11 data structure
Use an integer to index the table
a = {} -- The size is defined indirectly when initializing the array for i = 1, 1000 do a[i] = 0 end -- Generally, 1 is used as the starting index of the array -- It's OK not to, but some Lua Library and length operators are invalidated print(#a) -- Support list initialization squares = {1, 4, 9, 16, 25}
Matrix and multidimensional array
Use the table of table to explicitly create each row:
function createMatrix(m, n) local matrix = {} for i = 1, m do matrix[i] = {} for j = 1, n do matrix[i][j] = 0 end end return matrix end m0 = createMatrix(4, 4) for i = 1, #m0 do for j = 1, #m0[i] do if i == j then m0[i][j] = 1 else m0[i][j] = 0 end end end for i = 1, #m0 do for j = 1, #m0[i] do io.write(string.format("%3d", m0[i][j])) end print() end
Represented by one-dimensional table:
function createMatrix(m, n) local matrix = {} for i = 1, m do for j = 1, n do matrix[(i - 1) * n + j] = 0 end end return matrix end m = 4 n = 4 m0 = createMatrix(4, 4) for i = 1, m do for j = 1, n do if i == j then m0[(i - 1) * n + j] = 1 else m0[(i - 1) * n + j] = 0 end end end for i = 1, m do for j = 1, n do io.write(string.format("%3d", m0[(i - 1) * n + j])) end print() end
The table in Lua itself is sparse, so no additional skills are needed to deal with sparse arrays. During traversal, pairs is generally used to traverse non nil elements, but because the key s in table are unordered, using pairs does not guarantee sequential access
Linked list
-- Create list list = nil for i = 1, 5 do list = {next = list, value = i} end -- ergodic p = list while p do print(p, p.value) p = p.next end
Queue and bidirectional queue
List = {} function List.new() return {first = 0, last = -1} end function List.pushFirst(list, value) local first = list.first - 1 list.first = first list[first] = value end function List.pushLast(list, value) local last = list.last + 1 list.last = last list[last] = value end function List.popFirst(list) local first = list.first if first > list.last then error("list is empty") end local value = list[first] list[first] = nil list.first = first + 1 return value end function List.popLast(list) local last = list.last if first > list.last then error("list is empty") end local value = list[last] list[last] = nil list.last = last - 1 return value end function List.display(list) for i = list.first, list.last do print(i, list[i]) end end list = List.new() for i = 1, 3 do List.pushLast(list, i) end List.display(list) for i = 1, 3 do print(List.popFirst(list)) end List.display(list)
If you only need to use queues, just call pushLast and popFirst
Set and unordered group (bag)
Implement set in Lua:
reserved = { ["while"] = true, ["if"] = true, ["for"] = true, ["end"] = true, } function stringReserved(x) if reserved[x] then return true else return false end end print(stringReserved("end")) -->true print(stringReserved("blabla")) -->false
If you want to implement multiset, set value as a counter. If the counter is 0, delete the element
String buffer
local buffers = {} for line in io.lines() do if line == "" then break end buffers[#buffers + 1] = line .. "\n" end local s = table.concat(buffers) -- use concat print(s)
concat also has a second optional parameter, the delimiter
local buffers = {} for line in io.lines() do if line == "" then break end buffers[#buffers + 1] = line end buffers[#buffers + 1] = "" local s = table.concat(buffers, "\n") print(s)
The underlying implementation of concat is similar to a Hanoi tower shaped stack. See P102 for details
It is implemented with a table composed of nodes. There are two fields: the name of the node and the node set adjacent to the node
12 data files and persistence
data file
If it is a file similar to CSV format, it can be changed to the following form:
-- C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\LuaTests\data.txt -- be careful Entry{}It means to use one table Call a function for an argument Entry Entry{ "Alice", "18", "1997"} Entry{ "Bob", "20", "2000"}
There are several simple statistics:
local count = 0 function Entry() count = count + 1 end dofile("C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\LuaTests\\data.txt") print("numbers: " .. count)
You can also use the format of "self describing data":
-- C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\LuaTests\data.txt Entry{ name = "Alice", score = "78", year = "1997"} Entry{ name = "Bob", score = "99", year = "2000"}
Collect everyone's name:
local authors = {} function Entry(dataTable) authors[#authors + 1] = dataTable.name end dofile("C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\LuaTests\\data.txt") for key, val in pairs(authors) do print(val) end
Serialization: convert data into byte stream or character stream for storage or transmission.
