One key package / deployment scheme of Ctrip Apollo


One click package / deployment scheme of Ctrip Apollo.

Almost no need to modify any Apollo source code or configuration to build a rapid development / test environment.

Project address:

1. Download source code


git clone

Compile script

git clone

Project directory structure:

-- apollo/   <--Precompiled version
   -- admin/
   -- config/
   -- portal/
   -- apollo.env
   -- docker-compose.yml
-- build/    <--Compile script
   -- gulpfile.js
   -- ...

2. Environmental preparation


Apollo project builds with Maven


The script is written in Gulp and requires Node.js


The test server needs to install Docker and Docker compose

3. Compatibility check

Before using script packaging, check the compatibility of maven version. Run the built-in compilation script of the project, and pass if no error is reported.

// Run under project root
cd scripts

My maven version is 3.6.3, and errors will be reported during compilation:

[INFO] Apollo ConfigService ............................... FAILURE [  5.037 s]
[INFO] Apollo AdminService ................................ SKIPPED
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time:  49.311 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2020-05-23T11:08:01+08:00
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-assembly-plugin:2.6:single (default) on project apollo-configservice: Execution default of goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-assembly-plugin:2.6:single failed: An API incompatibility was encountered while executing org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-assembly-plugin:2.6:single: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError: null
[ERROR] Number of foreign imports: 1
[ERROR] import: Entry[import  from realm ClassRealm[maven.api, parent: null]]
[ERROR] -----------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] : Index 1 out of bounds for length 1

The exception information is not intuitive. After some exploration, it is caused by the incompatibility between maven assembly plugin and maven version.

Modify the pom.xml File, change the Maven assembly plugin version to 3.3.0.

<!-- v1.6.1 494-498 That's ok -->

Run again after modification build.bat Script, compiled.

4. Compile

Copy the build folder of this project to the root directory of apollo. The directory structure is:

-- apollo-portal/
-- build/
   -- gulpfile.js

Open the console in the build directory and do the following

# ~/apollo/build/
# Installation required Node.js
npm i

Wait for the compilation to complete.

-- build/
   -- apollo/
      -- admin/
      -- config/
      -- portal/
      -- apollo.env           <- General environment variables
      -- docker-compose.yml   <- Run script
   -- gulpfile.js

Modify as needed apollo.env And docker-compose.yml .

# apollo.env
DS_IP=                    # IP address of the host where the database is located
DS_PORT=3306                           # Database port
HOST_IP=                  # Docker host IP, only referenced in environment variable

DS_USERNAME=root                       # Database user name
DS_PASSWORD=123456                     # Database password
eureka.instance.ip-address=${HOST_IP}  # The IP specified when registering with Eureka. The host IP is used here
# docker-compose.yml
version: '3'
    container_name: apollo-configservice-01
    build: ./config
      - 8080:8080
      - /data/apollo/config01:/opt/logs/100003171
      - apollo.env
      - DB_NAME=ApolloConfigDB_Docker      # Database name
    container_name: apollo-portalservice-01
    build: ./portal
      - 8070:8070
      - /data/apollo/portal01:/opt/logs/100003173
      - apollo.env
      - DB_NAME=ApolloPortalDB_Docker
      - LOCAL_META= ා address of Eureka
      - DEV_META=     #
      - FAT_META=     #
      - UAT_META=     #
      - LPT_META=     #
      - PRO_META=     #

In addition, other Spring configurations can be added to the environment to override Apollo's default parameters, such as

  - server.port=18080

5. Stand alone deployment

Test environment: CentOS8 (Vmware) and install Docker and Docker compose

Upload the newly generated apollo folder to the server

-- build/
   --Apollo / < upload this folder
   -- gulpfile.js

Command line into the apollo folder, run

docker-compose up -d

Check whether the startup is successful

docker-compose ps
          Name                        Command               State           Ports
apollo-adminservice-01    /apollo-adminservice/scrip ...   Up>8090/tcp
apollo-configservice-01   /apollo-configservice/scri ...   Up>8080/tcp
apollo-portalservice-01   /apollo-portal/scripts/sta ...   Up>8070/tcp

Note: docker compose must include docker in- compose.yml The file can only be executed in the directory.

If the startup fails, check the log in the server / data/apollo /. The log location in docker has been redirected to the host in the previous configuration.

If the network fails to start, refer to this article:

Due to the slow process of service registration and discovery, you need to wait about 30 seconds after startup (human flesh timing)

Visit Eureka management page in browser /, you can see that apollo-adminsert and APOLLO-CONFIGSERVICE have been successfully registered, and the ip address is correct.

Visit the Apollo portal administration page /, administrator Tools > system information, you can see that apollo-adminsert and APOLLO-CONFIGSERVICE have been successfully obtained in the environment information.

Note: if the server has a firewall, you need to open the corresponding port and restart the firewall

firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=8080/tcp --permanen

6. Distributed deployment

6.1 test environment

Tester 1: CentOS 8 (Vmware)
---- ConfigService
---- AdminService
---- Portal

Tester 2: CentOS 8 (Vmware)
---- ConfigService
---- AdminService

6.2 modify configuration

Select the precompiled version for deployment.

data base

UPDATE serverconfig
SET `Value` = ","
WHERE `Key` = "eureka.service.url"

Tester 1

Copy the Apollo folder under the root directory of this project, and name it apollo_103. modify apollo.env `, others are modified according to the actual environment.


Modify docker-compose.yml , others are modified according to the actual environment.

    - DB_NAME=ApolloPortalDB_Docker
    - LOCAL_META=,
    - DEV_META=,

Tester 2

Copy apollo_103 and renamed apollo_104. modify apollo.env , others are modified according to the actual environment.


Modify docker-compose.yml , comment out (or delete) the apollo-portal-01 section. Others shall be modified according to the actual environment.

#  apollo-portal-01:
#    container_name: apollo-portalservice-01
#    build: ./portal
#    ports:
#      - 8070:8070
#    volumes:
#      - /data/apollo/portal01:/opt/logs/100003173
#    env_file:
#      - apollo.env
#    environment:
#      - DB_NAME=ApolloPortalDB_Docker
#      - LOCAL_META=,
#      - DEV_META=,
#      - FAT_META=,
#      - UAT_META=,
#      - LPT_META=,
#      - PRO_META=,

6.3 start Apollo

Log in to two servers respectively, and log in to Apollo_ Execute in 10x Directory:

docker-compose up -d

Keywords: Programming Docker Maven Database git

Added by S A N T A on Sun, 24 May 2020 17:56:59 +0300