Open Ajax comments for Typecho theme, and truly realize site wide Brushless

Now that you have done it, you must do it very well. Since Pjax is opened, it is necessary to truly realize the brushless of the whole station.


Before implementing comment Ajax, I also found several tutorials on the Internet and studied them. Most of them are implemented with jQuery, but not every topic will introduce jQuery. Secondly, it is not worth introducing jQuery to implement Ajax. So I choose to implement it in a native way.

Implementation process

First, we need to know what requests the browser initiates and what request messages are when the form is submitted. When commenting, the browser will initiate a POST request. The data in the request body contains the reviewer's information (name, url, mail, text). Note that it is necessary to judge whether the user logs in. If so, there is only text

You can use the value attribute of the dom element to get the data of the user form, and then initiate an ajax request. Request address, which can be obtained from the action attribute on the form. At present, we also need to extract and replace the dom elements in the response message. You can also add some excessive animation and so on. It should be noted that you should not forget to overload some methods and prevent the default submission of events.

The complete code is pasted below


1class Comment {
3    static comment_init() {
4      const commentsReply = document.querySelectorAll('span.comment_reply > a')
5      const replyForm = document.querySelector('.reply')
6      const isComment = document.querySelector('')
7      for (let el of commentsReply) {
8        el.addEventListener('click', e => {
9          // Get the parent ID for the recover button binding event
10          const href ='href')
11          window.parentId = href.match(/replyTo=(\d+)/)[1]
12          // Pop up reply box
13          replyForm.removeAttribute('style')
14          if (isComment.classList.contains('active')) isComment.classList.remove('active');
15          setTimeout(() => {
16            document.getElementById('cancel-comment-reply-link').addEventListener('click', () => {
17     = 'none';
18            })
19          })
20        })
21      }
22    }
23  }
25  Comment.comment_init()
27  // ajax comment submission implementation method
29  // Block default events
30  const form = document.getElementById('comment-form')
31  form.addEventListener('submit', function (e) {
32    e.preventDefault();
33    post_by_ajax(e, '#comment-form')
34  });
36  const reply_form = document.querySelector('.reply_form')
37  reply_form.addEventListener('submit', function (e) {
38    e.preventDefault();
39    post_by_ajax(e, '.reply_form', true)
40  });
43  // ajax submission
44  function post_by_ajax(e, sel, reply = false) {
45    const isComment = document.querySelector('')
46    const commentForm = document.querySelector(sel)
47    const post_url ='action')
48    const cookie = document.cookie
49    const referer = window.location.href
50    const domParser = new DOMParser()
51    const dom = str => domParser.parseFromString(str, 'text/html')
53    // If you are an administrator, log in
54    if (!document.querySelector('#comment-form #author')) {
55      const text = commentForm.querySelector('#text').value
56      let data = null
58      if (reply) {
59        data = {
60          text, parent: window.parentId
61        }
62      } else {
63        data = {
64          text
65        }
66      }
67      ks.ajax({
68        url: post_url,
69        method: 'POST',
70        data,
71        success(res) {
72          const responseDOM = dom(res.responseText)
74          try {
75            isComment.classList.contains('active') ? isComment.classList.remove('active') : false
76            const needPartten = responseDOM.querySelector('.comment-list').innerHTML
77            needPartten === document.querySelector('.comment-list').innerHTML ? ks.notice("Please wait for approval φ(>ω<*) ", {
78              color: "green",
79              time: 1000
80            }) : (document.querySelector('.comment-list').innerHTML = needPartten, ks.notice("The review succeeded (〃'▽'〃)", {
81              color: "green",
82              time: 1000
83            }), (reply ? false : window.scrollSmoothTo(document.body.scrollHeight || document.documentElement.scrollHeight)))
85          } catch (e) {
86            ks.notice(responseDOM.querySelector('.container').innerText, {
87              color: "red",
88              time: 1500
89            })
90          }
91          Comment.comment_init()
92        },
93        failed(res) {
94          console.log(res)
95          ks.notice("(;´д`)ゞ failed", {
96            color: 'red',
97            time: 1500
98          })
99        }
100      })
101    } else {
102      const author = commentForm.querySelector('#author').value
103      const mail = commentForm.querySelector('#mail').value
104      const url = commentForm.querySelector('#url').value
105      const text = commentForm.querySelector('#text').value
107      if (reply) {
108        data = {
109          author, mail, url, text, parent: window.parentId
110        }
111      } else {
112        data = {
113          author, mail, url, text,
114        }
115      }
117      ks.ajax({
118        method: "POST",
119        url: post_url,
120        data,
121        success(res) {
122          const responseDOM = dom(res.responseText)
123          isComment.classList.contains('active') ? isComment.classList.remove('active') : false
124          try {
125            const needPartten = responseDOM.querySelector('.comment-list').innerHTML
126            needPartten === document.querySelector('.comment-list').innerHTML ? ks.notice("Please wait for approval φ(>ω<*) ", {
127              color: "green",
128              time: 1000
129            }) : (document.querySelector('.comment-list').innerHTML = needPartten, ks.notice("The review succeeded (〃'▽'〃)", {
130              color: "green",
131              time: 1000
132            }), (reply ? false : window.scrollSmoothTo(document.body.scrollHeight || document.documentElement.scrollHeight)))
133            Comment.comment_init()
134          } catch (e) {
135            ks.notice(responseDOM.querySelector('.container').innerText, {
136              color: "red",
137              time: 1500
138            })
139          }
141        }
142        ,
143        failed(res) {
144          console.log(res)
145          ks.notice("(;´д`)ゞ failed", {
146            color: 'red',
147            time: 1500
148          })
149        }
150      })
152    }
153    return false
154  }


Follow up notes

After completing the Ajax request, I did two things.

First, judge whether the comment is successful. If it fails, a message box will pop up to explain the reason. If successful, reload the method and jump to the place of new comments by means of smooth movement.

Second, after the comment is successful, withdraw the comment box.

Because Kico Style is used in the project, AJAX requests are made by KS Ajax () implementation, native methods can also be used.

Topics using the above implementation methods:


Added by Jackdaw on Wed, 29 Dec 2021 12:13:37 +0200