-- Serialize numbers or strings function serialize(o) if type(o) == "number" then io.write(o) elseif type(o) == "string" then io.write(string.format("%q", o)) end end io.output("C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\LuaTests\\output.txt") serialize(18) serialize("\\d[]''")
Serialization result:
-- C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\LuaTests\output.txt 18"\\d[]''"
P108: serialization of Long String Tags
Save acyclic table
-- Serialization with indentation fourBlank = " " function printBlank(serializeLevel) for i = 1, serializeLevel do io.write(fourBlank) end end function serialize(o, serializeLevel) if type(o) == "number" then io.write(o) elseif type(o) == "string" then io.write(string.format("%q", o)) elseif type(o) == "table" then io.write("{\n") for key, val in pairs(o) do printBlank(serializeLevel) io.write(key, " = ") serialize(val, serializeLevel + 1) io.write(",\n") end printBlank(serializeLevel - 1) io.write("}") else error("cannot serialize a " .. type(o)) end end buffer = {} function Entry(dataTable) buffer[#buffer + 1] = dataTable end dofile("C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\LuaTests\\data.txt") io.output("C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\LuaTests\\output.txt") serialize(buffer, 1)
-- "C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\LuaTests\\data.txt" Entry{ name = "Alice", score = "78", year = "1997"} Entry{ name = "Bob", score = "99", year = "2000", book = {"abc", "def"}}
-- "C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\LuaTests\\output.txt" { 1 = { year = "1997", name = "Alice", score = "78", }, 2 = { book = { 1 = "abc", 2 = "def", }, year = "2000", name = "Bob", score = "99", }, }
Considering that the key of table may have an illegal Lua identifier, the
io.write(" ", k, " = ")
Change to
io.write("["); serialize(k); io.write("] = ")
The robustness of the function can be enhanced, and the output becomes:
-- "C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\LuaTests\\output.txt" { [1] = { ["year"] = "1997", ["name"] = "Alice", ["score"] = "78", }, [2] = { ["book"] = { [1] = "abc", [2] = "def", }, ["year"] = "2000", ["name"] = "Bob", ["score"] = "99", }, }
table with ring
Additional tables are required to record the tables that appear.
If table has ever appeared, use the previous name; If not, serialize and save the new name.
See P111 for details
13 metatable and metamethod
You can modify the behavior of a value through a meta table
t = {} t1 = {} print(getmetatable(t)) -->nil -- setmetatable Used to modify any table Meta table of -- Lua Can only be set in table Meta table of -- Meta table of other types of values must pass C Code complete setmetatable(t, t1) assert(getmetatable(t) == t1) print(getmetatable(t)) -->table: 0x006b1b60 -- All strings have meta tables set by the standard string library, and other types have no meta tables by default print(getmetatable("y")) -->table: 0x006b53e8 print(getmetatable(10)) -->nil
Meta method of arithmetic class
Write a simple Set class:
Set = {} -- Constructor function Set.new(list) local set = {} for _, v in ipairs(list) do set[v] = true end return set end -- Union function Set.union(a, b) local res = Set.new{} for k in pairs(a) do res[k] = true end for k in pairs(b) do res[k] = true end return res end -- intersection function Set.intersection(a, b) local res = Set.new{} for k in pairs(a) do res[k] = b[k] end return res end -- Set To string function Set.toString(set) local list = {} for e in pairs(set) do list[#list + 1] = e end return "{" .. table.concat(list, ", ") .. "}" end -- Print function Set.print(s) print(Set.toString(s)) end a = Set.new({1, 2, 3}) b = Set.new({2, 3, 4}) Set.print(Set.intersection(a, b)) -->{2, 3}
Add a meta table to it:
