Recently, I began to bite the openGauss compatible package. I'll practice with a simpler one first.
UTL_ The url package has only two functions, "ESCAPE" and "unscape", which are actually two functions of URLENCODE and URLDECODE used in other development languages. They are mainly used to process some specific characters of the url string, so as not to cause ambiguity when transmitting the url string as data. They are often used. At present, three-party extensions support these two functions( ), but it's a little inconvenient to compile and expand in openGauss. I write one directly with plsql, which is easier to install and use.
First try to restore the logic of the two functions in this package in oracle
ESCAPE has three parameters: url string, whether to replace reserved characters (no replacement by default), and url character set
Usage examples
--Pass only URL,The other two parameters are default select utl_url.escape(' / I started a blog ') from dual; -- --Obviously,Here, because the character set is not specified,The result of conversion is incorrect --For non ASCII Character with UTF8 code select utl_url.escape(' / I started blogging ', URL_ charset=>'AL32UTF8') from dual; -- --For non ASCII Character with GBK Encode select utl_url.escape(' / I started blogging ', URL_ charset=>'ZHS16GBK') from dual; -- --For non ASCII Character with GBK Encode,And replace all reserved characters BEGIN DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line( utl_url.escape(' / ', TRUE,'ZHS16GBK '); END; /
It doesn't seem very troublesome. You just need to judge character by character. When you recognize the character that needs to be converted, get its binary data, express it in hexadecimal string, and format this hexadecimal string into the form of "% FF*n".
The code is as follows
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION URLENCODE(url IN VARCHAR2 CHARACTER SET ANY_CS, escape_reserved_chars IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, url_charset IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'al32utf8') RETURN VARCHAR2 AS L_TMP VARCHAR2(6000); L_BAD VARCHAR2(100) DEFAULT ' >%}\~];?@&<#{|^[`/:=$+''"'; l_reserved_chars VARCHAR2(100) DEFAULT ';/?:@&=+$[]'; L_CHAR CHAR(1 CHAR); BEGIN IF (url IS NULL) THEN RETURN NULL; END IF; if not escape_reserved_chars then L_BAD := translate(L_BAD, l_reserved_chars, ''); end if; FOR I IN 1 .. LENGTH(url) LOOP L_CHAR := SUBSTR(url, I, 1); IF (INSTR(L_BAD, L_CHAR) > 0 or ascii(L_CHAR) > 255) THEN L_TMP := L_TMP || regexp_replace(rawtohex(utl_raw.cast_to_raw(convert(L_CHAR, url_charset))), '(.{2})', '%\1'); ELSE L_TMP := L_TMP || L_CHAR; END IF; END LOOP; RETURN L_TMP; END URLENCODE; /
For the above usage example, use the URLENCODE function just created to utl_url.escape replacement can be executed and the output result is correct
UNESCAPE has two parameters: the url string that has been urldecode d and the url character set
Usage examples
--with GBK Character set pair URL Restore select utl_url.unescape('','ZHS16GBK') from dual; -- / I started blogging --with UTF8 Character set pair URL Restore select utl_url.unescape('','AL32UTF8') from dual; -- / I started blogging
This seems a little more difficult to deal with than the above one, because I consider that the number of bytes in different character sets is different, but later I think, you can not consider the character set first, convert ordinary characters into binary data, remove the percentage sign from hexadecimal characters, and directly use it as binary data in hexadecimal form, and spell all binary data together, Finally, it can be converted into a displayable string according to the specified character set
The code is as follows
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION URLDECODE(url IN VARCHAR2 CHARACTER SET ANY_CS, url_charset IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'AL32UTF8') RETURN VARCHAR2 IS L_RETURN VARCHAR2(2000); BEGIN select CONVERT(UTL_RAW.cast_to_varchar2(LISTAGG(CASE WHEN LENGTH(A) = 3 THEN HEXTORAW(REPLACE(A, '%')) ELSE UTL_RAW.cast_to_raw(A) END) --within group (order by 1) --18c The following line of notes is cancelled ), url_charset) INTO L_RETURN from (select REGEXP_SUBSTR(url, '(%.{2}|.)', 1, LEVEL) A from DUAL CONNECT BY LENGTH(REGEXP_SUBSTR(url, '(%.{2}|.)', 1, LEVEL)) > 0) A; RETURN L_RETURN; END; /
