with a price greater than 500 under the classification of shoes and clothing
--Implicit inner connection select p.pname, p.price, c.cname from products p,category c where p.category_id = c.cid and p.price>500 and c.cname='Shoes and clothes'; --Explicit inner join select p.pname, p.price, c.cname from product p inner join category c on p.category_id=c.cid where p.price>500 and c.cname='Shoes and clothes';
3, External link query
Left outer connection
Keywords: left [outer] join (outer can be omitted)
Syntax format: select field name from left table left join right table on link condition
Features: Based on the left table, the data matching the right table will be displayed normally if it can be matched
If there is no match, the data in the left table is displayed normally and the data in the right table is null
Right outer connection
Keyword: right [outer] join (outer can be omitted)
Syntax format: select field name from left table right join right table on link condition
Features: Based on the right table, the data matching the left table will be displayed normally if it can be matched
If there is no match, the data in the right table is displayed normally and the data in the left table is null
1# query the number of goods under each category
--Left outer link select c.cname, count( from category c left join products p on c.cid = p.category_id group by c.cid;
4, subQuery
The result of a select statement is part of another select statement
Subquery features: subqueries must be placed in parentheses
Sub query is used as the condition of parent query (more often)
Sub query classification:
where type sub query: use the results of the sub query as the comparison criteria of the parent query
from sub query: use the results of the sub query as a table
exists type sub query: the result of the query is single column and multiple rows. The result of the sub query can be used as the condition in the in function of the parent query
Syntax format: select field name from table name where field in (subquery);
Sub query summary:
If the sub query is a field (single column), the condition is made after where
If it is multiple fields (multiple columns), it will be used as a table (alias)
1# query the information of the commodity with the highest price
--Sub query as query criteria select * from product where price=(select max(price) from products); --Subquery
2# query the commodity name and price under the category of cosmetics
--Sub query as query criteria select pname, price from products where category_id=(select cid from category where cname='Cosmetics');
3# query the goods whose price is less than the average price
--Sub query as query criteria select * from products where price<(select avg(price) from products);
4# query the information of commodities with price greater than 500 in commodities, including commodity name, commodity price and classification attribute of commodities
--Mode 1 select p.pname, p.price, c.cname from products p inner join category c on p.category_id = c.cid where p.price>500; --Method 2: use the sub query results as a table select p.pname, p.price, c.cname from products p inner join (select * from category) c on p.category_id = c.cid where p.price>500; --Method 3: use the sub query results as a table select p.pname, p.price, c.cname from products p inner join (select cid,cname from category) c on p.category_id = c.cid where p.price>500;
5# query the classification of goods with price less than 2000
--Take the result of the child query as the result of the parent query in Conditional use in function select * from category where cid in (select distinct category_id from products where price<2000);
6# query all commodity information of household appliances and shoes and clothing
select * from products where category_id in (select cid from category where cname in ('household electrical appliances','Shoes and clothes'));
The following are the tables and data to be used
--Create a file named db2 Database of create database db2 character set utf8; --Create classification table create table category( cid int primary key auto_crement, cname varchar(50) ); --Create item table create table products( pid int primary key auto_crement, pname varchar(50), price decimal(21,6), flag varchar(2), cid int ); --Insert classification data INSERT INTO category(cname) VALUES('household electrical appliances'); INSERT INTO category(cname) VALUES('Shoes and clothes'); INSERT INTO category(cname) VALUES('Cosmetics'); INSERT INTO category(cname) VALUES('automobile'); --Insert item data INSERT INTO products(pname,price,flag,category_id) VALUES('Millet TV',5000,'1',1); INSERT INTO products(pname,price,flag,category_id) VALUES('Gree air conditioner',3000,'1',1); INSERT INTO products(pname,price,flag,category_id) VALUES('Midea refrigerator',4500,'1',1); INSERT INTO products(pname,price,flag,category_id) VALUES('Basketball shoes',800,'1',2); INSERT INTO products(pname,price,flag,category_id) VALUES('Sports pants',4500,'1',2); INSERT INTO products(pname,price,flag,category_id) VALUES('T Shirt',300,'1',2); INSERT INTO products(pname,price,flag,category_id) VALUES('pizex',2000,'1',2); INSERT INTO products(pname,price,flag,category_id) VALUES('GHb ',800,'1',3); INSERT INTO products(pname,price,flag,category_id) VALUES('Dabao',200,'1',3);