-- Set Set = {} local mtSet = {} function Set.new(list) local set = {} setmetatable(set, mtSet) --> Each new Set All have the same meta table for _, v in ipairs(list) do set[v] = true end return set end function Set.union(a, b) local res = Set.new{} for k in pairs(a) do res[k] = true end for k in pairs(b) do res[k] = true end return res end function Set.intersection(a, b) local res = Set.new{} for k in pairs(a) do res[k] = b[k] end return res end function Set.toString(set) local list = {} for e in pairs(set) do list[#list + 1] = e end return "{" .. table.concat(list, ", ") .. "}" end function Set.print(s) print(Set.toString(s)) end -- Add two meta methods to the meta table mtSet.__add = Set.union mtSet.__mul = Set.intersection -- end of Set a = Set.new({1, 2, 3}) b = Set.new({2, 3, 4}) Set.print(a * b) -->{2, 3}
The meta methods of the arithmetic class in the meta table also include:
- __add
- __mul
- __sub
- __div
- __ unm: opposite number
- __mod
- __pow
- __ concat: join operator
Lua's steps to find the meta table (taking the multiplication operator as an example): first check whether the first value has a meta table and whether there is a meta table in the meta table__ mul field, if any, is used as the meta method, which is irrelevant to the second value; If not, check the second value; If neither value is found, an error is raised.
If you want to get clearer error information, you can check the type of operands before the actual operation of the meta method:
function Set.intersection(a, b) if getmetatable(a) ~= mtSet or getmetatable(b) ~= mtSet then -- The second parameter 2 here indicates the number of layers in which the error occurs -- Measured in ZeroBrane Studio The number of lines that will affect the display of errors error("attempt to 'mul' a set with a non-set value", 2) end local res = Set.new{} for k in pairs(a) do res[k] = b[k] end return res end
Meta methods of relational classes
Meta methods of relation classes include:
- __ eq: equal to
- __ lt: less than
- __ le: less than or equal to
Not equal to, greater than, and greater than or equal to can be obtained by the above meta method
Note that meta methods of relational classes cannot be applied to mixed types, nor can you attempt to compare two objects with different meta methods
Equal comparison will never cause an error. If the types are different or the meta methods are different, it will directly return false
-- Set Set = {} local mtSet = {} function Set.new(list) local set = {} setmetatable(set, mtSet) for _, v in ipairs(list) do set[v] = true end return set end function Set.union(a, b) local res = Set.new{} for k in pairs(a) do res[k] = true end for k in pairs(b) do res[k] = true end return res end function Set.intersection(a, b) if getmetatable(a) ~= mtSet or getmetatable(b) ~= mtSet then error("attempt to 'mul' a set with a non-set value", 2) end local res = Set.new{} for k in pairs(a) do res[k] = b[k] end return res end function Set.toString(set) local list = {} for e in pairs(set) do list[#list + 1] = e end return "{" .. table.concat(list, ", ") .. "}" end function Set.print(s) print(Set.toString(s)) end mtSet.__add = Set.union mtSet.__mul = Set.intersection mtSet.__le = function(a, b) for k in pairs(a) do if not b[k] then return false end end return true end mtSet.__lt = function(a, b) return a <= b and not (b <= a) end mtSet.__eq = function(a, b) return a <= b and b <= a end -- end of Set a = Set.new({1, 2, 3}) b = Set.new({1, 2, 3, 4}) print(a < b) -->true print(a > b) -->false print(a <= b) -->true print(a >= b) -->false print(a == b) -->false print(a ~= b) -->true
Meta method defined by Library
The function print always calls tostring to format its output, and tostring checks whether the value has a__ Meta method of tostring
mtSet.__tostring = Set.toString b = Set.new({1, 2, 3, 4}) print(b) -->{1, 2, 3, 4}
Set field__ metatable can protect the meta table from being modified
mtSet.__metatable = "not your business" b = Set.new({1, 2, 3, 4}) myMt = {} setmetatable(b, myMt) -->D:\Program Files\ZeroBraneStudio\bin\lua.exe: C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\LuaTests\test0.lua:71: cannot change a protected metatable
Meta method of table access
