Look directly at the hard version. I feel that easy is not very different from the hard version. To get the minimum k-beautiful number, it can be divided into the following two cases.
- First of all, if K is greater than or equal to the number of different bits after n is converted into a string, then directly output this n. this n itself is k-beautiful, not to mention the smallest, so it must be output.
- Secondly, K is less than the different digits after n is converted into a string. In order to minimize the k-beautiful number, the first few digits of n should remain unchanged as far as possible. If it remains unchanged at the ith bit of n (from high to low digits), the different digits used will become k + 1, which is very bad. At this time, there are two situations.
- First, consider whether there is a number larger than the number on the i-th bit in the k digits used previously. If so, take the closest one, For all the bits after I, we take the smallest of the k digits used to supplement (the proof is as follows: if we don't take it this way, or add 1 to the i-th bit, then some bits of the k digits used earlier must be larger, which will make the answer larger.)
- However, if this number is not found in the K digits used previously, we have to consider moving forward from the I-1 bit. For example, when we get to the I-1 bit, we first remove the I-1 bit, and we have to maintain the contribution of the digit on this bit to K. if there is only one digit on this I-1 bit, then the number used is k-1, But there is also this digit in the high position in front. At this time, K is still unchanged. This can be divided into three cases.
- If the k used at this time is less than the k required by the question, maintain the answer of the I-1 bit as the previous digit plus 1, and maintain the digit + 1 to the used k. if k has been used up, use the smallest digit in k to supplement all the subsequent digits, otherwise k has not been used up, Then use 0 to supplement all the following digits (this is handled in a robust way, because it is possible that digit + 1 and the second case below will be encountered).
- Otherwise, after i - 1 processing, it is found that the k used is still not reduced, so consider whether other digits in the k digits used are greater than the digit on the i - 1 bit. If so, the process is to change the digit on the i - 1 bit into the k digits closest to and greater than the digit on the i - 1 bit. If the subsequent digits have been used up, use the smallest digit in the k to supplement all the subsequent digits. Otherwise, if k has not been used up, use 0 to supplement all the subsequent digits.
- The last one is that in the previous second case, if the digit larger than the digit on i - 1 is not found, then the i - 2 bit must be considered again. The processing is the same as that of i - 1.
#include <bits/stdc++.h> #define ll long long #define rush() int T; cin >> T; while (T--) using namespace std; int n, k, num, cnt[10]; string s; int main() { rush() { num = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) cnt[i] = 0; cin >> n >> k; s = to_string(n); int ssize = s.size(); for (int i = 0; i < ssize; i++) { if (cnt[s[i] - '0'] == 0) num++; cnt[s[i] - '0']++; } if (num <= k) cout << n << endl; else { set<int>se; map<char, int>ma; string ans = ""; for (int i = 0; i < ssize; i++) { char c = s[i]; ma[c] += 1; se.insert(c); if (se.size() <= k) ans += c; else { se.erase(c); ma[c] -= 1; if (ma[c] == 0) se.erase(c); auto iter = se.upper_bound(c); if (iter != se.end()) { ans += *iter; for (int j = ans.size(); j < ssize; j++) { if (se.size() < k) ans += '0'; else ans += *(se.begin()); } break; } else { while (233) { c = ans.back(); ma[c] -= 1; ans.pop_back(); if (ma[c] == 0) se.erase(c); if (se.size() < k) { ans += c + 1; ma[c + 1] += 1; se.insert(c + 1); for (int j = ans.size(); j < ssize; j++) { if (se.size() < k) ans += '0'; else ans += *(se.begin()); } break; } else { iter = se.upper_bound(c); if (iter != se.end()) { ans += *iter; for (int j = ans.size(); j < ssize; j++) { if (se.size() < k) ans += '0'; else ans += *(se.begin()); } break; } } } break; } } } cout << ans << endl; } } return 0; }