Similarly, the new function urlcode can completely replace utl_url.unescape usage
Now that the logic has been sorted out, the next step is to migrate to openGauss
openGauss(postgresql) compatible code
The syntax and functions of openGauss are quite different from those of oracle, but since the logic has been written, it is not troublesome to change it. Just pay attention to using built-in functions as much as possible to improve efficiency
create schema UTL_URL; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION UTL_URL.escape(url IN TEXT, escape_reserved_chars IN BOOL DEFAULT FALSE, url_charset IN TEXT DEFAULT 'UTF8') RETURNS TEXT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE NOT FENCED NOT SHIPPABLE AS $$ declare L_TMP TEXT DEFAULT ''; L_BAD TEXT DEFAULT ' >%}\~];?@&<#{|^[`/:=$+''"'; l_reserved_chars TEXT DEFAULT ';/?:@&=+$[]'; L_CHAR TEXT; BEGIN IF (url IS NULL) THEN RETURN NULL; END IF; if not escape_reserved_chars then L_BAD := translate(L_BAD, l_reserved_chars, ''); end if; FOR I IN 1..LENGTH(url) LOOP L_CHAR := SUBSTR(url, I, 1); IF (INSTR(L_BAD, L_CHAR) > 0 or ascii(L_CHAR) > 255) THEN L_TMP := L_TMP || regexp_replace(upper(REPLACE(convert_TO(L_CHAR, url_charset)::TEXT,'\x','')),'(.{2})', '%\1','g'); ELSE L_TMP := L_TMP || L_CHAR; END IF; END LOOP; RETURN L_TMP; END; $$; / CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION UTL_URL.unescape(url IN TEXT, url_charset IN TEXT DEFAULT 'UTF8') RETURNS TEXT LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE NOT FENCED NOT SHIPPABLE AS $$ select CONVERT_FROM(string_agg(CASE WHEN LENGTH(A) = 3 THEN decode(REPLACE(A, '%'), 'HEX') ELSE A :: bytea END, '' :: bytea), url_charset) from (select a from (select (regexp_matches(url, '(%..|.)', 'g')) [ 1 ] a ) ) A; $$; /
select utl_url.escape(' / I started a blog ', true, URL_ charset=>'GBK') union all select utl_url.escape(' / I started blogging ', URL_ charset=>'GBK') union all select utl_url.escape(' / I started blogging ', URL_ charset=>'UTF8') union all select utl_url.unescape('','GBK') union all select utl_url.unescape('','UTF8') ;
In addition, if it is opengauss2 1.0 or above, and the A compatibility mode is selected when installing the database, you can also use the package method without creating A new schema
CREATE OR REPLACE package pg_catalog.UTL_URL as function escape(url IN TEXT, escape_reserved_chars IN BOOL DEFAULT FALSE, url_charset IN TEXT DEFAULT 'UTF8') RETURN TEXT; FUNCTION unescape(url IN TEXT, url_charset IN TEXT DEFAULT 'UTF8') RETURN TEXT; end UTL_URL; / CREATE OR REPLACE package body pg_catalog.UTL_URL as function escape(url IN TEXT, escape_reserved_chars IN BOOL DEFAULT FALSE, url_charset IN TEXT DEFAULT 'UTF8') RETURN TEXT IMMUTABLE NOT FENCED NOT SHIPPABLE AS L_TMP TEXT DEFAULT ''; L_BAD TEXT DEFAULT ' >%}\~];?@&<#{|^[`/:=$+''"'; l_reserved_chars TEXT DEFAULT ';/?:@&=+$[]'; L_CHAR TEXT; BEGIN IF (url IS NULL) THEN RETURN NULL; END IF; if not escape_reserved_chars then L_BAD := translate(L_BAD, l_reserved_chars, ''); end if; FOR I IN 1.. LENGTH(url) LOOP L_CHAR := SUBSTR(url, I, 1); IF (INSTR(L_BAD, L_CHAR) > 0 or ascii(L_CHAR) > 255) THEN L_TMP := L_TMP || regexp_replace(upper(REPLACE(convert_TO(L_CHAR, url_charset)::TEXT,'\x','')),'(.{2})', '%\1','g'); ELSE L_TMP := L_TMP || L_CHAR; END IF; END LOOP; RETURN L_TMP; END; FUNCTION unescape(url IN TEXT, url_charset IN TEXT DEFAULT 'UTF8') RETURN TEXT IMMUTABLE NOT FENCED NOT SHIPPABLE AS l_return text; begin select CONVERT_FROM(string_agg(CASE WHEN LENGTH(A) = 3 THEN decode(REPLACE(A, '%'), 'HEX') ELSE A :: bytea END, '' :: bytea), url_charset) into l_return from (select a from (select (regexp_matches(url, '(%..|.)', 'g')) [ 1 ] a ) ) A; return l_return; end; end UTL_URL; /
- Author: DarkAthena
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