If you access a field that does not exist in the table, the interpreter looks for a field named__ index meta method. If there is no meta method, nil is returned. Otherwise, the result returned by the meta method is returned:
Window = {} Window.mt = {} Window.prototype = { x = 0, y = 0, width = 800, height = 600 } function Window.new(o) setmetatable(o, Window.mt) return o end Window.mt.__index = function(table, key) return Window.prototype[key] end window = Window.new{x = 10, y = 20} print(window.width) -->800 window1 = Window.new{x = 10, y = 20, width = 256} print(window1.width) -->256
Will__ It is a common practice to use index for inheritance. Therefore, Lua supports the following wording:
Window.mt.__index = Window.prototype
Use table as__ The index metamethod can quickly implement single inheritance, but the function will be more flexible
window = Window.new{x = 10, y = 20} -- use rawget yes table Original access, that is, simple access without considering the meta table print(rawget(window, "x")) print(rawget(window, "width"))
It is used for updating table. It is used when assigning values to indexes that do not exist
-- A wrong example Window.mt.__newindex = function(table, key) table[key] = 1 -- Infinite recursion occurs here__newindex Meta method causes stack explosion end
Correct setting__ The newindex meta method needs to cooperate with rawset(table, key, val):
Window.mt.__newindex = function(table, key) rawset(table, key, 1) end -- Whether given to non-existent index What is the setting value -- The results are all assigned to 1 window.notExistIndex = 999 print(window.notExistIndex)
Combined use__ index and__ The newindex meta method can realize the powerful functions in Lua: read-only table, table with default value and inheritance
table with default value
Window = {} Window.mt = {} function Window.new(o) return o end local key = {} -- Prevent name conflicts with a new one table As the only key local mt = { __index = function(t) return t[key] end } function setDefault(t, d) t[key] = d setmetatable(t, mt) end window = Window.new{x = 10, y = 10} setDefault(window, 0) print(window.newIndex) -->0
Track access to table
Window = {} Window.mt = {} function Window.new(o) return o end window = Window.new{x = 10, y = 10} local _window = window window = {} local mt = { __index = function(t, k) print("access to element " .. tostring(k)) return _window[k] end, __newindex = function(t, k, v) print("update of element " .. tostring(k) .. " to " .. tostring(v)) _window[k] = v end } setmetatable(window, mt) print(window.x) window.x = 20 window.newIndex = 100
access to element x 10 update of element x to 20 update of element newIndex to 100
The problem with the above method is that the original table cannot be traversed
Monitor multiple table s at the same time:
Window = {} Window.mt = {} function Window.new(o) return o end window = Window.new{x = 10, y = 10} window1 = Window.new{x = 15, y = 10} window2 = Window.new{x = 15, y = 15} local index = {} local mt = { __index = function(t, k) print("access to element " .. tostring(k)) return t[index][k] end, __newindex = function(t, k, v) print("update of element " .. tostring(k) .. " to " .. tostring(v)) t[index][k] = v end } function track(t) local proxy = {} proxy[index] = t setmetatable(proxy, mt) return proxy end window = track(window) window1 = track(window1) window2 = track(window2) window.x = 30 window1.aaa = 300 window2.bbb = 40
Read only table
Window = {} Window.mt = {} function Window.new(o) return o end window = Window.new{x = 10, y = 10} window1 = Window.new{x = 15, y = 10} window2 = Window.new{x = 15, y = 15} function readOnly(t) local proxy = {} local mt = { -- The query access of the agent directly uses the original query table __index = t, -- An error is reported for all update operations __newindex = function(t, k, v) error("attempt to update a read-only table", 2) end } setmetatable(proxy, mt) return proxy end window = readOnly(window) window.x = 90