npm publishing component (* *)

1, New vue project

Directory structure:



2, Modify project folder

1. Create a packages folder (used to store the written components)

2. Change src to examples

3. Create a vue.config.js file and modify it

Since the src folder has been modified, an error will be reported if the entry (main.js) is not found after starting the vue project, so it is necessary to specify the startup entry again

module.exports = {
  // take examples Add directory as new page
  pages: {
    index: {
      // page Entrance to
      entry: 'examples/main.js',
      // Template source
      template: 'public/index.html',
      // Output file name
      filename: 'index.html'

4. Directory structure


3, Write component

1. Directory (I wrote 2 components)


2. Structure and code analysis

    A.   YoungForm * * * is a folder with * * * dynamicForm.vue * * * and * * * index below

B. ***dynamicForm.vue * * * is a component

export default {
    name:"yForm", //be careful:Component must declare name,this name Is the label when referring to the component

C. ***index.js * * * is a component export file

import yForm from './dynamicForm.vue'
// Add for component install Method for on-demand import
yForm.install = function (Vue) {
    Vue.component(, yForm)
export default yForm

3. Integrate all components and modify index.js under packages


// Import components
import yForm from './YoungForm/index'
import yTable from './YoungTable/index'

// Save components to an array
const components = [

// definition install method
const install = function (Vue) {
    if (install.installed) return
    install.installed = true
    // Traverse the component list and register global components => {
        Vue.component(, component) // Components used here vue In file name attribute

if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.Vue) {

export default {
    // The exported object must have a install method
    // Component list


4, Test whether the components are normal

1. Import components in main.js

import yForm from '../packages/index'

2. Use the component on the page (the tag name is the name of the previously defined component)



3. Run the project. If there are no bugs, it can be packaged and released. If there are bugs, write your own components and solve them yourself!

5, Package components

1. Modify package.json file

Add a sentence to the script,   “lib”: “vue-cli-service build --target lib --name young-form --dest lib packages/index.js”


"scripts": {
    "serve": "vue-cli-service serve",
    "build": "vue-cli-service build",
    "lint": "vue-cli-service lint",
    "lib": "vue-cli-service build --target lib --name young-form --dest lib packages/index.js"


Four parameters are required:

  • target: the default is to build an application, instead of   lib   You can enable build library mode

  • Name: output file name

  • dest: output directory. The default is dist. Here we change it to   lib

  • Entry: the path of the entry file. The default is src/App.vue, which is changed to   packages/index.js


2. Execute the command and compile the component   npm run lib generates a lib folder


6, Modify a series of configurations

1. Modification   package.json

"name": "young-form",
"version": "1.0.8",
"description": "This is a dynamic component",
"main": "lib/young-form.umd.min.js",
"private": false,
"license": "MIT",
"author": "yuanxiaotian",


Name: package name, which cannot conflict with the existing name

Version: version number, which cannot be the same as the historical version number

description: Introduction

main: entry file, which should point to the compiled package file

* * keyword: * * keyword, separated by spaces

* * Author: * * author

* * private: * * private. It needs to be modified to false to publish to npm

* * license: * * open source agreement

2. Create publish ignore file * *. npmignore**


# Local development documents

# log file

# Editor file

7, Publish components to npm

1. Execute the command to modify the npm source

    npm config set registry

2.npm login log in to your npm account (if not, please go to the npm official website to register one)

3. Publish components

npm publish


Added by kkurkowski on Wed, 24 Nov 2021 19:54:20 +0200