Go to the code directly (note that the ID here is self increasing, and the ID of the parent is smaller than that of the child)
Create a table (for example only, you can expand other fields by yourself):
CREATE TABLE `menu` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'menu id', `parent_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Parent node id', `menu_name` varchar(128) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Menu name', `menu_url` varchar(128) DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'Menu path', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=1 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
Simulation data:
INSERT INTO `menu` VALUES ('0', null, 'Menu 0', 'Menu 0'); INSERT INTO `menu` VALUES ('1', '0', 'Menu 1', 'Menu 1'); INSERT INTO `menu` VALUES ('11', '1', 'Menu 11', 'Menu 11'); INSERT INTO `menu` VALUES ('12', '1', 'Menu 12', 'Menu 12'); INSERT INTO `menu` VALUES ('13', '1', 'Menu 13', 'Menu 13'); INSERT INTO `menu` VALUES ('111', '11', 'Menu 111', 'Menu 111'); INSERT INTO `menu` VALUES ('121', '12', 'Menu 121', 'Menu 121'); INSERT INTO `menu` VALUES ('122', '12', 'Menu 122', 'Menu 122'); INSERT INTO `menu` VALUES ('1221', '122', 'Menu 1221', 'Menu 1221'); INSERT INTO `menu` VALUES ('1222', '122', 'Menu 1222', 'Menu 1222'); INSERT INTO `menu` VALUES ('12211', '1222', 'Menu 12211', 'Menu 12211');
Query sql (@ pids: = parent ID of query):
SELECT c.id FROM ( SELECT a.id, IF ( FIND_IN_SET(a.parent_id ,@pids) > 0, IF ( length(@pids) - length( REPLACE (@pids, a.parent_id, '') ) > 1, IF ( length(@pids) - length(REPLACE(@pids, a.id, '')) > 1 ,@pids ,@pids := concat(@pids, ',', a.id) ) ,@pids := concat(@pids, ',', a.id) ), 0 ) AS 'plist', IF ( FIND_IN_SET(a.parent_id ,@pids) > 0, @pids, 0 ) AS ischild FROM ( SELECT r.id, r.parent_id FROM menu r ) a, (SELECT @pids := 1) b ) c WHERE c.ischild != 0
Query results:
Note: if you want to add the parent ID to the top of the above SQL, add SELECT 1 FROM DUAL UNION ALL (1 is the parent ID)
Returns a field separated by commas (including the query's parent, @ pids: = query's parent ID):
SELECT * FROM ( SELECT c.plist FROM ( SELECT a.id, IF ( FIND_IN_SET(a.parent_id ,@pids) > 0, IF ( length(@pids) - length( REPLACE (@pids, a.parent_id, '') ) > 1, IF ( length(@pids) - length(REPLACE(@pids, a.id, '')) > 1 ,@pids ,@pids := concat(@pids, ',', a.id) ) ,@pids := concat(@pids, ',', a.id) ), 0 ) AS 'plist', IF ( FIND_IN_SET(a.parent_id ,@pids) > 0, @pids, 0 ) AS ischild FROM ( SELECT r.id, r.parent_id FROM menu r ) a, (SELECT @pids := 1) b ) c WHERE c.ischild != 0 ORDER BY c.id DESC LIMIT 0, 1 ) d
Query results:
This sql is written on the basis of the following articles: