Observer mode in design mode

Observer mode

The observer pattern defines one to many dependencies between objects, so that when an object changes state, all its dependencies are notified and automatically updated

The observer model has two roles, one is the observer, the other is the observed (subject), which can also be considered as the subscriber and publisher.

It's the observer who receives the notice.

If the words "Observer" and "observed" have been confused, we can use newspaper publishing subscription to cover them. The customer is the person who subscribes to the newspaper and receives the notice, so the customer is the observer, so the newspaper office is the observed.


 * abstract class
 * @author aodeng-Low profile Panda
 * @since 19-7-15
public abstract class Customer {
    * <p>
    * Define an abstract method
    * </p>
    * @author aodeng
    * @since 19-7-15
    public abstract void update();

 * Notified observer customer A
 * @author aodeng-Low profile Panda
 * @since 19-7-15
public class CustomerA extends Customer {
    public void update() {
        System.out.println("I am a client. A,I got the paper!");
 * Notified observer customer B
 * @author aodeng-Low profile Panda
 * @since 19-7-15
public class CustomerB extends Customer {
    public void update() {
        System.out.println("I am a client. B,I got the paper");
 * Observed newspaper
 * @author aodeng-Low profile Panda
 * @since 19-7-15
public class NewsOffice {
    private List<Customer> customerList=new ArrayList<>();

    public void add(Customer customer){

    * <p>
    * Here comes the simulation new newspaper
    * </p> 
    * @author aodeng
    * @since 19-7-15
    public void newspaperCome(){

    public void notifyAllObservers(){
        for (Customer customer : customerList) {


    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Hello World!");
        NewsOffice newsOffice=new NewsOffice();
        newsOffice.add(new CustomerA());
        newsOffice.add(new CustomerB());

    Hello World!
    I'm customer A, I got the newspaper!
    I'm client B. I got the paper


 * Define the observed interface
 * @author aodeng-Low profile Panda
 * @since 19-7-15
public interface ISubject {
    public void registerObserver(Customer customer);
    public void removeObserver(Customer customer);
    public void notifyObservers();

/**Enhanced edition of the observed newspaper
 * @author aodeng-Low profile Panda
 * @since 19-7-15
public class NewsOfficeNiu implements ISubject {

    private List<Customer> customerList = new ArrayList<>();

    public void registerObserver(Customer customer) {

    public void removeObserver(Customer customer) {

    public void notifyObservers() {
        for (Customer customer : customerList) {

    //Here comes the mock newspaper
    public void newspaperCome(){


        System.out.println("enhanced version ========");
        ISubject iSubject=new NewsOfficeNiu();
        Customer customera=new CustomerA();
        iSubject.registerObserver(new CustomerB());
        ((NewsOfficeNiu) iSubject).newspaperCome();
       Enhanced version========
       I'm client B. I got the paper

Observer pattern provided by Java

Java has provided us with the classes required by observer pattern: Observer class and Subject class. In Java, the Subject is not called Subject, but is called Observable.

copy a demo

public class NewsOffice2 extends Observable {

     * Here comes the mock newspaper
    public void newspaperCome(){
public class CustomerC implements Observer {

    public void update(Observable o, Object arg) {
        System.out.println("I am a client. C,I got the message");

Observableoffice = new NewsOffice2();
Observer observer = new CustomerC();


((NewsOffice2) office).newspaperCome();


java takes thread safety into consideration, but it is convenient to write by itself, which has advantages and disadvantages

1. advantages
There is an abstract coupling between the observer and the observed, and there is a set of trigger mechanism. The observed does not need to know who the notification object is, as long as it conforms to the observer interface.

2. disadvantages
The observer only knows the changes of the observed, but can't know how, such as modifying the name field or other fields, the observer doesn't know.
If there are many observers, one by one notification is more time-consuming.

Source code

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Keywords: Java github

Added by JohnMC on Fri, 01 Nov 2019 13:40:14 +0200