nodeJS reading notes

background knowledge

node.js founder Ryan Dahl. 2009.2 create a Web server and provide a library in your blog for the first time. The initial version was released in GitHub in May.

event driven

After registering an event, wait for the event to trigger execution without relying on its own order of occurrence. With limited resources, the system can complete certain tasks without waiting for other resources.

Outstanding performance

Run in single process and single thread mode.

Single thread

This means that the main thread is "single thread". All blocked parts are handed over to a thread pool for processing, and then the main thread cooperates with the thread pool through a queue.

Asynchronous, non blocking I/O

For example, many functions such as file operation are executed asynchronously,
Issue I/O call; Execute callback

Note: nodejs is weak in processing CPU intensive applications, template rendering, compression, decompression, encryption, decryption and other operations

nodeJS content

nodeJS comes with repl (Interactive running environment), which can also be tried on the browser.


console.dir() inputs an object to the console
console.time() ; console.timeEnd() enter the running time of the code
console.trace() outputs the current position stack information.

Package management

npm init

Can generate a package JSON file is the description file of the whole project. Through this file, you can clearly understand the package dependency, version and other information of the project.
Direct command: npm init -y or npm init --yes

npm i < package name >

– save or - S can be placed in the dependencies field
If you continue to add - dev, it will be in the devDependencies field in the development stage
It is recommended to record all project installation packages in package In the JSON file, we only need to execute npm i when we use it, and npm uninstall when we don't need it.

Core module

http module

Create Http server and client

url module

url address processing
url.parse(): parse a URL address and return a URL object
url.fomate(urlObj): accept a URL object as a parameter and return a complete URL address
url.resolve(from,to) accepts a base url object and a href url object, parses them like a browser, and returns the full address.

querystring module

Query string processing
querystring.parse(): similar to JSON parse()
querystring.stringify(): similar to JSON stringify();

Common modules

util module

util.inspect(): returns a string formed by deserialization of an object
util.format(): returns a string formatted with a placeholder
util.log(): similar to console log().

path module

Path processing
path.join(): connect all parameters and return a path
path.extname(): returns the extended name of the path parameter. If not, an empty string is returned
path.parse(): resolves the path to a path object
path.format(): accept a path object parameter and return a complete path address.

dns module

dns.resolve(): resolves a domain name into an array of the specified type
dns.lookup(): returns the address of the first discovered IPv4 or IPv6.
dns.reverse(): resolve the domain name through IP.

File world

Open file,flags[,mode],callback)

flag valueexplain
rOpen the file in read mode and throw an exception if the file does not exist
r+Open the file in read-write mode and throw an exception if the file does not exist
rsRead files synchronously
rs+Read and write files synchronously
wOpen the file in write mode and create it if the file does not exist
wxSimilar w, but if the file path exists, the file write fails
w+Open the file in read-write mode and create it if the file does not exist
wx+Similar to w +, but the file path exists, the file reading and writing fails
aOpen the file in append mode and create if the file does not exist
axSimilar to a, but if the file path exists, the append fails

Close file


read file

write file


Other file operations (csv, xml, json)

1. Download first (npm i csv)
2. Parsing and generating csv files
3. Convert csv file to txt file

At present, nodeJS does not support Chinese codes such as GBK or GB2312, and third-party modules need to be introduced (iconv or iconv Lite; iconv only supports Linux)
Currently supported: utf-8, ucs2, ascii, binary, base64, hex

Network world

TCP server

net module is used.

let net = require('net');
let server = net.createServer((socket)=>{
	conosle.log('someone connect');

Listen for client connections

				console.log('server is listening');

Manual listening writing method

			console.log('server is listening');

To use Win's Telnet, use the command: open localhost 8888
Besides listening, there are also connection, close and error events.

View service listening address

There are three attributes: port, family and address

Number of clients connected to the server


server.maxConnections = 3;

Get the data sent by the client

Listen for data events


In addition to data events, socket objects also have connect, end, error, timeout and other events.

Send data to client

Using socket write(data,encode)
The first parameter is data, the second is coding format (optional), and there can be callback function.

			let writeSize = socket.bytesWritten;
	let readSize = socket.bytesRead;

In addition to the byteswriten and bytesRead sending and receiving bytes attributes, the socket object also has localport (address of local port), lacalAddress (local IP address), remote Port (remote Port address), remoteFamily (remote IP protocol family) and remoteAddress (remote IP address).

TCP customer service terminal

Create client

let net = require('net')
let client = new net.Socket(obj);

obj includes: FD (specify an existing file descriptor, null by default); Readable (whether to allow reading on this socket, false by default); Writeable (...); Allowhalfopen (whether to ask the server to send back a fin package, false/true).
Connect to tTCP server

let client = net.Socket();
			console.log('connect the server');

Get data sent from TCP server

			console.log('connect the server');

Send data to TCP server

				client.write('message from client');//Data sent

HTTP server

Create HTTP server

let http = require('http');
let server = http.createServer((req,res)=>{
	console.log('listening port 8888');


//Read html file
let server = http.createServer((req,res)=>{
	let data = fs.readFileSync('./index.html');

Content type is used to indicate the type of data transmitted by the client or server, which is used for corresponding analysis; If it is the original value, the index will be displayed directly on the page HTML code
Routing control

//Handle html, js, css, and images
module.exports = {

Routing control return file

let server = http.createServer((req,res)=>{
	let filePath = '.' + url.parse(req.url).pathname;
	if(filePath === './'){
		filePath = './index.html';
	//Determine whether the corresponding file exists
			let data = fs.readFileSync(filePath);
			let contentType = mine[path.extname(filePath)];

UDP server

let dgram = require('dgram');
//Create UDP server
let socket = dgram.createSocket('udp4');

socket objects in UDP mainly have the following methods:
bind(): binding port number
send(): send data
address(): get the address information related to the socket port number object
close(): close the socket object

Database ocean

Using MongoDB

Use mongoose to connect to mongDB:npm i mongoose
Connect mongodb using node mongodb native: NPM I mongodb
See mongodb for details

Connect to MySQl

Preparation: npm i mysql

const mysql = require('mysql');
const connection = mysql.createConnection({

End connection

//You can also use the destroy () method, which will immediately terminate the underlying socket without triggering more events and callback functions.

The mysql module provides a query() method, which can be used to execute sql statements to operate the mysql database.

connection.query('select * from data',(err,rows)=>{})

connection. The query () method also has an optional paramInfo parameter. When the sql statement contains variables, you can set "?" It is placed in the sql statement as a placeholder and passed to the sql statement through the paramInfo parameter.

connection.query('select * from ?',[table],(err,rows)=>{})

mysql module also provides an escape() method to prevent sql injection attacks.

//Define sql statement
let sql = 'select * from users where userid=123'+connection.escape(userid);

Keywords: node.js Front-end

Added by panoramical on Sun, 20 Feb 2022 13:02:25 +0200